New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How to Clear Myth of the Ruins Request Walkthrough

This is a guide to completing Myth of the Ruins, a request in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find what kind of photo you need, and how to take it, in order to clear Myth of the Ruins, as well as the reward!

Myth of the Ruins Map and Request Information

General Info

Course Ruins Lv. 2 or higher
Target Pokemon New Pokemon Snap JirachiJirachi
Quest Giver Todd
How to Unlock ・After researching all areas in the Lental region
Request Text ・“Have a look at this crystal here. If I ever get a chance to meet the Pokemon sleeping inside. I'd love to see it grant a wish.”

Course and Map Information

Myth of the Ruins Map.jpg
Ruins Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

How to Clear Myth of the Ruins

1. Light All Six Crystablooms

New Pokemon Snap - Myth of the Ruins Step 1
Start the Ruins at Research Level 2. Proceed through the course and light up all the six crystablooms near the statues inside the ruins.

Locations of the Six Crystablooms

Beside the Meganium statue Beside the Wishiwashi statue
Hiding behind the stalagmites past the Steelix statue Throw some Illumina Orbs at the Eldegross beside the Volcarona statue to reveal the crystabloom
Throw an Illumina Orb at the Golurk near the Milotic statue to reveal the crystabloom Once all five crystablooms are lit, light up the last one near the end of the course

2. Wake Up Jirachi

New Pokemon Snap - Myth of the Ruins Step 2
Find Jirachi at the third Steelix statue and throw an Illumina Orb at it to wake it up.

3. Play the Melody when Jirachi is Near the Light

New Pokemon Snap - Myth of the Ruins Step 3
Jirachi appears near the altar at the end of the course. Play the Melody as soon as it appears.

4. Throw an Illumina Orb at Jirachi

New Pokemon Snap - Myth of the Ruins Step 4
While playing the Melody, throw an Illumina Orb at Jirachi. The Pokemon moves fast so you may need to throw the orb at it multiple times.

5. Play the Melody when Jirachi Stops Moving

New Pokemon Snap - Myth of the Ruins Step 5
Once you hit Jirachi with the Illumina Orb, play the Melody as soon as the Pokemon stops moving.

6. Take a Photo of Jirachi Praying

Jirachi - 4 Star A mysterious wish
As soon as you play the Melody, Jirachi starts to dance in place. After it stops dancing, it will holds its hands together in a praying pose before casting some sparkles.

Take a photo of it praying to complete this request.

Note that the photo of Jirachi dancing counts as a 4 Star Photo but this does not complete the request.

Reward for Clearing Myth of the Ruins

No Reward

There are no obtainable rewards for completing this request.

New Pokemon Snap Request Walkthroughs

Lentalk Requests Guide

Aurus Island Lentalk Requests Walkthrough

Ruins LenTalk Requests
Houndoom's Breather Blowing Seeds Just Perching Here
A White Pokemon Salandit's Battle Plan Gracefully Gliding
The Mysterious Heart A Break between Patrols Drowsing Beheeyem
Two Golurk Groovy Chandelure Fading into the Shadows
Myth of the Ruins


5 Anonymousover 1 year

It worked on level one (post game) for me. I’d gotten Natu perching on an apple in the same run.

4 Anonymousover 1 year

Worked on lvl 3. I honestly just kept doing the melody and orbs on it after we got to the altar, until it did the wish (praying) pose.


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