FF7 Remake

How to Beat Brain Pod | Boss Guide

Brain Pod.jpg

This is a guide to beating the Boss Brain Pod in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). This article explains Brain Pod's attack patterns, weaknesses, and tips and strategies for defeating them.

Brain Pod Basic Information

Stats and Weaknesses

Brain Pod
Brain Pod Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Artificial Life Grounded Normal


A species created by Shinra's R&D Division by installing a copy of a human brain into a tank. Its primary method of attack is to expel the waste matter that builds up in that tank.

Assess (Tips)

Tactical data not available.

Brain Pod Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 6732 12240 17685
Attack 99 148
Magic Attack 99 148
Defense 31 45
Magic Defense 213 312

Brain Pod Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments Lightning
Lesser Resistances -
Greater Resistances -
Immunities Poison, Sleep
Absorbed Elements -

Stagger Rates

×1 ×1 ×1 ×1
×1 ×1 ×1 -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 10 seconds


Easy/Normal Hard
Gil 750 1968
AP 5 15
Exp 450 2376
Items Dropped Hazardous Material (12%)
Rare Items Dropped Antidote (5%)
Steal Antidote (10%)

Learnable Enemy Skills

No Enemy Skills can be learned from Brain Pod.

List of Enemy Skills

Brain Pod Boss Battle Guide

Brain Pod Abilities and Attack Patterns

Name Element Blockable? Knockdown? Status
- Yes No -
Charges into a target.
physical.pngLid Spin
- Yes Yes -
Spins around while swinging its lid.
magical.pngSuper Psychic Wave
- No No -
Sends out 3-5 white copies of itself that chase after party members.
magical.pngLife Syphon
- No No -
Creates a pink light that drains HP.
magical.pngToxic Waste
- Yes No
poison.png (180 sec)
Opens its lid and spits out 3 globs of poison.
magical.pngNoxious Whirl
- No No
poison.png (180 sec)
Spins in a circle and creates a pool of poison beneath itself that lasts 10 seconds.
- No No
stop.png (5 sec)
Inflicts Stop on all allies.
Phase 1.jpg
- No No
Stun (27 sec)
Creates a large flash of white light that stuns allies.

*Status Effects and Ailments Guide

Best Characters for This Boss

Available Characters

Cloud IconCloud Barret IconBarret

Best Characters and Equipment

Cloud will be your attacker for this battle while Barret will act as a support. Cloud should be equipped with gear and materia that will maximize the damage output while Barret is equipped with the healing and support that you will need.

Brain Pod Attack Phases

Phase 1

Phase Point Summary
1 You will fight Brain Pod 3-on-1. It will start by using Noxious Whirl then uses its other attacks occasionally.

Phase 2

Phase Point Summary
1 After losing half of its HP, it will use Flashbang to paralyze your party before eleven more Brain Pods appear. Each Brain Pod will use the same abilities and attack pattern as the first Brain Pod.

Tips & Strategies for Beating Brain Pod

Strategy Checklist
(Click to jump)

Avoid the Poisonous Puddles

Noxius Whirl.jpg

When Brain Pod uses Noxius Whirl, it will create a large puddle around it that will inflict Poison on contact. Avoid being poisoned by using ranged attacks like Cloud's Blade Burst or switching to Barret.

Conserve MP for the 2nd Phase

2nd Phase.jpg

You will only fight a single Brain Pod during the first phase of this battle and it will not be that much of a struggle. You can use abilities that do not consume MP to save MP for the second phase where you will fight twelve Brain Pods.

Prepare for Poison and Stop


The Brain Pods will continue to use Noxious Whirl, Toxic Waste, and Stop to inflict Poison and Stop. Counter these effects by equipping Warding + Time materias against Stop and Cleansing materia against Poison.

Group the Pods Before Using Area Attacks

Magnified Thundaga.jpg

During the second phase, there will be a lot of instances that the pods will group together since the room is too small. Use this opportunity to strike them with strong area attacks like Magnify + Lightning materias. You can also restore your HP during these instances with HP Absorption + Deadly Dodge materias.

Boss Battle Related Articles

List of Boss Battles

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All Major Story Bosses
Chapter 1 Scorpion Sentinel
Chapter 4 Roche
Chapter 5 Crab Warden
Chapter 7 Airbuster
Chapter 8 Reno
Chapter 9 Hell House
Chapter 10 Abzu
Chapter 11 Ghoul
Chapter 13 Failed Experiment
Chapter 14 Abzu (2nd Fight)
Chapter 15 The Valkyrie
Chapter 16 Specimen H0512
Chapter 17 Jenova Dreamweaver
The Arsenal
Chapter 18 Motor Ball
Whisper Harbinger

VR Mission Bosses

All VR Mission Bosses
Chapter 8 Shiva
Chapter 9 Fat Chocobo
Chapter 13 Leviathan
Secret Boss Bahamut
Superboss Pride and Joy Prototype

Story Sub-Bosses

All Story Sub-Bosses
Chapter 2 The Huntsman
Chapter 3 The Hoodlums
Chapter 4 Enigmatic Spectre
Chapter 12 Enigmatic Spectre
Chapter 17 M.O.T.H. Unit
Brain Pod

Monster Variants & Optional Sub-Bosses

All Monster Variants & Optional Sub-Bosses
Chapter 3 Doomrat
Cerulean Drake
Wrath Hound
Chapter 8 Hedgehog Pie King
Mark II Monodrive
Chapter 14 Rust Drake
Type-0 Behemoth
Chapter 17 Malboro

Intergrade and INTERmission Bosses

Intergrade and INTERmission Bosses
Chapter 1 Levrikon
Chapter 2 Scarlet & The Crimson Mare
Nero the Sable
Optional Ramuh
Weiss the Immaculate
Pride and Joy Mk. 0.5 (Top Secrets)


2 Angbaldalmost 4 years

This is an extremely useful guide.

1 Anonymousalmost 5 years

ohh that answered my question.. so you can avoid getting poison and get infected by other status ailments..


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