FF7 Remake

List of Support Materia and How to Get Them

This is a list of all Support Materia and how to get them in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Learn how to get Materia which improve the effects of other Materia, like All and HP Absorb, and how to use them, with more details on each page.

List of Support Materia

Materia Effect How to Obtain
AP Up Increases amount of AP earned for linked materia Equip the pedometer materia and take 5,000 steps.
Elemental Adds the element of the linked materia to your equipment, infusing your attacks with and gaining resistance to that element. When more than one is set, only the first takes effect. Pick up in the Plate - Lower Level section of Chapter 6
・Collapsed Passageway Discovery
HP Absorption Allows you to recover HP when unleashing an attack of the linked materia's type.
Works with fire, ice, lightning, wind, poison, enemy skill, deadly dodge, and parry materia.
Complete Battle Intel Report 19 (Defeat monsters of 10 unique varieties) and buy from Chadley for 100 gil.
Magnify Allows you to expand the range of spells with the linked materia. To switch back to a single target, press L1 when selecting a spell. Picked up in Chapter 9 (Collapsed Expressway) in the Sector 6 Slums.
MP Absorption Allows you to recover MP when unleashing an attack of the linked materia's type.
Works with fire, ice, lightning, wind, and poison materia.
Complete Battle Intel Report 18 (Master all 12 types of magic materia) and buy from Chadley for 100 Gil.
Synergy Allows an ally to follow the leader's attack command with an attack from linked materia.
Works with fire, ice, lightning, wind, and poison materia.
Complete Battle Intel Report 09 (Defeat monsters of 3 unique varieties) and buy from Chadley for 100 gil.
Warding Grants resistance to the linked materia's status ailment.
Works with poison, time, bind, and subversion materia.
Pick up in Chapter 10.

Materia Related Links

List of Materia

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