FF7 Remake

How to Beat Whisper Harbinger | Boss Fight Guide (Normal & Hard Mode)


This is a guide to beating the Boss Whisper Harbinger in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). This article explains Whisper Harbinger's attack patterns, weaknesses, and tips and strategies for defeating them on both Normal and Hard Mode.

Whisper Harbinger Stats and Information

Whisper Harbinger

Basic Information

Whisper Harbinger
Whisper Harbinger Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Unreadable Grounded Boss


An accretion of Whispers, the so-called arbiters of fate. The creatures appear when someone tries to alter destiny's course. They are connected to all the threads of time and space that shape the planet's fate.

Assess (Tips)

Unable to read.

Whisper Harbinger Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 77484 140880 188640
Attack 408 621
Magic Attack 368 558
Defense 294 401
Magic Defense 298 406

Whisper Harbinger Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments -
Lesser Resistances -
Greater Resistances -
Immunities Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind, Posion, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Silence, Berserk, Physical, Magic, Fixed Damage, Proportional Damage
Absorbed Elements -

Stagger Rates

×No effect ×No effect ×No effect ×No effect
×No effect ×No effect ×No effect -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 15 seconds

Whisper Rubrum

Basic Information

Whisper Rubrum
Whisper Rubrum Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Unreadable Grounded Mini-Boss


An entity from a future timeline that has manifested in the present day. It fights with a sword to protect the future that gave shape to it.

Assess (Tips)

Unable to read.

Whisper Rubrum Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 7264 13208 17685
Attack 231 342
Magic Attack 214 315
Defense 242 329
Magic Defense 242 329

Whisper Rubrum Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments -
Lesser Resistances Silence
Greater Resistances Fixed Damage, Proportional Damage
Immunities Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Berserk
Absorbed Elements Fire

Stagger Rates

×No effect ×No effect ×No effect ×No effect
×No effect ×No effect ×No effect -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 15 seconds

Whisper Rubrum Weaknesses and Obtainable Items

Whisper Viridi

Basic Information

Whisper Viridi
Whisper Viridi Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Unreadable Grounded Mini-Boss


An entity from a future timeline that has manifested in the present day. It fights barehanded to protect the future that gave shape to it.

Assess (Tips)

Unable to read.

Whisper Viridi Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 7264 13208 17685
Attack 222 328
Magic Attack 222 328
Defense 248 337
Magic Defense 230 312

Whisper Viridi Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments -
Lesser Resistances Silence
Greater Resistances Fixed Damage, Proportional Damage
Immunities Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Berserk
Absorbed Elements Lightning

Stagger Rates

×No effect ×No effect ×No effect ×No effect
×No effect ×No effect ×No effect -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 15 seconds

Whisper Viridi Weaknesses and Obtainable Items

Whisper Croceo

Basic Information

Whisper Croceo
Whisper Croceo Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Unreadable Grounded Mini-Boss


An entity from a future timeline that has manifested in the present day. It fights with guns to protect the future that gave shape to it.

Assess (Tips)

Unable to read.

Whisper Croceo Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 7264 13208 17685
Attack 214 315
Magic Attack 231 342
Defense 230 312
Magic Defense 248 337

Whisper Croceo Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments -
Lesser Resistances Silence
Greater Resistances Fixed Damage, Proportional Damage
Immunities Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Berserk
Absorbed Elements Wind

Stagger Rates

×No effect ×No effect ×No effect ×No effect
×No effect ×No effect ×No effect -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 15 seconds

Whisper Croceo Weaknesses and Obtainable Items

Whisper Bahamut

Basic Information

Whisper Bahamut
Whisper Bahamut Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Unreadable Grounded Boss


Bahamut, as formed by the coalescence of three Whispers: Whisper Rubrum, Whisper Viridi, and Whisper Croceo.

Assess (Tips)

Unable to read.

Whisper Bahamut Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 9686 17610 23580
Attack 222 328
Magic Attack 222 328
Defense 251 342
Magic Defense 251 342

Whisper Bahamut Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments -
Lesser Resistances Silence
Greater Resistances Fixed Damage, Proportional Damage
Immunities Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Berserk
Absorbed Elements -

Stagger Rates

×1 ×1 ×0.5 ×1
×1 ×1 ×1 -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 15 seconds

Whisper Bahamut Weaknesses and Obtainable Items


Easy/Normal Hard
Gil 1450 2250
AP 10 30
Exp 4350 13500
Items Dropped -
Rare Items Dropped -
Steal -

Learnable Enemy Skills

No Enemy Skills can be learned from Whisper Harbinger.

List of Enemy Skills

Whisper Harbinger Boss Fight Guide

For the majority of this fight, you'll see Whisper Harbinger in the distance, but it won't participate heavily in the battle. Instead, you'll be up against three smaller Whispers – Whisper Rubrum, Whisper Viridi, and Whisper Croceo.

Whisper Harbinger Abilities and Attack Patterns

Name Element Blockable? Knockdown? Status
- No Yes -
Gathers up debris in one hand and throws them at targets.
fire.png Yes Yes -
5 spots on its body turn red and shoot fire balls at the battlefield.
lightning.png Yes Yes -
Lightning strikes various areas on the battlefield.
- No Yes -
Causes a gust of wind to blow across the arena. This attack cannot reduce HP below 1.
- No Yes -
While swinging its left hand down the ground around the battlefield breaks. This attack cannot reduce HP below 1.

*Status Effects and Ailments Guide

Whisper Rubrum Abilities and Attack Patterns

Name Element Blockable? Knockdown? Status
physmag.pngCrimson Arc
- Yes No -
Raises its sword above its head and releases a shockwave. Will repeat once more while tempered.
- Yes No -
Chases a target, swinging its sword 3 times. Will swing 5 times while tempered.
- Yes No -
Does a sweeping attack that knocks over its target.
fire.png Yes Yes -
Casts Firaga on a target.
- - Yes -
Powers up its attacks.
physical.pngCrimson Twist
- Yes Yes -
Spins around with its sword charging at each party member once.
physical.pngCrimson Fury
- Yes Yes -
Swings its sword wildly at a target 4 times.
- Yes Yes -
Stabs at a target with its sword.

*Status Effects and Ailments Guide

Whisper Viridi Abilities and Attack Patterns

Name Element Blockable? Knockdown? Status
physical.pngPunch Combo
- Yes No -
Attacks a target with its fists.
magical.pngAzure Wave
- Yes No -
Causes explosions on the ground near its target. When Tempered, the explosions will be imbued with lightning.
magical.pngAzure Plume
- Yes Yes -
Lights up the ground at its target's feet and causes it to explode. When Tempered, the explosions will be imbued with lightning.
physical.pngAzure Burst
- Yes Yes -
Punches out with its right fist. When Tempered, the attack will be imbued with lightning.
- Yes Yes -
Does an uppercut attack that launches its target into the air.
- No Yes -
Appears behind a target and hits them from behind.
lightning.png Yes No -
Casts Thundaga on a target.
- - - -
Powers up its attacks.

*Status Effects and Ailments Guide

Whisper Croceo Abilities and Attack Patterns

Name Element Blockable? Knockdown? Status
- Yes No -
Shoots at a target 3 times (5 times on Hard mode) with one of its arms.
- Yes No -
Fires 8 to 12 shots at a target with both of its arms.
magical.pngAmber Whirl (Front)
- Yes Yes -
Sends beams of light shooting out of its arms forwards or in opposite directions
magical.pngAmber Whirl (Rotating)
- Yes No -
Sends beams of light shooting out of its arms and proceeds to spin in a circle.
magical.pngAmber Seeker
- Yes Yes -
Fires a shot from both of its arms that homes in on a target and explodes
wind.png Yes No -
Casts Aeroga on a target
- - - -
Powers up its attacks.
magical.pngAmber Judgement
- Yes Yes -
Charges a shot in its left arm for 1 second before releasing an orb of energy that chases a target. Explodes on contact.

*Status Effects and Ailments Guide

Whisper Bahamut Abilities and Attack Patterns

Name Element Blockable? Knockdown? Status
physical.pngCross Impact
- Yes Yes -
Swipes at a target with its claws from left to right.
physical.pngSpin Rush
- Yes Yes -
Spins at a target 1 to 2 times.
magical.pngClaw Swipe
- Yes No -
Scratches the ground with its right claw sending 4 shockwaves out in front of it.
magical.pngUmbral Strikes
- No Yes -
Summons orbs of energy in each claw and hurls them. The orbs home in on targets and burst into flames on contact.
magical.pngBind Impulse
- Yes Yes -
Grabs a target with its claws, binding it for 5 seconds. If Whisper Bahamut takes 1000 or more damage during this it will release the target.
magical.pngFlare Breath
- Yes Yes
silence.png (15 sec)
slow.png (15 sec)
Breathes flames from left to right.
magical.pngUmbral Inferno
- Yes No -
Shoots 16 orbs from its mouth 3 times. Some will go in random directions while others will chase allies.
- No Yes -
Charges energy for 1 second and shoots an orb of energy into the ground, causing a large explosion.
physical.pngUmbral Frenzy (Hard)
- Yes Yes -
Roars and chases a target, slashing with its claws 8 times.
magical.pngUmbral Gaze (Hard)
- No No
stop.png ( sec)
A beam of energy comes out of Whisper Bahamut's eyes. Removes buffs and causes Stop.

*Status Effects and Ailments Guide

Best Characters for This Boss

Available Characters

Phases 1 & 2

Cloud IconCloud Barret IconBarret Tifa IconTifa

Phase 3

Cloud IconCloud Tifa IconTifa Aerith IconAerith

Recommended Characters

Unlike the next battle against Sephiroth, in which Cloud and two random party members will appear in the battle, this match against the Whispers will be limited to Cloud, Barret and Tifa for most of the battle. In the last phase, Barret will be switched out with Aerith.

They'll be split up at various points throughout the battle, so make sure each character has at least some Healing and Support Magic to help Cloud when Aerith isn't around.

Whisper Harbinger Attack Phases

Phase 1

Phase Point Summary
1 You'll use Cloud, Barret and Tifa to fight Whisper Rubrum, Whisper Viridi, and Whisper Croceo. Although Whisper Harbinger will be in the distance, he is immune to attacks.
2 After some time has passed, Whisper Harbinger will use Correction and banish all participants except Cloud.
3 Continue up the pipe to the right of the stage to reach the next area. Tifa, Barret and the other Whispers will return and the battle will continue.
4 After some time has passed, Whisper Harbinger will use Intercession and banish the other three Whispers. Continue along the path to the left to reach the next area.

Phase 2

Phase Point Summary
1 You'll use Cloud, Barret and Tifa to fight Whisper Rubrum solo. It'll start using new, more powerful Abilities in this Phase, and its health meter will be completely filled.
2 When Whisper Rubrum's health bar is depleted, it will automatically be Staggered. Whisper Harbinger will start taking damage each time you attack Whisper Rubrum. Continue attacking Whisper Rubrum until it is defeated.Watch out: If you don't deal enough damage to Whisper Rubrum, its health meter will replenish by half, or completely refill on Hard Mode, and you'll have to repeat this section.
3 After a cutscene, Tifa will be banished, and you'll have to fight Whisper Croceo and Whisper Viridi with Cloud and Barret, with Red XIII accompanying you.
4 Repeat the same process as with Whisper Rubrum for Whisper Croceo and Whisper Viridi.

Phase 3

Phase Point Summary
1 All three small Whispers will return with full HP. Barret and Red XIII with run off to attack Whisper Harbinger directly, while you'll fight the three smaller Whispers with Cloud, Aerith and Tifa.
2 After a set amount of time has passed, the three Whispers will combine and form Whisper Bahamut.
3 After defeating Whisper Bahamut, the three Whispers will split apart and return to their previously held HP amounts.
4 Defeat each of the Whispers one by one and attack them while Staggered to damage Whisper Harbinger, like in Phase 2, until all three are defeated.
5 In the finale, simply attack the Whisper Harbinger as its giant body moves overhead. It really doesn't pose any threat. After you've attacked it enough, the battle will end.

Tips & Strategies for Beating Whisper Harbinger

Strategy Checklist
(Click to jump)

Don't Waste Your Attacks in Phase 1

In the first part of the battle, when you're fighting each of the three smaller Whispers before Whisper Harbinger uses Intercession, there's actually no point to fighting back at all.

In this phase, you'll move to two separate areas to battle, during which Whisper Harbinger will use Correction and Intercession to move the battle to the next area. But after Intercession is used, you'll fight the three smaller Whispers again with fully regenerated health bars. This means that no matter how much damage you deal in Phase 1, it will be completely reset at the start of Phase 2.

Save your ATB and Limit Gauges


After testing out going through Phase 1 without using any attacks, all characters' gauges were fully maxed out.

To handle this harsh reality, focus on blocking and avoiding damage throughout Phase 1, and don't spend your precious MP here. Although the Whispers' damage will reset, your characters' ATB Gauges and Limit Gauges will not, so if you've saved these up throughout Phase 1, you'll be able to unleash a wave of damage at the onset of Phase 2.

Counter Whisper Rubrum's Attacks

rubrum counter.jpeg

Whisper Rubrum will come at you with a variety of sword-based attacks, allowing Cloud to take advantage of his Punisher Mode's auto-counter or the Twin Stinger's Counterstance ability to do a good amount of damage.

Take Down Whisper Viridi From Afar

Whisper Viridi's attacks are all close ranged and can stun your party leaving you open to attacks from the rest. To quickly take Viridi down, hit it with any magic but lightning or swap to Barret for long-range attacks.

Finish Off Croceo First

Whisper Croceo's attacks are all gun-baed, meaning it can attack anyone in your party from a distance. Target Croceo first with your strongest abilities to remove this nuisance from the battlefield.

Go All Out When a Smaller Whisper is Staggered


Tifa's Starshower cleaning a staggered Whisper Rubrum's clock.

When one of the smaller Whispers' HP runs out, they will be temporarily Staggered. This is your chance to deal vicarious damage to Whisper Harbinger. The more damage you deal to the Staggered Whisper, the more damage Whisper Harbinger will take.

If you don't manage to do enough damage to the Staggered Whisper, they'll regain half of their HP, or all of it on Hard Mode. This will force you to continue the sequence again until you've dealt enough damage to continue to the next Phase.

Hit Whisper Bahamut with Magic


Aerith casting Blizzara on a pressured Whisper Bahamut.

Whisper Bahamut will fly around quickly and stay out of range of most melee attacks. It will also use powerful attacks like Megaflare which will deal big damage to your whole party, so you'll want to finish off this phase of the battle as quickly as possible.

Now that you have Aerith back in your party, use her high Magic Attack with a level 3 Spell like Blizzaga to take down Whisper Bahamut before he does too much damage.

Avoid casting Spells with Absorbed Elements


Here, Whisper Rubrum heals 2241 HP after being hit with Firaga.

Each of the three smaller Whispers Absorbs an Element, matching the type of Magic they use. This means that attacking the Whisper with this Element of Magic with restore their HP instead of decreasing it. Fortunately, this doesn't apply to Elemental Materia – however, it will reduce the damage dealt in your next battle, so we advise removing any Elemental Materia anyway before starting this series of battles.

Whispers and the elements they absorb

Whisper Absorbed Element
Whisper Rubrum Fire
Whisper Viridi Lightning
Whisper Croceo Wind

As Ice is the only Magic not Absorbed by any Whisper, it's a good idea to simply avoid other elements and place Ice Materia on all your characters before the fight.

Whisper Harbinger: Hard Mode Guide

Strategy Checklist
(Click to jump)

Temper in the First Phase

On Normal Mode, the Whispers would wait until phase 2 to use Temper and power up, but on Hard Mode they will do this from the beginning, immediately increasing their damage output. Link a Healing materia with Magnify or equip Prayer to keep up.

Viridi's lightning attacks will also become more annoying so linking Elemental with Lightning on your party's armor will help mitigate this damage.

Hit Bahamut With -ga Level Magic

Like on Normal, Whisper Bahamut is more susceptible to magic attacks. Using Cloud as your tank, keep Bahamut's attention while you target him with Tifa and Aerith's strongest magic.

Boss Fight Related Articles

List of Boss Battles

Major Story Bosses

All Major Story Bosses
Chapter 1 Scorpion Sentinel
Chapter 4 Roche
Chapter 5 Crab Warden
Chapter 7 Airbuster
Chapter 8 Reno
Chapter 9 Hell House
Chapter 10 Abzu
Chapter 11 Ghoul
Chapter 13 Failed Experiment
Chapter 14 Abzu (2nd Fight)
Chapter 15 The Valkyrie
Chapter 16 Specimen H0512
Chapter 17 Jenova Dreamweaver
The Arsenal
Chapter 18 Motor Ball
Whisper Harbinger

VR Mission Bosses

All VR Mission Bosses
Chapter 8 Shiva
Chapter 9 Fat Chocobo
Chapter 13 Leviathan
Secret Boss Bahamut
Superboss Pride and Joy Prototype

Story Sub-Bosses

All Story Sub-Bosses
Chapter 2 The Huntsman
Chapter 3 The Hoodlums
Chapter 4 Enigmatic Spectre
Chapter 12 Enigmatic Spectre
Chapter 17 M.O.T.H. Unit
Brain Pod

Monster Variants & Optional Sub-Bosses

All Monster Variants & Optional Sub-Bosses
Chapter 3 Doomrat
Cerulean Drake
Wrath Hound
Chapter 8 Hedgehog Pie King
Mark II Monodrive
Chapter 14 Rust Drake
Type-0 Behemoth
Chapter 17 Malboro

Intergrade and INTERmission Bosses

Intergrade and INTERmission Bosses
Chapter 1 Levrikon
Chapter 2 Scarlet & The Crimson Mare
Nero the Sable
Optional Ramuh
Weiss the Immaculate
Pride and Joy Mk. 0.5 (Top Secrets)


5 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Wish there was a checkpoint before Bahamut as when on hard you have to start right back at the beginning:(

4 Tifa's Husbandoalmost 5 years

I mean... was there any doubt that you would fight him?


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