
Version 1.17: Caves and Cliffs Update Summary

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Version 1.17: Caves and Cliffs Part 1 is a software addition available for Minecraft. Read on to learn about Caves and Cliff's Part 1's updated features, as well as any changes or additional content!

Caves and Cliffs Part 1 Release Date

Released in June 2021

Caves and Cliffs was released on June 9th

Part 1 of Caves and Cliffs Update was released on June 9th, 2021. New enemies, blocks, and materials have been added, making adventuring all the more exciting.

The First Part of a Massive Update

The Version 1.17 Update has been split into two parts. Part 2 of Caves and Cliffs was released on November 30th, 2021.

Version 1.18: Caves and Cliffs Update Part 2 Summary

Caves and Cliffs Part 1 New Features

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New Mobs New Items and Materials

New Mobs



Axolotls spawn in lush caves and can be captured with a bucket. If an Axolotl becomes friendly with you, it will fight Guardians and other Hostile Mobs automatically.


Goats in Minecraft

Goats appear in the new Mountain Biomes in Minecraft and are able to long distances from high places. Be careful when approaching them, as they might attack you.

Glow Squids

Glow Squids

Different from normal Squids, Glow Squids emit light from their bodies. They Spawn deep underwater and drop Glow Inc Sacs, making tools such as Potions of Water Breathing and Turtle Shells much more useful.

New Items and Materials



Dripstone is a New Material found added with the Caves and Cliffs update. There are very few sites that contain this material, so be sure to grab as much as possible when you see it.

Amethyst Blocks

Amethyst In Minecraft

Amethyst is a new type of ore added with the Caves and Cliffs Update. Amethyst will make a sparkling sound if you approach it, and if you collect enough pieces, you can craft a Spyglass.

Copper Blocks

Unmined Copper Copper Roof

A new material, copper, can now be mined from stone blocks. Both 'Copper Slabs' and 'Copper Stairs' can be made, and as soon as you place a copper block, its color begins to change as time passes.

You Can Craft Lightning Rods with Copper

Lightning Rod

A new item, Lightning Rods, can be made from Copper. Lightning Rods can be placed on wooden structures to prevent lightning from burning them down. Lightning Rods can also make it easier to create Charged Creepers.

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