FF7 Remake

How to Get All Fort Condor Boards | Best Fort Condor Board

This is a guide to Fort Condor Boards in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R) Intergrade's INTERmission DLC for the PS5. Learn how to get all boards, as well board attributes, and the best Board to use in Fort Condor.

Intergrade and INTERmission DLC Walkthrough

Fort Condor Guides
Fort Condor Guide How to Farm Condor Coins
How to Get All Units How to Get All Boards

How to Get All Fort Condor Boards

Board Name
How to Obtain
Starter Board
Obtained from Polk in Avalanche HQ.
Total Units: 6
Materia: Fire, Cure
Max ATB: 8
Starting ATB: 4
Speed: 1
Headquarters: HP 600/ATK 80
Outposts: HP 500/ATK 80
Sorcerer Board I
Received for completing the Fort Condor tutorial with Polk.
Total Units: 6
Materia: Blizzard, Aero
Max ATB: 6
Starting ATB: 3
Speed: 1
Headquarters: HP 600/ATK 80
Outposts: HP 500/ATK 80
Sorcerer Board II
Purchase from Old Snapper after defeating Rank 1 opponents. Can also be obtained for free if you defeat Johnny after Kyrie and Shinra Middle Manager.
Price: 2 Condor Coins
Total Units: 5
Materia: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder
Max ATB: 9
Starting ATB: 4
Speed: 1
Headquarters: HP 600/ATK 120
Outposts: HP 400/ATK 140
Battalion Board I
Purchase from Old Snapper after defeating Rank 1 opponents. Can also be obtained for free if you defeat Kyrie after Shinra Middle Manager and Johnny.
Price: 2 Condor Coins
Total Units: 7
Materia: Thunder, HP Up
Max ATB: 8
Starting ATB: 2
Speed: 1
Headquarters: HP 750/ATK 80
Outposts: HP 625/ATK 80
Battalion Board II
Purchase from Old Snapper after defeating all Rank 2 Opponents. Can also be obtained by defeating Roche after Jessie.
Price: 3 Condor Coins
Total Units: 7
Materia: Cure, Barrier, Haste, HP Up
Max ATB: 8
Starting ATB: 6
Speed: 1
Headquarters: HP 900/ATK 100
Outposts: HP 750/ATK 100
Battalion Board III
Received after defeating Wedge (Rank 3).
Total Units: 8
Materia: Regen, Poison, Barrier, HP Up
Max ATB: 8
Starting ATB: 5
Speed: 2
Headquarters: HP 900/ATK 140
Outposts: HP 750/ATK 140
Assassin Board I
Purchase from Old Snapper after defeating Rank 1 opponents. Can also be obtained for free if you defeat Shinra Middle Manager after Kyrie and Johnny.
Price: 2 Condor Coins
Total Units: 6
Materia: Fire, Haste
Max ATB: 7
Starting ATB: 3
Speed: 2
Headquarters: HP 600/ATK 100
Outposts: HP 500/ATK 100
Assassin Board II
Purchase from Old Snapper after defeating all Rank 2 Opponents. Can also be obtained by defeating Jessie after Roche.
Price: 3 Condor Coins
Total Units: 5
Materia: Blizzard, Aero, Aero, Slow
Max ATB: 9
Starting ATB: 5
Speed: 2
Headquarters: HP 600/ATK 120
Outposts: HP 500/ATK 120
Assassin Board III
Found in a chest while chasing Zhijie.
Total Units: 8
Materia: None
Max ATB: 10
Starting ATB: 10
Speed: 3
Headquarters: HP 840/ATK 140
Outposts: HP 700/ATK 140
Grandmaster Board
Purchase from Old Snapper (After defeating Chadley).
Price: 5 Condor Coins
Total Units: 5
Materia: Thunder, Aero, Stop, HP Up
Max ATB: 5
Starting ATB: 5
Speed: 3
Headquarters: HP 900/ATK 140
Outposts: HP 750/ATK 140

Fort Condor Board Features

Total Units

Each board has a different amount of total units that you can put into your loadout, which ranges from 5 to 8. While having a higher number of total units allows for more variety in the types of units in your loadout, a smaller number also makes it easier to start the battle with the units you want to deploy, since at any given time you can only choose from up to four units to deploy (and the order is random).


One of the crucial differences between boards is the types of materia they have. Each materia can be used once per match, and they can be either offensive or defensive. Typically the Sorcerer and Assassin Boards prioritize offensive materia, while the Battalion Boards prioritize defense and strengthening your units.

List of Materia

Spell Description
Fire ImageFire Flies straight ahead and deals damage upon landing.
Cure ImageCure Heals allies within a certain area.
Blizzard ImageBlizzard Flies straight ahead and deals damage some time after landing.
Aero ImageAero Draws units inward while dealing damage.
Thunder ImageThunder Descends upon a location, dealing damage.
HP Up ImageHP Up Increases the HP of units on the board.
Barrier ImageBarrier Conjures a ward that reduces the damage taken by allies that enter it.
Haste ImageHaste Conjures a ward that increases the movement and attack speed of allies that enter it.
Regen ImageRegen Conjures a ward that continuously heals allies that enter it.
Poison ImagePoison Conjures a ward that continuously damages enemies that enter it.
Slow ImageSlow Conjures a ward that decreases the movement and attack speed of enemies that enter it.
Stop ImageStop Conjures a ward that stops time for enemies that enter it.


ATB allows you to deploy more units, so the higher the max ATB is, the better. It ranges from 5 to 10, so you'll need a board with higher ATB if you plan on summoning higher rarity units. In addition to Max ATB, each board has a different amount of starting ATB, which allows you to begin the battle with higher or lower amounts of ATB ready for use.


Speed refers to how fast your ATB refills. Certain boards, like the Assassin and Grandmaster Boards, prioritize Speed over other stats, allowing you to continuously lay on the pressure by deploying units more quickly.

Headquarters and Outposts

The game ends when one team's Headquarters is destroyed, or when time runs out and one team has taken out more Outposts than the others. Both Headquarters and Outposts have different amounts of HP, as well as Atk, depending on the board used. Higher HP means it will be harder for enemy units to take these out, while higher Atk makes them better at defeating enemy units that are launching an assault on them.

Best Fort Condor Board

Depends on Preference

Boards are balanced in a way so that each one of them can be used to fit your playstyle, so no board is truly better than another. In addition, new boards must be unlocked by defeating opponents of each rank, so the amount of boards you can obtain at any given time is limited.

Each board offers strengths and weaknesses based on things such as Materia, ATB, and Speed, so you should try a couple out and see which you like best! For our playthroughs, we liked the Battalion Board II for most battles, thanks to its useful defensive spells, and high ATB count. For defeating Chadley, the final opponent, we used the Battalion Board III, which has higher speed at the expense of lower starting ATB, and a slightly different array of Materia.

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1 Anonymousabout 2 years

Use Grandmaster Board to beat Wedge but you need to beat Chadley to get Grandmaster Board...


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