FF7 Remake

Shinra Combat Simulator Guide and Rewards

Shinra Combat Simulator.jpg

This is a guide to the Shinra Combat Simulator in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). This guide will explain how to unlock the combat simulator, as well as obtainable rewards. If you are having trouble beating battle challenges, read on for tips and strategy!

What Is the Shinra Combat Simulator?

Get various rewards for completing battles


The Shinra Combat Simulator is a facility inside of the Shinra Building that allows you to take on successive battles in order to receive various rewards. Of these rewards, the EXP Up Materia and Gil Up Materia are very useful, so we highly recommend going after them.

Unlock all battles after beating the game

All battles inside of the Combat Simulator become available after clearing the main story of FF7R. After clearing the game, you'll also have access to Chapter Select, which you can use to go to Chapter 17 and find the Simulator near the beginning.

Can be done multiple times to farm EXP

Repeatedly receive EXP.jpg

After completing a battle in the Combat Simulator, you can take it on again to receive EXP and Gil. Since the Gil Up and EXP Up Materia are both found here, you can equip them to rake in even more gil and EXP while you take on these challenges.

Shinra Battle Simulator Guide

Three-Person Team vs. Mayor is Best (★3)

Mayor is Best.jpg
Team Members Reward
Any 3 Members Mega-Potion

Go in equipped with the Lightning MateriaーTheir weakness

The Cutters you will have to fight is weak to Lightning based magic, so be sure and equip the Lightning Materia. If you can stagger it and then unleash Thundara or Thundaga on it, it will drop in no time.

Constantly change control of characters and attack from behind

All of the Cutters' attacks come from their front. If you can position both characters on either side of one and aim to constantly attack from the rear, you'll have a much easier time.
How to Beat Three-person Team vs. Mayor Is Best

Three-Person Team vs. Top Secrets (★7)

Pride and Joy Prototype.jpg
Team Members Reward Difficulty
Any 3 Members Gotterdammerung Hard Mode Only
How to Unlock
・Clear all battle challenges at the Corneo Colosseum
・Clear all battle challenges at the Shinra Combat Simulator
・Complete all Battle Intel Reports

How to Beat Three-Person Team Vs. Top Secrets

Weiss Boss Battle in Intergrade

Weiss Boss Battle (1).png
Team Members Reward Difficulty
Any 3 Members Gotterdammerung ×2 Hard Mode Only
How to Unlock
・Complete the INTERmission DLC in FF7 Remake Intergrade

Players who purchased the INTERmission DLC for the PS5 upgrade to FF7 Remake and completed both chapters will unlock a fight with Weiss, a character returning from Dirge of Cerberus.

This is one of the toughest battles in the game, and once again only available on Hard difficulty. Don't go into it unprepared!

Weiss Boss Guide and How to Unlock

Combat Simulator Rewards

List of Battle Challenges (★3)

Battle Challenge Reward
Three-Person Team vs. Mayor is Best Mega-Potion

3 Battle Challenge Enemies

Battle Number Enemy
Battle #1 Cutter ×2

List of Battle Challenges (★4)

Battle Challenge Reward
Cloud vs. SOLDIER Trainees Cog Bangle
Barret vs. SOLDIER Trainees Supreme Bracer
Tifa vs. SOLDIER Trainees Rune Armlet
Aerith vs. SOLDIER Trainees Geometric Bracelet
Two-Person Team vs. High Flyers Gil Up Materia
Three-Person Team vs. Team Ragbag EXP Up Materia

Vs. SOLDIER Trainees (★4)

Battle Number Enemy
Battle #1 Sahagin Prince ×1
Battle #2 Phantom ×1
Battle #3 Grungy Bandit ×1
Battle #4 3-C SOLDEIR Operator ×1
Battle #5 Cutter ×1

Two-Person Team vs. High Flyers (★4)

Battle Number Enemy
Battle #1 Bugaboo x1
Battle #2 Slug-Ray ×2
Varghidpolis ×2
Battle #3 Monodrive ×4
Terpsicolt ×2
Battle #4 Elite Helitrooper ×2
Battle #5 Rust Drake ×1

Three-Person Team vs. Team Ragbag (★4)

Battle Number Enemy
Battle #1 Abzu Shoat ×1
Battle #2 Trypapolis ×1
Varghidpolis ×2
Battle #3 Hellhound ×1
Bloodhound ×2
Battle #4 Smogger x1
Ringmaw ×2
Battle #5 Blast-Ray ×1
Sweeper Prototype ×1

List of Battle Challenges (★5)

Battle Challenge Reward
Cloud vs. 3-C SOLDIER CANDIDATES The Art of Swordplay Vol. XIII
Barret vs. 3-C SOLDIER CANDIDATES Sharpshooter’s Companion Vol. XIII
Tifa vs. 3-C SOLDIER CANDIDATES Way of the Fist Vol. XIII
Aerith vs. 3-C SOLDIER CANDIDATES Telluric Scriptures Vol. XI
Two-Person Team vs. Dynamic Duos Refocus Materia

Vs. 3-C SOLDIER Candidates (★5)

Battle Number Enemy
Battle #1 Unknown Entity ×1
Enhanced Shock Trooper ×1
Battle #2 Zenene ×1
Battle #3 Sledgeworm×1
Battle #4 Armored Shock Trooper ×1
Battle #5 M.O.T.H. Unit ×1

Two-Person Team vs. Dynamic Duos (★5)

Battle Number Enemy
Battle #1 Phantom ×1
Ghost ×1
Battle #2 Elite Shocktrooper ×1
Elite Helitrooper ×1
Battle #3 Grungy Bandit ×1
3-C SOLDIER Operator ×1
Battle #4 Hellhound ×1
Zenene ×1
Battle #5 Sweeper ×1
Queen Grashtrike ×1

List of Battle Challenges (★6)

Battle Challenge Reward
Three-Person Team vs. Monsters of Legend Refocus Materia

6 Battle Challenge Enemies

Battle Number Enemy
Battle #1 Bomb ×1
Battle #2 Tonberry ×1
Battle #3 Type-0 Behemoth ×1
Battle #4 Bomb ×1
Tonberry ×1
Battle #5 Malboro ×1

List of Battle Challenges (★7)

Battle Challenge Reward
Three-Person Team vs. Top Secrets Gotterdammerung

7 Battle Challenge Enemies

Battle Number Enemy
Battle #1 Shiva ×1
Battle #2 Fat Chocobo ×1
Battle #3 Leviathan ×1
Battle #4 Bahamut ×1
Battle #5 Pride and Joy Prototype ×1

INTERmission Dark Secrets Battle Challenge

Battle Challenge Reward
How to Beat Yuffie & Sonon vs Shinra's Dark Secrets Enfeeblement Ring

Vs Shinra's Dark Secrets Enemies

Battle Number Enemy
Battle #1 Security Officer ×3
Riot Trooper ×3
Elite Grenadier ×1
Battle #2 Helitrooper ×1
Deepground SOLDIER ×2
Battle #3 3-C SOLDIER Operator ×3

INTERmission Midgarian Monsters Battle Challenge

Battle Challenge Reward
How to Beat Yuffie & Sonon Vs. Midgarian Monsters Enfeeblement Ring

Vs Midgarian Monsters Enemies

Battle Number Enemy
Battle #1 Bugaboo ×16
Battle #2 Levrikon ×1
Horned Cripshay ×1
Battle #3 Type-0 Behemoth ×1

Related Links

FF7 Remake Links
Intergrade DLCNEW
Walkthroughs Boss Battles Side Quests
Beginner's Tips Characters Battle Reports
Manual Minigames Enemies
Materia Weapons Armor
Accessories Items Limit Breaks
Shinra Combat Simulator Corneo Colosseum Choices
Message Boards News Review

FF7 Remake Guide & Walkthrough Wiki


3 Anonymousover 4 years

I made Barret fight twice to get another Supreme Bracer but it was not rewarded twice. Is it limited to the first serie of fights or am I doing something wrong?

2 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Ohhh so this is how you get those two materia. Kinda sucks that you can't get them though until you finish the game


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