FF7 Remake

List of Summon Materia and How to Get Them | How to Get All Summons

This is a list of all Summon Materia and how to get them in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Learn how to get all the Summon Materia, which summon beasts to use powerful attacks, like Leviathan and Bahamut, and how to use them, with more details on each page.

List of Summon Materia

Materia Effect How to Obtain
Bahamut Allows you to summon Bahamut. Complete all 19 Battle Intel Reports, then defeat Bahamut in the Battle Simulation.
Cactuar Allows you to summon a cactaur. Purchase the Digital Deluxe Expansion from the PlayStation Store
Carbuncle Allows you to summon Carbuncle. Purchase the Digital Deluxe Expansion from the PlayStation Store
Chocobo & Moogle Allows you to summon a chocobo and moogle. Complete the Discovery in Chapter 6
Chocobo Chick Allows you to summon a chocobo chick. Available as a bonus for Pre-Ordering FF7 Remake
Fat Chocobo Allows you to summon a fat chocobo. Complete Battle Intel Report 10 (Defeat a fat chocobo) and receive from Chadley.
Ifrit Allows you to summon Ifrit. Receive from Jessie.
Leviathan Allows you to summon Leviathan. Complete Battle Intel Report 15 (Defeat Leviathan) and receive from Chadley.
Ramuh Allows you to summon Ramuh. Only available in the INTERmission DLC.
Shiva Allows you to summon Shiva. Complete Battle Intel Report 05 (Defeat Shiva) and receive from Chadley.

List of Intergrade Summon Materia

Materia Effect How to Obtain
Ramuh Allows you to summon Ramuh. Speak to Chadley and defeat Ramuh in the Shinra Combat Simulator in the INTERmission DLC.

Materia Related Links

List of Materia

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Best Materia Combos | Best Materia for Hard Mode


9 Anonymousover 3 years

Anyone having issues summoning materia? For some reason cloud is the only one who cant's summon

8 Anonymousalmost 5 years

So yeah, there is also a summon.


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