Marvel's Avengers

Warship Boss Battle Guide | How to Beat Warship

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Image of Bossfight with Warship Boss Guide.jpg

This guide will show you how to beat Warship, the boss of Mayhem Over Manhattan in the Marvel's Avengers game. Read on to learn boss strategy, tips and tricks, and more!

Warship Basic Info

Codex Entry

Warship Icon
Codex Description This AIM aerial weapons platform was built to enforce order in times of unrest. It can patril vast areas withstand attacks from large groups of enemies. The Warship is equipped with advanced self-healing nano-bot technology, making it extremely difficult to destroy in combat.

Missions Appearing In

Mayhem Over Manhattan
Turbulence (Elite)
Above And Beyond
Mayhem Over Manhattan (Flashback)
Mayhem Over Manhattan (Priority Mission)

Basic Strategy

Ignore the enemies and focus on destroying the shield generators on the Warships back to take out the shields of its weakspots. Take out the ships turrets to make the fight easier.

Warship Boss Strategy

Ignore the Enemies on the Ground

Warship Shield Generator and Turrets.jpg
The enemies attacking on the ground are not necessary to defeat to complete the mission. You can ignore them and focus on fighting the Warship.

Use Flying Heroes or the Jump Pads to Get on the Warship

Jump Pads Captain America.jpg
Flying Heroes can make it easy to get on top of the Warship. If you are not playing a flying Hero, it can be tough to try to get to the Warship's vulnerable parts on its back. You can use the jump pads scattered across the area to help you get on top.

Take Out the Turrets

Take out the Turrets.jpg
The turrets can deal a lot of damage constantly if left alone. Try to destroy them as fast as possible to make it easier to focus on the vulnerable targets. Use ranged attacks to hit the hard to reach turrets on its sides.

Marvel's Avengers Boss Guides

Villains (List of Boss Battles)

Boss Guides
Taskmaster Boss Battle Guide
Abomination Boss Battle Guide
Monica Rappaccini (Exo) Boss Battle Guide
Warbot Boss Battle Guide
Warship Boss Battle Guide
MODOK Last Boss Battle Guide


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