Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX Switch

List of Ice-type Moves

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This is a list of all Ice-type Moves appearing in the game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX on the Nintendo Switch. Read on to find out the Initial PP, Effect, Range and Target of each Move!

Moves by Type
Fire.jpegFire Water.jpegWater Grass.jpegGrass
Electric.jpegElectric Ice.jpegIce Fighting.jpegFighting
Poison.jpegPoison Ground.jpegGround Flying.jpegFlying
Psychic.jpegPsychic Bug.jpegBug Rock.jpegRock
Ghost.jpegGhost Dragon.jpegDragon Dark.jpegDark
Fairy.jpegFairy Steel.jpegSteel Normal.jpegNormal

List of Ice-type Moves

Move Effect
Aurora Beam It damages a Pokemon, even one far away. It could also sharply lower the target's Attack.
Aurora Veil It gives you and your teammates in the same room the Aurora Veil condition, reducing damage taken from moves. This move fails when the weather is not Hail.
Avalanche You'll get the Bide status for a little while, and then you'll damage an enemy. The more damage you take while biding, the greater the damage you can cause.
Blizzard It damages enemies in the same room. It could also make them Frozen. During Hail, the move never misses!
Freeze-Dry It damages an enemy. It's super effective on Water-type Pokemon, too. It could also make the enemy Frozen.
Frost Breath It damages an enemy. It always results in a critical hit.
Hail It changes the floor's weather to Hail. During the Hail, all Pokemon except Ice types keep taking damage.
Haze The room becomes hay. resetting the stats of all Pokemon in the same room. It resets all stats, whether boosted or reduced.
Ice Ball It damages an enemy up to 5 times or until it misses. The power goes up after you use Defense Curl!
Ice Beam It fires off a cold beam, damaging a Pokemon, even one far away. It could also make the enemy Frozen.
Ice Fang It damages an enemy. It could make the enemy Frozen or cause it to Flinch.
Ice Punch It damages an enemy. It could also make the enemy Frozen.
Ice Shard It damages an enemy. It reaches up to 2 tiles away.
Icicle Crash It damages an enemy. It could also make the enemy Flinch.
Icicle Spear It damages an enemy 2 to 5 times in a row.
Icy Wind It damages a Pokemon, even one far away. It also lowers the target's Travel Speed.
Mist You and your allies that are in the same room are cloaked in Mist, which prevents all your stats from being lowered. But you're not protected from the effects of your moves that lower your own stats.
Powder Snow It damages an enemy. It could also make the enemy Frozen..
Sheer Cold The enemy will faint instantly if this attack hits, but it's hard to land this move. It has no effect on Ice-type Pokemon.

Related Links

Moves Banner.png

List of Moves Best Moves Tier List
Moves by Type
Fire.jpegFire Water.jpegWater Grass.jpegGrass
Electric.jpegElectric Ice.jpegIce Fighting.jpegFighting
Poison.jpegPoison Ground.jpegGround Flying.jpegFlying
Psychic.jpegPsychic Bug.jpegBug Rock.jpegRock
Ghost.jpegGhost Dragon.jpegDragon Dark.jpegDark
Fairy.jpegFairy Steel.jpegSteel Normal.jpegNormal


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