
Version 1.18: Caves and Cliffs Update Part 2 Summary

Caves and Cliffs Part 2 Banner
Version 1.18: Caves and Cliffs Part 2 is a software addition available for Minecraft. Read on to learn about Caves and Cliff's Part 2's updated features, as well as any changes or additional content!

Version 1.18 Caves and Cliffs Part 2 Info

Released in November 2021

Caves and Cliffs Part 2 is out as of November 30th 2021

Caves and Cliffs Part 2 Update was released on November 30th, 2021. New features, such as the Height limit of worlds as well as new biomes were added, expanding the possibilities for world-building and exploration.

The Second Part of a Massive Update

This update is the second part of the Caves and Cliffs Update, the first half being released on June 9th, 2021.

Caves and Cliffs Part 2 New Features

New Features in Cliffs and Caves Part 2
New Mountain-based Biomes New Cave Types
Additional Caves Biomes World Height and Depth Increase

New Biomes

Six Biomes have been added with the update, add more variation to your standard mountain biome.

List of New Biomes

Jagged Peaks Frozen Peaks
Jagged Peaks Frozen Peaks
Stony Peaks Snowy Slopes
Stony Peaks Snowy Slopes
Meadow Grove
Meadow Grove

New Cave Types

Two new cave features have been added in the update: Noise Caves and Aquifers.

Noise Caves

Noise Caves

Noise Caves are a new Cave generation system that greatly expands the variety of cave interiors in Minecraft. The names are food-themed: Cheese Caves, Spaghetti Caves, and Noodle Caves.

The Cave Type Determines the Interior

The name of the Cave determines the interior

Cheese Caves, similar to Swiss Cheese, have large open areas. Spaghetti Caves have many long, winding tunnels. Noodle Caves are similar to Spaghetti Caves, but the tunnels and narrower and more numerous.



Aquifers are new water systems that appear in Noise Caves. Since their size is not determined by the world's sea level, anything from tiny ponds to large underground lakes can now be found in caves.

Additional Caves Biomes

There are also two additional cave Biomes. Both Biomes, Dripstone Caves and Lush Caves contain unique materials that can only be found in those areas.

Dripstone Caves

Dripstone Caves

The new Dripstone and Pointed Dripstone Blocks can only be found in Dripstone Caves.

Lush Caves

Lush Caves

Items such as Azaleas, Flowering Azaleas, and Glowberries can only be found in Lush Caves.

World Height and Depth Increase

height and depth have been increased

The overall heights and depths for worlds have been increased, allowing you to create taller structures and explore further underground. The underground is now twice as deep compared to Update 1.17 and previous versions.

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