Marvel's Avengers

Best Iron Man Build

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Best Iron Man Build guide.jpg

This is a guide to building Iron Man in the Marvel's Avengers game. Know more about the best attributes, best gear perks, and best early game skills for Iron Man below!

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Best Iron Man Build Iron Man Usage Guide

Iron Man Build Overview

Attributes ・Precision
Gear Perks ・Pym's Blessing
・Gamma Warhead
・Adept Buff
Early Skills Primary
・Scorched Earth
・Smart Rockets
・Arc Extension
・Arc Field
・Overcharged Blast
・Energy Condenser
・Magno-Missile Barrage
・Energy Star
・Ranged Combat Mastery
・Rocket Mastery
・Rocket Efficiency
・Arc Reactor Capacity
Major Artifacts ・Sacred Norn Stone of Lethal Will

Iron Man is the best ranged attacker in the game. Since his ranged attacks consume intrinsic energy, you'll want to unlock upgrades that improves either his ranged attacks (especially Rockets) or his intrinsic energy bar.

Iron Man Best Attributes

Precision Increases ranged damage
Valor Increases critical damage
Proficiency Increases critical chance

Aim for gear with a higher Precision value to increase the base damage of his ranged attacks. Valor and Proficiency comes next in priority as these are the attributes that will make taking out stronger enemies like Adaptoids in a few hits possible.

Gear Stats Explained

Iron Man Best Gear Perks

Gear Perk Effect
Pym's Blessing Ranged Power Attacks deal Particle damage, dispersing Pym Particles on impact.
Gamma Warhead Missile attacks deal Gamma damage, incorporating Dr. Banner's redacted research on Gamma bombs.
Adept Buff % Chance hitting an enemy with a ranged critical attack grants a Damage Buff

These gear perks make Iron Man's Rockets even deadlier. Pym's Blessing makes Javelin more effective on single targets as they can inflict Pym Shrink on them which decreases their offensive and defensive capabilities.

Gamma Warhead improves all Rocket attacks while Adept Buff can proc more frequently if you have enough critical chance from skill upgrades or from the Proficiency attribute.

List of All Gear Perks

Iron Man Early Skills to Level

Primary Skills

1 Scorched Earth
2 Smart Rockets
3 Javelin
4 Rocket Strike

Iron Man's most versatile weaponry is his Rockets. You'll want to unlock Scorched Earth first for easier single target hit against enemies like Adaptoids then Smart Rockets against multiple enemies especially Drones.

Javelin is best used for bosses for its rapid-fire missiles while Rocket Strike acts as your heavy combo finisher just in case you get caught in a tight spot.

Specialty Skills

Skill Tree Recommended Specializations
Support Heroic Arc Field
Defensive Field
Assault Heroic Omega Beam
Energy Condenser
Ultimate Heroic Magno-Missile Barrage
Energy Star

Mastery Skills

Skill Tree Recommended Specializations
Combat Stun Mastery
Heroic Takedown Mastery
Ranged Combat Mastery
Ranged Rocket Mastery
Rocket Specialization
Rocket Efficiency
Intrinsic Ability Arc Reactor Capacity
Overcharge Duration Boost
Overcharge Damage Boost
Utility Reactive Generator
Tactical Barrier
Air Superiority

Iron Man Usage Guide

Iron Man Best Major Artifacts

Sacred Norn Stone of Lethal Will

Since Iron Man doesn't rely mostly on his Heroic abilities, a flat damage boost works best for his playstyle. Don't forget to activate this artifact's damage boost, unlocked after powering it up to +3, when you're against heavy units!

This artifact can be obtained during the To Stand Alone Campaign Mission.


If your gear can inflict any status effects on enemies, you can opt to using Tactigon instead as its gear perks focuses on amplifying damage to enemies with negative buffs.

This artifact can be obtained after completing the Main Campaign Reassemble.

Reassemble Campaign Walkthrough

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1 Anonymousover 3 years

Any builds for Kate, Clint, Black panther?


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