New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How to Clear Where's the Fruit? Request Walkthrough

This is a guide to completing Where's the Fruit?, a request in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find what kind of photo you need, and how to take it, in order to clear Where's the Fruit?, as well as the reward!

Where's the Fruit? Map and Request Information

General Info

Course Jungle (Night) Lv. 2
Target Pokemon New Pokemon Snap SlakingSlaking
Quest Giver Professor Mirror
How to Unlock ・After reaching Research Level 2 in Jungle (Night)
Request Text ・“Pikipek's fruit appears to be missing from it's storage hole. It was there earlier in the day. What do you suppose happened to it?”

Course and Map Information

Jungle (Night) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

How to Clear Where's the Fruit?

Pass Through the Swamp Route

Alternate Swamp Route (Night).jpg

Before you reach the swamp, toss an Illumina Orb at the Crystabloom to reveal footprints. Scan the footprints to access the swamp route. Make sure not to hit Leafeon with a Fluffruit before you enter or Slaking will not appear.

Lead Slacking to the Tree Hole

Use Scan on Slaking.jpg

In the swamp, you will see a Slacking. Use your scanner to scan the area and get Slacking to move forward. Continue to use your scanner to get Slaking to move until it reaches the tree shown in the request image.

Take a Photo of Slacking Eating Fruit

Slaking Eating Fruit.jpg

Slacking will start to reach into the tree hole to grab some fruit. Take a photo of Slacking as it eats the fruit.

Reward for Clearing Where's the Fruit?

Character: Professor Mirror

Character Professor Mirror Request Reward.jpg

The Character: Professor Mirror sticker is obtained after completing the Where's the Fruit? request and can be used when editing photos.

How to Unlock All Stickers

New Pokemon Snap Request Walkthroughs

Lentalk Requests Guide

Belusylva Island Lentalk Requests Walkthrough

Jungle (Night) LenTalk Requests
Bounsweet's Amazing Journey Arbok Falls, Asleep Resting Its Wings
Tree-Dwelling Pokemon Triple Threat Tonight's Dinner
Where's the Fruit? A Figure of Beauty Why So Still?
An Unusual Spot


10 Anonymousalmost 4 years

This is correct

9 Anonymousalmost 4 years

On Night Level Two, when you arrive at the tall grass area by the swamp, and throw a Illumina Ball at the flower on your left, That flower will reveal the footprints of the Slaking, you want to go left in order for this to work so scan the tall grass, Once you are in the tall grass the Slaking will be there, just keep spamming the scan and it will slowly make its way towards the Pikipek hole, soon enough will start to eat the fruit, that is when you want to take the photos of it!


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