FF7 Remake

Weapons on a Rampage Walkthrough | Side Quest 9 Location and Rewards

Weapons on a Rampage.png
This is a walkthrough for Side Quest (Odd Job) 9: Weapons on a Rampage in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Keep reading to find out where to find this quest, its rewards, and how to complete it!

Previous Quest Kids on Patrol
Current Quest Weapons on a Rampage
Next Quest A Verified Hero

Weapons on a Rampage Rewards and Information

Quest Giver Location Chapter
Scared Man Station Way 8
Reward Rating
Protective Boots ★★

Weapons on a Rampage Walkthrough

1 Talk to the Scared Man.
2 Go north and take the path right to Nuts 'n' Bolts Hills.
3 Take the ladder to your left up and follow the enemies north into a clearing. You will fight two Mark II Monodrives.
Hit them with magic, preferrably wind, to make them vulnerable to physical attacks.
4 Head to the clearing in the north west area of the Scrapyard Back Alley to find the remaining three enemies.
5 Return to the scared man to receive your reward.

Weapons on a Rampage Tips & Tricks

  • Specifically the set of three Mark II Monodrives can be difficult as they move around a lot. If you can't manage to land Aero or Aerora on them, hit them with fire or thunder-based magic, or wait for them to sit still while they charge up an attack.
  • Completing this Odd Job will unlock the Paying Respects Odd Job.

Side Quest (Odd Job) Related Links

Chapter 8

Quest Reward
1 Mysterious Moogle.pngThe Mysterious Moogle Merchant Access to the Moogle Emporium
2 Kids on Patrol.pngKids on Patrol Nail Bat
3 Weapons on a Rampage.pngWeapons on a Rampage Protective Boots
4 A Verified Hero.pngA Verified Hero Elixir
5 The Angel of the Slums.pngThe Angel of the Slum 2,000 Gill
6 Paying Respects.pngPaying Respects Studded Bracer

Disovery Quests

Quest Name Reward
The Gate Won't Open ・Shortcut through path
The Language of Flowers ・Cutscene
MP Up Materia

Side Quests By Chapter

FF7R Side Quests
Chapter 3 Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Chapter 14
Discovery Quests and Rewards

List of Side Quests (Odd Jobs)


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