Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX Switch

List of Ground-type Moves

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This is a list of all Ground-type Moves appearing in the game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX on the Nintendo Switch. Read on to find out the Initial PP, Effect, Range and Target of each Move!

Moves by Type
Fire.jpegFire Water.jpegWater Grass.jpegGrass
Electric.jpegElectric Ice.jpegIce Fighting.jpegFighting
Poison.jpegPoison Ground.jpegGround Flying.jpegFlying
Psychic.jpegPsychic Bug.jpegBug Rock.jpegRock
Ghost.jpegGhost Dragon.jpegDragon Dark.jpegDark
Fairy.jpegFairy Steel.jpegSteel Normal.jpegNormal

List of Ground-type Moves

Move Effect
Bone Club It damages an enemy. It could also make the enemy Flinch.
Bone Rush It damages an enemy 2 to 5 times in a row.
Bonemerang It damages even faraway Pokemon 2 times in a row.
Bulldoze It damages nearby enemies. It also lowers their Travel Speed.
Dig You'll get the Digging condition, doing damage to your enemy on the next turn. While underground, you'll evade items and moves.
Drill Run It damages an enemy. It has a high critical-hit rate. It reaches up to 2 tiles away.
Earth Power It damages enemies in the same room. It could also lower their Sp. Def.
Earthquake It damages all Pokemon in the same room except for you. It can also damage Pokemon that are underground while using Dig.
Fissure The enemy will faint instantly if this attack hits, but it's hard to land this move. It has no effect on Flying-type Pokemon or Pokemon with the Levitate ability.
High Horsepower It damages an enemy.
Magnitude It damages all Pokemon in the same room except for you, including Pokemon underground using Dig. It randomly changes its intensity.
Mud Bomb It damages an enemy. It could also lower the enemy's accuracy.
Mud Shot It damages an enemy. It could also lower the enemy's Travel Speed.
Mud Sport It changes the entire floor's status to Mud Sport, reducing the power of all Electric-type moves.
Mud-Slap It damages an enemy. It also lowers the enemy's accuracy.
Precipice Blades It even damages a faraway Pokemon.
Rototiller It boosts the Attack and Sp. Atk of Grass-type Pokemon among you and your teammates in the same room. It has no effect on Pokemon in the air. The stats return to normal when affected Pokemon go to the next floor or step on a Wonder Tile.
Sand Attack It lowers the enemy's accuracy.
Sand Tomb It damages an enemy. It could also cause the Sand Tomb condition.
Spikes It turns your tile into Spikes that damage enemies that step on them. Spikes that you or your teammates make don't do anything to you or your teammates.
Stomping Tantrum It damages an enemy. If your previous move missed, its damage is increased.

Related Links

Moves Banner.png

List of Moves Best Moves Tier List
Moves by Type
Fire.jpegFire Water.jpegWater Grass.jpegGrass
Electric.jpegElectric Ice.jpegIce Fighting.jpegFighting
Poison.jpegPoison Ground.jpegGround Flying.jpegFlying
Psychic.jpegPsychic Bug.jpegBug Rock.jpegRock
Ghost.jpegGhost Dragon.jpegDragon Dark.jpegDark
Fairy.jpegFairy Steel.jpegSteel Normal.jpegNormal


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