Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX Switch

Decrepit Lab Rescue Camp and Pokemon Found There

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Decrepit Lab Rescue Camp .png

This is a page on the Decrepit Lab Rescue Camp in the game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to find out what Pokemon can stay in Decrepit Lab, its price, and what Dungeons are unlocked by purchasing Decrepit Lab.

Decrepit Lab Description and Price

Decrepit Lab Image
Description An abandoned lab built by humans long ago. Left to fall into disrepair, it is now home to Pokemon.
Price 6000

Dungeons Unlocked by Purchasing Decrepit Lab

No dungeons are unlocked by purchasing this Rescue Camp.

All Pokemon Found in Decrepit Lab

Ditto ImageDitto
Alakazam ImageAlakazam
Kadabra ImageKadabra
Abra ImageAbra
Porygon ImagePorygon
Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime
Porygon2 ImagePorygon2

Related Links

Rescue Camp Banner.png
List of Rescue Camps

Flyaway Forest Jungle Safari Thunder Crag
Ancient Relic Boulder Cave Magnetic Quarry Mt. Cleft
Mt. Discipline Mt. Green Overgrown Forest Ravaged Field
Scorched Plains Darkness Ridge Frigid Cavern Mushroom Forest
Vibrant Forest Secretive Forest Tadpole Pond Withering Desert
Mystic Lake Beau Plains Echo Cave Dragon Cave
Rub-a-Dub River Crater Decrepit Lab Ice Floe Beach
Turtleshell Pond Mt. Moonview Poison Swamp Aged Chamber AN
Aged Chamber O? Bountiful Sea Evolution Forest Gourd Swamp
Serene Sea Shallow Beach Treasure Sea Waterfall Lake
Power Plant Sky-Blue Plains Stump Forest Wild Plains
Final Island Legendary Island Deepsea Floor Sacred Field
Southern Island Rainbow Peak Cryptic Cave Enclosed Island
Volcanic Pit Healing Forest Stratos Lookout Deepsea Current
Seafloor Cave


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