New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How to Clear Staredown for Venusaur Request Walkthrough

This is a guide to completing Staredown for Venusaur, a request in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find what kind of photo you need, and how to take it, in order to clear Staredown for Venusaur, as well as the reward!

Staredown for Venusaur Map and Request Information

General Info

Course Jungle (Day) Lv. 3
Target Pokemon New Pokemon Snap VenusaurVenusaur
Target Pokemon 2 New Pokemon Snap ArbokArbok
Quest Giver Todd
How to Unlock ・After adding Venusaur to your Photodex.
Request Text ・“Phil took this photo. I told him that a first-rate photographer would stick around to see how this scene plays out.”

Course and Map Information

New Pokemon Snap - Staredown for Venusaur Map
Jungle (Day) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

How to Clear Staredown for Venusaur

Hit Arbok with a Fluffruit

New Pokemon Snap - Hit Arbok with Fluffruit

When you reach the area next to the swamp, you will see an Arbok hissing at a Wooper. Hit Arbok with a Fluffruit to get it to flee. It is best to hit Arbok from behind to get the best timings for the next step.

Lure Arbok to Venusaur

New Pokemon Snap - Lure Arbok 1
Once Arbok has fled, lure it towards the tree where Venusaur is sleeping using Fluffruit. When Arbok momentarily pauses behind the tree, toss a Fluffruit to its right.

New Pokemon Snap - Lure Arbok 2
Before Arbok finishes eating the Fluffruit, toss another one to its left, luring it closer to the tree.

New Pokemon Snap - Lure Arbok 3
Once it is close enough to the tree, continuously toss Fluffruit to the left side of the tree to prevent Arbok from straying until you have a decent vantage point of Venusaur.

Wake Up Venusaur

New Pokemon Snap - Toss Illumina Orb at Venusaur

While Arbok is distracted by Fluffruit, quickly toss another Fluffruit and Illumina Orb at Venusaur. Then, quickly scan the area. You might need to scan the area up to twice before Venusaur can wake up.

Take a Photo of Their Confrontation

New Pokemon Snap - Venusaur Fleeing

Once Venusaur is awake, Arbok will start hissing at Venusaur from the other side of the tree. Capture a photo of their confrontation before Venusaur can flee.

Make sure the photo contains both Venusaur and Arbok, but the focus of the shot must be on Venusaur.

Reward for Clearing Staredown for Venusaur

No Reward

There are no obtainable rewards for completing this request.

New Pokemon Snap Request Walkthroughs

Lentalk Requests Guide

Belusylva Island Lentalk Requests Walkthrough

Jungle (Day) LenTalk Requests
Cutting Moment Dangling Metapod What's Your Favorite Pollen
Hard at Work in the Jungle Staredown for Venusaur Jungle Buddies
Making a Splash In the Tall Grass Operation Be My Friend!
Myth of the Jungle


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