FF7 Remake

How to Beat Levrikon | Boss Guide

How to Beat Levrikon.jpg

This is a guide to beating the Boss Levrikon in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R) from the INTERmission DLC in the Intergrade PS5 version. This article explains Levrikon's attack patterns, weaknesses, and tips and strategies for defeating them.

Levrikon Basic Information

Levrikon Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Biological Grounded Mini-Boss


A large bird found in the undercity. Capable of attacking with its ironlike bill, it has to evolved to use its formidable wings as hands to sieze potential prey.

Assess (Tips)

When holding a rock, it will repel and counter frontal attacks. Fire and ice attacks will rapidly fill its stagger gauge. If captured, continuously press evade to escape.

Levrikon Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP Currently Unknown 7165 11790

Levrikon Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments Fire, Ice
Lesser Resistances -
Greater Resistances -
Immunities -
Absorbed Elements -


Easy/Normal Hard
Gil 268 787
AP 8 8
Exp 945 2772
Items Dropped Ether (100%) ()
Rare Items Dropped -
Steal Elixir ()

Drops Mezu Drive

Levrikon drops the Mezu Drive upon defeat. The Mezu Drive does not do anything by itself but adds an effect when paired up with Chthonian Armlet.
Mezu Drive Effect and Stats

Best Characters, Equipment and Materia for This Boss

Available Characters

Yuffie IconYuffie Sonon IconSonon

You will have only have Yuffie and Sonon for this fight.

Recommended Characters

Yuffie IconYuffie Weapon: Boomerang
Armor: Ninja Armlet
Accessory: Earrings or Talisman
Sonon IconSonon Weapon:Marshalist's Staff
Armor:Force Bracelet or Chain Bangle)
Accessory: Power Wristguards or Revival Earrings

Boomerang for Brumal Form

Boomerang will be handy in this fight as Levrikon is weak to ice and fire magic and this will increase your magic damage. Its Brumal Form ability is also useful to avoid its attacks.

Sonon for Syngergy Attacks

Sonon's role for more damage through synergy with Yuffie. You will synergize with Sonon when you have the chance to maximize your damage. Just make sure you turn it off when Levrikon has a rock to avoid its counter-attacks.

Best Materia for Yuffie

Weapon (3 Slots)
Armor (3 Slots)

Best Materia for Sonon

Weapon (2 Slots)
Armor (2 Slots)

Tips & Strategies for Beating Levrikon

Use Fire or Ice Materia and Ninjutsu

Ice Ninjutsu Levrikon.jpg
Using either fire or Ice materia and Ninjutsu will give you an edge in this fight. It is weak to both elements, so use whatever you feel comfortable with.

Don't Use Synergy When Holding Rock

Levrikon will occasionally pull out a rock and hold it. With a rock in its hand, it will counter any frontal attacks, so when it does that you will have to make sure you are not synergized with Sonon. If you are synergized and you attack with Yuffie, Sonon will always try to follow up your attack on the same target and might attack from the front and will be countered.

Attack Between Sonon and Yuffie

Commanding Sonon Levrikon.jpg
While you can't actually switch between Sonon and Yuffie, you still can give commands. When it has the rock out and facing Yuffie, command Sonon to use an ability and when it is facing Sonon, go ham as Yuffie from behind!

Levrikon Attack Phases

All Attacks and Effects

Attack Name Guardable Damage Status Effect
Acid Shower Medium Poison
Charge Large -
Stone's Throw Medium -
Brutalize Large -

Early Battle

Acid Shower

Acid Shower Levrikon.jpg
Levrikon will spit out acid that will poison you in an area in front of it. This move can be easily blocked as it will take a moment before it starts spitting. If you can block it you won't get poisoned, so keep your eyes out for it!


Charge Levrikon.jpg
It will charge right at you, dealing damage if you don't dodge or block it. Keeping your distance can ensure you have enough time to either block it or dodge out of the way.


Brutalize Levrikon.jpg
Levrikon will jump forwards and attempt to grab you to deal massive damage to you. Blocking won't help as it will still grab you, dodging out of the way is your best bet. If you have the Boomerang weapon on Yuffie, you will have the Brumal Form. This will help you easily evade its attack.

When Holding a Stone

Counter Attacks

When it grabs onto a stone, you will want to keep a watchful eye to see who it is facing. Make sure not to attack with whoever is in front of it, or the Levrikon will counter their attacks and deal good damage to them. Attack with whoever is behind it instead. Make sure to have synergy off when it is holding its rock.

Stone's Throw

It will throw the rock to deal damage, it can be easily blocked or avoided if you keep your distance. You want Levrikon to use this move, as once it throws the rock, it will not counter your attacks anymore.

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