FF7 Remake

Weiss the Immaculate: Character and Voice Actor

Weiss the Immaculate.jpg
This is a profile of the character Weiss from the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake)'s DLC Intergrade for the PS5. Read on to learn about this character's voice actor and characteristics.

INTERmission DLC - All Characters
Yuffie Icon.pngYuffie Sonon Icon.pngSonon Zhijie Icon.pngZhijie Nayo Icon.pngNayo
Billy Bob Icon.pngBilly Bob Polk Icon.pngPolk Nero Icon.pngNero Weiss Icon.pngWeiss
Melfi Icon.pngMelfi Scarlet.pngScarlet

All FF7 Remake Intergrade Guides

Weiss's Backstory and Profile


Weiss is the sadistic ruler of Shinra's top-secret underground research center, Deepground. Out of fear, Shinra have restrained him to a throne deep within the confines of the facility, where he bides his time, waiting to exact his revenge.
Name Weiss the Immaculate
Voice Actor English: Daman Mills
Japanese: Joji Nakata
Weapon Dual Gun Swords

English Voice Actor: Daman Mills

Weiss is voiced by Daman Mills in the English version of the game. He is a voice actor that has had many roles in anime and some roles in video games. He has voiced some well-known characters like Frieza, in both anime and video games! He has great range plays a variety of voices, from tough buff antagonists to old frail men!

Weiss's Characteristics

A New Boss Battle

Weiss Boss Battle (1).png
Players who purchased the INTERmission DLC for the PS5 upgrade to FF7 Remake and completed both DLC chapters and the main game will unlock a fight with Weiss, a character returning from Dirge of Cerberus.

This is one of the toughest battles in the game, and once again only available on Hard difficulty. Don't go into it unprepared!
Weiss Boss Guide and How to Unlock

Leader of the Tsviets

Weiss first appeared in the game Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy 7 as, arguably, the main antagonist next to Hojo. Weiss is the leader of the Tsviets, elite soldiers of the top-secret Shinra organization Deepground. With the brothers' appearance in the new FF7 Remake DLC, perhaps we will see more of Deepground in future installments of the Remake series.

Older Brother to Nero

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Not only is Weiss the leader of the Tsviets, but he is also the older brother of the second most powerful member, Nero the Sable. They share a deep brotherly bond and are usually seen together, with his brother being his right-hand man and second-in-command.

Nero the Sable: Character and Voice Actor

Character Links

Main Characters
cloudCloud AerithAerith BarretBarret TifaTifa
Best Build for Each Character
Character Ranking by Stat
Jessie.pngJessie Wedge.pngWedge Biggs.pngBiggs -
Shinra Company
Sephiroth.pngSephiroth Professor Hojo.pngHojo Reno.pngReno President Shinra.pngPresident
Rude.pngRude Heidegger.pngHeidegger Roche.pngRoche Tseng.pngTseng
Scarlet.pngScarlet Palmer.pngPalmer Reeve.pngReeve Rufus.pngRufus
Other Characters
Red XIII.pngRed XIII Don Corneo.pngDon Corneo Leslie.pngLeslie Andrea.pngAndrea
Madam M.pngMadam M Chocobo Sam.pngSam Kyrie.pngKyrie Zack Portrait.pngZack
Vincent Valentine Icon.pngVincent JenovaJenova - -
INTERmission DLC
Yuffie Icon.pngYuffie Sonon Icon.pngSonon Zhijie Icon.pngZhijie Nayo Icon.pngNayo
Billy Bob Icon.pngBilly Bob Polk Icon.pngPolk Nero Icon.pngNero Weiss Icon.pngWeiss
Melfi Icon.pngMelfi - - -

List of Characters


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