
List of All Food Items

MC - List of All Food Banner.png
Food items in Minecraft are primarily used as a way to regenerate hunger, which in turn helps regenerate HP. Some food items may also have special effects that buff or debuff players. Read on to learn about the different kinds of food available to eat in Minecraft.

List of All Food Items


List of Items
Potato IconPotato Poisonous Potato IconPoisonous Potato Melon Slice IconMelon Slice Glow Berries IconGlow Berries
Sweet Berries IconSweet Berries Golden Carrot IconGolden Carrot Golden Apple IconGolden Apple Enchanted Apple IconEnchanted Apple
Chorus Fruit IconChorus Fruit Carrot IconCarrot Beetroot IconBeetroot Apple IconApple

Crops are food items that can be grown and harvested within the world. These are typically fruits or vegetables, that can prove effective for a quick fix, but don't restore as much hunger as meat or fish.


List of Items
Rotten Flesh IconRotten Flesh Raw Porkchop IconRaw Porkchop Raw Mutton IconRaw Mutton Raw Rabbit IconRaw Rabbit
Raw Chicken IconRaw Chicken Raw Beef IconRaw Beef

Meat food items are typically dropped by slain mobs. They can be eaten raw, but most of them would be better if cooked.


List of Items
Tropical Fish IconTropical Fish Raw Salmon IconRaw Salmon Pufferfish IconPufferfish Raw Cod IconRaw Cod

Fish food items can be collected by fishing in water. Pufferfish also has an added benefit of being a useful potion ingredient.

Cooked Food

List of Items
Cooked Salmon IconCooked Salmon Cooked Rabbit IconCooked Rabbit Cooked Porkchop IconCooked Porkchop Cooked Mutton IconCooked Mutton
Cooked Cod IconCooked Cod Cooked Chicken IconCooked Chicken Steak IconSteak

When meat or fish is cooked, they become more effective at replenishing hunger than just their raw counterparts.

Crafted Dishes

List of Items
Suspicious Stew IconSuspicious Stew Rabbit Stew IconRabbit Stew Pumpkin Pie IconPumpkin Pie Mushroom Stew IconMushroom Stew
Dried Kelp IconDried Kelp Cookie IconCookie Bread IconBread Beetroot Soup IconBeetroot Soup
Baked Potato IconBaked Potato

A few other dishes don't have to be cooked, and instead can be prepared by crafting them with different ingredients.


List of Items
Spider Eye IconSpider Eye Milk IconMilk

Spider Eye can be eaten but will trigger poison,while Milk can be drank to remove all status effects on a player.


MC - Eating Cake to Restore Health.gif
Cake, while not an individual Item, is also considered Food and restores Hunger. When placed as a block, players may consume the cake one slice at a time.

How Food Affects Hunger

Food Restores Hunger

MC - Eating Restores Hunger Being Full Restores Health.gif
Eating Food restores Hunger, with some food restoring more hunger points than others. Certain types of foods can also keep you full for longer, which lessens the need to continuously eat and carry plenty of food items. It is important to keep full to continuously regenerate health.

Based on our observation, cooked food and golden food (such as Golden Apples and Golden Carrots) tend to be better at restoring hunger and keeping you full than uncooked food.

Minecraft Related Guides

MC - Items Partial Banner.png
List of All Items

Item Subcategories
Minecraft Items - FoodFood Minecraft Items - ToolsTools Minecraft Items - ArrowsArrows
Minecraft Items - ArmorArmor Minecraft Items - WeaponsWeapons Minecraft Items - MaterialsMaterials
Minecraft Items - DecorationsDecorations Minecraft Items - TransportationTransportation Minecraft Items - PotionsPotions
Minecraft Items - Mob EggsMob Eggs Minecraft Items - RecordsRecords Minecraft Items - ToolsDyes


11 Anonymousover 1 year

I see no pumpkins, only pumpkin pie

10 Anonymousover 1 year

Gfcbjhv cdxz


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