
List of All Potions and Brewing Guide

MC - List of All Potions Banner.png
Potions are consumable items that can be used to give buffs and debuffs to yourself or to other mobs. Read on to learn what types of Potions are available as well as to see cheat sheets on how to brew every Potion in Minecraft.

List of All Potions

List of Items
Potion of Decay IconPotion of Decay Potion of Fire Resistance IconPotion of Fire Resistance Potion of Harming IconPotion of Harming Potion of Healing IconPotion of Healing
Potion of Invisibility IconPotion of Invisibility Potion of Leaping IconPotion of Leaping Potion of Luck IconPotion of Luck Potion of Night Vision IconPotion of Night Vision
Potion of Poison IconPotion of Poison Potion of Regeneration IconPotion of Regeneration Potion of Slow Falling IconPotion of Slow Falling Potion of Slowness IconPotion of Slowness
Potion of Strength IconPotion of Strength Potion of Swiftness IconPotion of Swiftness Potion of the Turtle Master IconPotion of the Turtle Master Potion of Water Breathing IconPotion of Water Breathing
Potion of Weakness IconPotion of Weakness Water Bottle IconWater Bottle

Potion Recipe Cheat Sheet

Base Effect Potion Recipes

Ingredient Effect Resulting Potion
Water Bottle IconWater Bottle + Nether Wart IconNether Wart = Awkward Potion IconAwkward Potion
Awkward Potion IconAwkward Potion + Sugar IconSugar = Potion of Swiftness IconPotion of Swiftness
+ RabbitRabbit's Foot = Potion of Leaping IconPotion of Leaping
+ Glistering Melon IconGlistering Melon = Potion of Healing IconPotion of Healing
+ Spider Eye IconSpider Eye = Potion of Poison IconPotion of Poison
+ Pufferfish IconPufferfish = Potion of Water Breathing IconPotion of Water Breathing
+ Magma Cream IconMagma Cream = Potion of Fire Resistance IconPotion of Fire Resistance
+ Golden Carrot IconGolden Carrot = Potion of Night Vision IconPotion of Night Vision
+ Blaze Powder IconBlaze Powder = Potion of Strength IconPotion of Strength
+ Ghast Tear IconGhast Tear = Potion of Regeneration IconPotion of Regeneration
+ Turtle Shell IconTurtle Shell = Potion of the Turtle Master IconPotion of the Turtle Master
+ Phantom Membrane IconPhantom Membrane = Potion of Slow Falling IconPotion of Slow Falling
Water Bottle IconWater Bottle + Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye = Potion of Weakness IconPotion of Weakness

Enhanced Potion Recipes

Effect Potion Enhancer Resulting Potion
Potion of Swiftness IconPotion of Swiftness + Redstone Dust IconRedstone Dust = Potion of Swiftness + IconPotion of Swiftness +
+ Glowstone Dust IconGlowstone Dust = Potion of Swiftness II IconPotion of Swiftness II
+ Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye = Potion of Slowness IconPotion of Slowness
Potion of Leaping IconPotion of Leaping + Redstone Dust IconRedstone Dust = Potion of Leaping + IconPotion of Leaping +
+ Glowstone Dust IconGlowstone Dust = Potion of Leaping II IconPotion of Leaping II
+ Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye = Potion of Slowness IconPotion of Slowness
Potion of Healing IconPotion of Healing + Redstone Dust IconRedstone Dust = N/A
+ Glowstone Dust IconGlowstone Dust = Potion of Healing II IconPotion of Healing II
+ Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye = Potion of Harming IconPotion of Harming
Potion of Poison IconPotion of Poison + Redstone Dust IconRedstone Dust = Potion of Poison + IconPotion of Poison +
+ Glowstone Dust IconGlowstone Dust = Potion of Poison II IconPotion of Poison II
+ Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye = Potion of Harming IconPotion of Harming
Potion of Water Breathing IconPotion of Water Breathing + Redstone Dust IconRedstone Dust = Potion of Water Breathing + IconPotion of Water Breathing +
+ Glowstone Dust IconGlowstone Dust = N/A
+ Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye = N/A
Potion of Fire Resistance IconPotion of Fire Resistance + Redstone Dust IconRedstone Dust = Potion of Fire Resistance + IconPotion of Fire Resistance +
+ Glowstone Dust IconGlowstone Dust = N/A
+ Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye = N/A
Potion of Night Vision IconPotion of Night Vision + Redstone Dust IconRedstone Dust = Potion of Night Vision + IconPotion of Night Vision +
+ Glowstone Dust IconGlowstone Dust = N/A
+ Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye = Potion of Invisibility IconPotion of Invisibility
Potion of Strength IconPotion of Strength + Redstone Dust IconRedstone Dust = Potion of Strength + IconPotion of Strength +
+ Glowstone Dust IconGlowstone Dust = Potion of Strength II IconPotion of Strength II
+ Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye = N/A
Potion of Regeneration IconPotion of Regeneration + Redstone Dust IconRedstone Dust = Potion of Regeneration + IconPotion of Regeneration +
+ Glowstone Dust IconGlowstone Dust = Potion of Regeneration II IconPotion of Regeneration II
+ Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye = N/A
Potion of the Turtle Master IconPotion of the Turtle Master + Redstone Dust IconRedstone Dust = Potion of the Turtle Master + IconPotion of the Turtle Master +
+ Glowstone Dust IconGlowstone Dust = Potion of the Turtle Master II IconPotion of the Turtle Master II
+ Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye = N/A
Potion of Slow Falling IconPotion of Slow Falling + Redstone Dust IconRedstone Dust = Potion of Slow Falling + IconPotion of Slow Falling +
+ Glowstone Dust IconGlowstone Dust = N/A
+ Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye = N/A
Potion of Slowness IconPotion of Slowness + Redstone Dust IconRedstone Dust = Potion of Slowness + IconPotion of Slowness +
+ Glowstone Dust IconGlowstone Dust = Potion of Slowness IV IconPotion of Slowness IV
+ Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye = N/A
Potion of Harming IconPotion of Harming + Redstone Dust IconRedstone Dust = N/A
+ Glowstone Dust IconGlowstone Dust = Potion of Harming II IconPotion of Harming II
+ Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye = N/A
Potion of Invisibility IconPotion of Invisibility + Redstone Dust IconRedstone Dust = Potion of Invisibility + IconPotion of Invisibility +
+ Glowstone Dust IconGlowstone Dust = N/A
+ Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye = N/A
Potion of Weakness IconPotion of Weakness + Redstone Dust IconRedstone Dust = Potion of Weakness + IconPotion of Weakness +
+ Glowstone Dust IconGlowstone Dust = N/A
+ Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye = N/A

How to Get Potions

Brew Potions at a Brewing Stand

MC - Brewing Stand.png
While individual potions may be obtained in other ways, such as drops from Witches, or found as treasures in chests, brewing is the most reliable way to obtain any type of potion.

How to Brew Potions

Obtain Brewing Equipment

MC - Brewing Requirements.png
Before you can begin brewing your own potions, you will need a handful of items and equipment that are necessary to brew potions. These include the following:

Item / Equipment Use
Brewing Stand IconBrewing Stand Handles the actual brewing.
Blaze Powder IconBlaze Powder Fuels the brewing stand.
Nether Wart IconNether Wart Used as a base ingredient for most potions.
Glass Bottle IconGlass Bottle Container for Potions.
Water Bucket IconWater Bucket or other Water Source Used to fill up Glass Bottles to turn them into Water Bottles. Required as a starting point for all potions.

Once you have these items and equipment ready, you can start out by preparing the base for each potion.

Prepare Base Potions

MC - Adding Netherwart to a Water Bottle Brews an Awkward Potion.png

Each step of the Brewing process will require the Brewing Stand and fuel in the form of Blaze Powder. To begin brewing your first potions, start by adding up to 3 Water Bottles at the bottom of the Brewing Stand. Each Water Bottle can become its own potion.

With the set-up complete, almost every potion starts by brewing a Nether Wart into the Water Bottles. Place a Nether Wart at the top of the Brewing Stand and wait until it gets brewed into the Water Bottle creating an Awkward Potion.

Add an Effect Ingredient

MC - Adding Sugar to an Awkward Potion Brews a Swiftness Potion.png
Once the Awkward Potion is ready, you may now brew in an effect ingredient that will determine the buffs the potion will provide. Below is a list of Ingredients and the different effects each potion will produce.

Ingredient Effect Resulting Potion
Sugar IconSugar Speed Potion of Swiftness IconPotion of Swiftness
RabbitRabbit's Foot Jump Boost Potion of Leaping IconPotion of Leaping
Glistering Melon IconGlistering Melon Instant Health Potion of Healing IconPotion of Healing
Spider Eye IconSpider Eye Poison Potion of Poison IconPotion of Poison
Pufferfish IconPufferfish Water Breathing Potion of Water Breathing IconPotion of Water Breathing
Magma Cream IconMagma Cream Fire Resistance Potion of Fire Resistance IconPotion of Fire Resistance
Golden Carrot IconGolden Carrot Night Vision Potion of Night Vision IconPotion of Night Vision
Blaze Powder IconBlaze Powder Strength Potion of Strength IconPotion of Strength
Ghast Tear IconGhast Tear Regeneration Potion of Regeneration IconPotion of Regeneration
Turtle Shell IconTurtle Shell Slowness, Resistance Potion of the Turtle Master IconPotion of the Turtle Master
Phantom Membrane IconPhantom Membrane Slow Falling Potion of Slow Falling IconPotion of Slow Falling

Add an Enhancer Ingredient

MC - Adding Glowstone to a Swiftness Potion Brews an Enhanced Swiftness Potion.png
After the effect ingredient is brewed into the Awkward Potion, you should now have an Effect Potion. Drinking it will buff (or debuff) your character with its effect.

However, enhancer ingredients can further alter the effects of the Effect Potion. Learning to take advantage of these enhancers will bring your potions to a whole new level.

Ingredient Enhancement
Redstone Dust IconRedstone Dust Extends the duration of a Potion's effects.
Cannot be used with Glowstone Dust.
Glowstone Dust IconGlowstone Dust Improves the effect of a Potion.
Cannot be used with Redstone Dust.
Fermented Spider Eye IconFermented Spider Eye Corrupts the effect of a Potion.
Gunpowder IconGunpowder Converts a Potion into a Splash Potion.
Splash Potions are thrown instead of drunk and provide the effect to every mob nearby.
DragonDragon's Breath Converts a Splash Potion into a Lingering Potion.
Lingering Potions allow a Splash Potion's effects to linger where it was thrown, allowing for more players/mobs to be affected.

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