Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX Switch

List of Electric-type Moves

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This is a list of all Electric-type Moves appearing in the game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX. Read on to find out the Initial PP, Effect, Range and Target of each Move!

Moves by Type
Fire.jpegFire Water.jpegWater Grass.jpegGrass
Electric.jpegElectric Ice.jpegIce Fighting.jpegFighting
Poison.jpegPoison Ground.jpegGround Flying.jpegFlying
Psychic.jpegPsychic Bug.jpegBug Rock.jpegRock
Ghost.jpegGhost Dragon.jpegDragon Dark.jpegDark
Fairy.jpegFairy Steel.jpegSteel Normal.jpegNormal

List of Electric-type Moves

Move Effect
Charge You'll get the Charging status, which boosts the power of Electric-type moves used on the next turn. It also boosts your Sp. Def. The stats return to normal when you go to the next floor or step on a Wonder Tile.
Charge Beam It damages an enemy. It could also boost your Sp. Atk. The stat returns to normal when you go to the next floor or step on a Wonder Tile.
Discharge It damages enemies in the same room. It could also cause Paralysis.
Eerie Impulse It sharply lowers the enemy's Sp. Atk.
Electric Terrain It changes the floor to the Electric Terrain condition. In this condition, Electric-type moves get more powerful. It also prevents Pokemon from sleeping. It has no effect on Pokemon in the air.
Electro Ball It damages an enemy. The higher your Speed compared to that of the enemy, the greater the damage caused.
Electroweb It damages an enemy. It also lowers the enemy's Travel Speed.
Ion Deluge It changes the floor to the Ion Deluge condition. In the Ion Deluge condition, Normal-type moves will be Electric type.
Magnet Rise You'll get the Magnet Rise condition. In the Magnet Rise condition, you won't take damage from Ground-type moves.
Magnetic Flux It sharply boosts the Defense and Sp. Def of you or Pokemon in your party in the same room with the Plus or Minus Ability. The stats return to normal when you go to the next floor or step on a Wonder Tile.
Nuzzle It damages an enemy. It also causes Paralysis.
Shock Wave It damages nearby enemies. It never misses.
Spark It damages an enemy. It could also cause Paralysis.
Thunder It can hit an enemy that's in the air from using a move such as Fly. It could also cause Paralysis. During Rain, or Heavy Rain, it never misses. But during Sunny weather or in Extremely Harsh Sunlight, it's hard to land this move.
Thunder Fang It damages an enemy. It could also cause Paralysis or make the enemy Flinch.
Thunder Punch It damages an enemy. It could also cause Paralysis.
Thunder Shock It damages an enemy. It could also cause Paralysis.
Thunder Wave It inflicts Paralysis on an enemy.
Thunderbolt It damages nearby enemies. It could also cause Paralysis.
Volt Switch It damages an enemy. If one of your teammates is right behind you, it switches the positions of you and your teammate.
Volt Tackle It damages an enemy, but you'll take recoil damage, too. It reaches up to 2 tiles away. It could also inflict Paralysis on the enemy.
Wild Charge It damages an enemy, but you'll receive recoil damage, too.
Zap Cannon It damages a Pokemon, even one far away. It also causes Paralysis.

Related Links

Moves Banner.png

List of Moves Best Moves Tier List
Moves by Type
Fire.jpegFire Water.jpegWater Grass.jpegGrass
Electric.jpegElectric Ice.jpegIce Fighting.jpegFighting
Poison.jpegPoison Ground.jpegGround Flying.jpegFlying
Psychic.jpegPsychic Bug.jpegBug Rock.jpegRock
Ghost.jpegGhost Dragon.jpegDragon Dark.jpegDark
Fairy.jpegFairy Steel.jpegSteel Normal.jpegNormal


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