FF7 Remake

How to Get All Fort Condor Units | Best Fort Condor Units

This is a guide to Fort Condor Units in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R) Intergrade's INTERmission DLC for the PS5. Learn how to get all units, the different stats for each unit, as well as the best units to use in your loadout!

Intergrade and INTERmission DLC Walkthrough

Fort Condor Guides
Fort Condor Guide How to Farm Condor Coins
How to Get All Units How to Get All Boards

How to Get All Fort Condor Units

Security OfficerSecurity Officer
Obtained alongside the Starter Board.
Rarity: ★
ATB Cost: 2
HP: 150
Atk: 60
Elite Security OfficerElite Security Officer
Obtained after defeating Kyrie.
Rarity: ★★
ATB Cost: 4
HP: 300
Atk: 90
Obtained after beating Polk in the tutorial.
Rarity: ★
ATB Cost: 3
HP: 150
Atk: 60
Elite HelitrooperElite Helitrooper
Obtained after defeating Roche.
Rarity: ★★★
ATB Cost: 4
HP: 200
Atk: 80
Shock TrooperShock Trooper
Purchase from Old Snapper.
Price: 1 Condor Coins
Rarity: ★
ATB Cost: 2
HP: 270
Atk: 60
Purchase from Old Snapper (Unlocked after defeating Rank 2 Opponents).
Price: 3 Condor Coins
Rarity: ★★★★
ATB Cost: 6
HP: 600
Atk: 120
Guard DogGuard Dog
Obtained alongside the Starter Board.
Rarity: ★
ATB Cost: 3
HP: 120
Atk: 120
Security Officer BarracksSecurity Officer Barracks
Can be purchased from the northern Junk Shop for 100 Gil (Item rotation randomly resets by progressing through story objectives or battling FC opponents).
Rarity: ★★★
ATB Cost: 4
HP: 250
Atk: 80
Obtained alongside the Starter Board.
Rarity: ★
ATB Cost: 2
HP: 150
Atk: 60
Elite GrenadierElite Grenadier
Obtained after defeating Shinra Middle Manager.
Rarity: ★★
ATB Cost: 4
HP: 300
Atk: 90
Elite Shock TrooperElite Shock Trooper
Purchase from Old Snapper (Unlocked after defeating Rank 1 Opponents)
Price: 2 Condor Coins
Rarity: ★
ATB Cost: 3
HP: 270
Atk: 60
Found in a chest within Sector 7 Slums.
Rarity: ★★★★
ATB Cost: 6
HP: 600
Atk: 120
Obtained alongside the Starter Board.
Rarity: ★
ATB Cost: 2
HP: 150
Atk: 60
Found in a chest within the abandoned Talagger Factory, hidden behind some Shinra crates.
Rarity: ★★
ATB Cost: 3
HP: 200
Atk: 60
Sentry RaySentry Ray
Purchase from Old Snapper.
Price: 1 Condor Coins
Rarity: ★
ATB Cost: 2
HP: 150
Atk: 80
Missile LauncherMissile Launcher
Can be purchased from the northern Junk Shop for 300 Gil (Item rotation randomly resets by progressing through story objectives or battling FC opponents).
Rarity: ★★
ATB Cost: 5
HP: 600
Atk: 0
Grenadier BarracksGrenadier Barracks
Obtained after defeating Jessie.
Rarity: ★★
ATB Cost: 5
HP: 600
Atk: 0
Slug-Ray FacilitySlug-Ray Facility
Purchase from Old Snapper (Unlocked after defeating Rank 1 Opponents)
Price: 2 Condor Coins
Rarity: ★★★
ATB Cost: 5
HP: 600
Atk: 0
Riot TrooperRiot Trooper
Obtained alongside the Starter Board.
Rarity: ★
ATB Cost: 2
HP: 300
Atk: 60
Elite Riot TrooperElite Riot Trooper
Obtained after defeating Johnny.
Rarity: ★★
ATB Cost: 4
HP: 450
Atk: 90
Obtained alongside the Starter Board.
Rarity: ★
ATB Cost: 3
HP: 400
Atk: 60
Armored Shock TrooperArmored Shock Trooper
Obtained after defeating Wedge.
Rarity: ★★★
ATB Cost: 5
HP: 400
Atk: 70
Purchase from Old Snapper (Unlocked after defeating Rank 2 Opponents).
Price: 3 Condor Coins
Rarity: ★★★
ATB Cost: 7
HP: 600
Atk: 100
Sentry Gun PrototypeSentry Gun Prototype
Obtained after beating Polk in the tutorial.
Rarity: ★
ATB Cost: 2
HP: 500
Atk: 100
Sentry GunSentry Gun
Purchase from Old Snapper (Unlocked after defeating Rank 1 Opponents)
Price: 2 Condor Coins
Rarity: ★★
ATB Cost: 4
HP: 300
Atk: 70
Purchase from Old Snapper (Unlocked after defeating Rank 2 Opponents).
Price: 3 Condor Coins
Rarity: ★★★
ATB Cost: 5
HP: 500
Atk: 100
M.O.T.H. UnitM.O.T.H. Unit
Can be purchased from the northern Junk Shop for 500 Gil (Item rotation randomly resets by progressing through story objectives or battling FC opponents).
Rarity: ★★★★
ATB Cost: 6
HP: 600
Atk: 120
Riot Trooper BarracksRiot Trooper Barracks
Found in a chest to the right of Wedge.
Rarity: ★★
ATB Cost: 5
HP: 600
Atk: 0

The Northern Junk Shop

The Junk Shop located in the silo on the street north of Seventh Heaven, despite its name, has some great finds. Three Fort Condor Units (M.O.T.H. Unit, Security Officer Barracks, and Missile Launcher) can only be purchased here, so you'll need to visit this shop if you intend to get them all. Additionally, there are some materia obtainable only here, including the Wind Materia, Luck Up Materia, HP Absorption Materia, and MP Absorption Materia.

Note that the items sold at the Junk Shop change depending on your story and Fort Condor progress. It's easy to reset the Junk Shop's merchandise by challenging Jessie (or any other player) to a Fort Condor match, immediately forfeiting, and returning to the store. Run this process three times to easily obtain all available items!

All Junk Shop Items
Set Materia Units Armor/Other
1 Wind - Iron Maiden,
2 HP Absorption Security Officer Barracks,
M.O.T.H. Unit
Astral Cuff,
3 MP Absorption Security Officer Barracks,
Missile Launcher
Force Bracelet,
Phoenix Down
4 Luck Up Missile Launcher,
M.O.T.H. Unit
Force Bracelet,
Iron Maiden,
Astral Cuff,

Explanation of Fort Condor Unit Attributes


Weapon Triangle.png

Each unit is one of three roles: vanguard, ranged, or defense. These work as a rock-paper-scissors like triangle, where vanguard is effective against ranged, ranged is effective against defense, and defense is effective against vanguard. Before each battle starts, you can see which units your opponents will use, and since they often only primarily use one or two types, you can edit your deck to contain more of the advantageous type for an easier victory.

ATB Cost


Every unit will cost ATB in order to deploy. Stronger units will always come at the cost of higher ATB Costs, while cheaper units are easier to summon but more fragile. A good loadout should use a mix of both low and high cost units for higher efficiency.


All units are either grounded or airborne. Grounded units will walk forward towards the opponent's towers and battle any units along the way, but not all grounded units are capable of attacking airborne units. Airborne units have the advantage of being able to fight both grounded and airborne units.


Each unit will show three different icons to show which types of targets they can attack: towers (Outposts and Headquarters), grounded units, and airborne units. Most units can attack both towers and grounded units, although Guard Dogs can only attack towers. Airborne units can target all three, but some grounded units cannot attack airborne units.


HP is the stat that determines a units survivability, and allows the unit to take more hits before dying. Both defense and ranged units typically offer better HP than vanguard units.


Attack determines how much damage a unit can do when attacking a tower or another unit. Both vanguard and defense units typically offer better Atk than ranged units.


While rarity itself doesn't really effect any stats, units will have a rarity from one to four stars, and higher rarities will typically mean higher HP and Attack, as well as a higher ATB cost to deploy. When starting off, you will mostly only have lower rarity units, but as you climb the ranks, higher rarity units become available.

Best Fort Condor Units

As explained above, the units you should use depend entirely on what types of units your opponent has in their loadout. Above all, you should prioritize having a higher number of type-effective units to counter their team, and you should also make sure you have a good mix of both higher and lower cost units, since having only high cost units can make it very difficult to summon units in a pinch. You should also look to see whether or not their loadout contains several airborne units or not, as this will play a big part in choosing the best units to counter them.

Keeping this in mind, we have arranged the best units into low and high cost, so you will know which units are best to mix into your loadout.

Best Low Cost Units (2-3 ATB)

Guard DogGuard Dog Essential for Hard Mode. Best used if deployed to the sides while enemies are distracted by units toward the center
Blast-RayBlast-Ray ・High HP and good Atk makes it easy to deploy and great for tanking damage.
Sentry RaySentry Ray ・Very low ATB cost, and can target airborne units.
Shock TrooperShock Trooper ・Very low ATB cost, and higher HP than Security Officer (at the cost of being unable to target airborne units).
HelitrooperHelitrooper ・Hard for defense units to target, due to being airborne.

Best High Cost Units (4+ ATB)

Armored Shock TrooperArmored Shock Trooper ・Excellent survivability and attack range. Spawns a Shock Trooper (Vanguard) upon dying, allowing you to have two types in one.
Slug-Ray FacilitySlug-Ray Facility ・Delpoys a steady onslaught of Slug-Rays, allowing you to press your advantage against the opponent.
Elite HelitrooperElite Helitrooper ・Hard for defense units to target, due to being airborne. Stronger than normal Helitrooper, but more costly.
Elite GrenadierElite Grenadier ・More costly than regular grenadier, but strong unit for taking out opponents with many Defense units.
Elite Riot TrooperElite Riot Trooper ・Tanky Defense unit that is very good against red units.

FF7 Remake Intergrade Related Guides

Intergrade and INTERmission Guide

Intergrade Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Wutais Finest.jpgChapter 1: Wutai's Finest Chapter 2 Covert Ops.jpgChapter 2: Covert Ops

Intergrade Boss Fights

Chapter 1 Levrikon
Chapter 2 Scarlet & The Crimson Mare
Nero the Sable
Shinra Combat Simulator vs. Shinra's Dark Secrets
vs. Midgarian Monsters
Weiss the Immaculate
Pride and Joy Mk 0.5 (Top Secrets)

Intergrade Side Content

Happy Turtle Flyer Locations.jpgHappy Turtle Flyers Shinra Box Buster Start.jpgShinra Box Buster

Fort Condor Minigame

Fort Condor (1).pngFort Condor Guide Condor Coin Farming
Fort Condor Units
Fort Condor Boards

Intergrade Guides


5 RiamuGMover 3 years

Update! I found the Monodrive FC unit! It's at the back of the old factory in a hidden chest. You have to break the boxes to reveal it. Image attached.

4 RiamuGMover 3 years

Shop merchant, back of 7th heaven sells it. He sells 3 FC units but its on a rotation. Playing a game of FC and running back to him seems to change what he offers. So far I was able to get the "M O.T.H. Unit", "Missile Launcher" & "Security Officer Barracks". I still have one to get and I cannot seem to find it after a whole day of searching and rolling the shop. I think it's the "monodrive". out of all the units I've seen used, this is the one I don't have. Anyone know where to get it?


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