FF7 Remake

List of Equipment (Intergrade Updated)

FF7 List of Equipments.jpg

This is a list of equipment found in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R), as well as Intergrade's INTERmission DLC for PS5. Equipment including Weapons, Armor, and Accessories will greatly influence your characters' stats, be sure to brush up on your knowledge of equipment here.

List of Equipment

List of Weapons

List of Weapons Stats and Materia Slots

List of Cloud's Weapons

List of Cloud's Weapons
Buster SwordBuster Sword Iron BladeIron Blade Nail BatNail Bat HardedgeHardedge
Mythril SaberMythril Saber Twin StingerTwin Stinger

Cloud Strife Weapons and Abilities

List of Barret's Weapons

List of Barret's Weapons
Gatling GunGatling Gun Light Machine GunLight Machine Gun Big BerthaBig Bertha Steel PincersSteel Pincers
Wrecking BallWrecking Ball EKG CannonEKG Cannon

Barret Wallace Weapons and Abilities

List of Tifa's Weapons

List of Tifa's Weapons
Leather GlovesLeather Gloves Metal KnucklesMetal Knuckles Sonic StrikersSonic Strikers Feathered GlovesFeathered Gloves
Mythril ClawsMythril Claws Purple PainPurple Pain

Tifa Lockhart Weapons and Abilities

List of Aerith's Weapons

List of Aerith's Weapons
Guard StickGuard Stick Silver StaffSilver Staff Arcane ScepterArcane Scepter Mythril RodMythril Rod
Bladed StaffBladed Staff Reinforced StaffReinforced Staff

Aerith Gainsborough Weapons and Abilities

List of Yuffie's Weapons (INTERmission DLC)

List of Aerith's Weapons
4-Point Shuriken4-Point Shuriken BoomerangBoomerang Steel ReaperSteel Reaper CacstarCacstar

Yuffie Kisaragi Weapons and Abilities

List of Sonon's Weapons (INTERmission DLC)

List of Aerith's Weapons
MarshalistMarshalist's Staff Indurate StaffIndurate Staff Djinn StaffDjinn Staff

Sonon Kusakabe Weapons and Abilities

List of Armor

List of Armor Stats and Materia Slots

List of Armor
Bronze BangleBronze Bangle Iron BangleIron Bangle Star BraceletStar Bracelet Leather BracerLeather Bracer
Mesmeric ArmletMesmeric Armlet Titanium BangleTitanium Bangle Caliginous BraceletCaliginous Bracelet Studded BracerStudded Bracer
Mythril ArmletMythril Armlet MagicianMagician's Bracelet Heavy-Duty BracerHeavy-Duty Bracer Gothic BangleGothic Bangle
SorcererSorcerer's Armlet Cog BangleCog Bangle Geometric BraceletGeometric Bracelet Supreme BracerSupreme Bracer
Rune ArmletRune Armlet Force BraceletForce Bracelet Chain BangleChain Bangle Iron MaidenIron Maiden
Astral CuffAstral Cuff Midgar BangleMidgar Bangle Shinra BangleShinra Bangle Corneo ArmletCorneo Armlet
Ninja ArmletNinja Armlet Chthonian ArmletChthonian Armlet Volant ArmletVolant Armlet Firebird ArmletFirebird Armlet

List of Accessories

List of Accessories and Effects

List of Accessories
MoogleMoogle's Amulet Power WristguardsPower Wristguards Bulletproof VestBulletproof Vest EarringsEarrings
TalismanTalisman Platinum EarringsPlatinum Earrings Timeworn TalismanTimeworn Talisman Supernatural WristguardsSupernatural Wristguards
Survival VestSurvival Vest Champion BeltChampion Belt CircletCirclet Star PendantStar Pendant
HeadbandHeadband Protective BootsProtective Boots Revival EarringsRevival Earrings Healing CarcanetHealing Carcanet
Enfeeblement RingEnfeeblement Ring Whistlewind ScarfWhistlewind Scarf Salvation BadgeSalvation Badge Tarot CardsTarot Cards
Otherworldly CrystalOtherworldly Crystal Fury RingFury Ring Clarity PendantClarity Pendant Mythical AmuletMythical Amulet
Crescent Moon CharmCrescent Moon Charm Spectral CogwheelSpectral Cogwheel Transference ModuleTransference Module Enchanted RingEnchanted Ring
GotterdammerungGotterdammerung Superstar BeltSuperstar Belt Mako CrystalMako Crystal Kindred CordKindred Cord
Gozu DriveGozu Drive Mezu DriveMezu Drive RibbonRibbon

What is Equipment?

WeaponIcon.pngWeapons ArmorIcon.pngArmor AccessoryIcon.pngAccessories
Obtaining the Best Equipment
How to Find The Best Weapons For Everyone How to Get the Best Armor How to Get the Best Accessories

Equipment in FF7 Remake consists of Weapons, Armor and Accessories exclusive to each character. To defeat strong enemies, you'll need strong equipment.



Weapons in FF7 Remake are classified into those used by Cloud, Barret, Tifa, and Aerith. While some weapons have a high Attack power, other weapons have extra Materia slots, and still others will have powerful weapon skills available through Upgrade Weapon. Learn about the different kinds of weapons, how to obtain them, and how useful they are for leveling up Materia on each weapon page below.

List of Weapons Stats and Materia Slots



Unlike weapons, Equipment items classified as Armor are not specified to a single character. Armor with unique characteristics such as boasting multiple Materia slots in addition to the boost added to a character's defensive stats. Learn about the kinds of Armor, their properties, and how to obtain them on each Armor page below.

List of Armor Stats and Materia Slots



Equipment items classified as Accessories include mainstays such as the Ribbon, which prevent most status effects, as well as ones that boost certain stats, and others. Learn about the different kinds of Accessories, their properties, and how to acquire each Accessory on the pages below.

List of Accessories and Effects

Related Links

FF7 Remake Links
Intergrade DLCNEW
Walkthroughs Boss Battles Side Quests
Beginner's Tips Characters Battle Reports
Manual Minigames Enemies
Materia Weapons Armor
Accessories Items Limit Breaks
Shinra Combat Simulator Corneo Colosseum Choices
Message Boards News Review

FF7 Remake Guide & Walkthrough Wiki


11 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Hello, I'm just wondering, if maybe the wiki can provide a list of equipment (weapon/armor etc) and its respective elemental values, with the elemental materia equipped? for example,, when i equip fire materia to an armor? does the armor already have the fire resistance? and when i equip it to a weapon, then i'll have fire elemental attack right? or does this how it works?? I'm still lost with how to materia and equipment work together in this game...

10 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Great!!! Now, I don't have to worry which weapon/equipment is for who and I can clearly see the stats, weapons abilities.. many thanks :>


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