Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition

Kino in the Doldrums Quiet Moment Location

This is how to find Kino in the Doldrums, a Quiet Moment from the epilogue of Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (XC1) for Nintendo Switch. Read on to find out the characters required and location of this Quiet Moment.

Kino in the Doldrums Quiet Moment Requirements

Kino in the Doldrums Information

Area Purifying Falls
Location Junks
Characters Melia (FC) IconMelia (FC) Kino Icon

Kino in the Doldrums Quiet Moment Location

Xenoblade Chronicles Quiet Moments

Back to the Quiet Moments Front Page

A Life Without Visions The Future is Ours All Grown Up
Strength in Unity The Land in the Sky Dadapon's Gift
A Love for Flower Family Relations Kino in the Doldrums
Making Plans Tyrea's Uncertainty Light and Shadow
Power of Imagination Dreaming Big


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