FF7 Remake

Chapter 9: The Town That Never Sleeps Story Guide & Walkthrough | Wall Market Guide


This is a guide and walkthrough to Chapter 9: The Town That Never Sleeps, a story chapter in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Read on to learn locations of items, rewards for completing this chapter, as well as useful tips and strategies for getting through Wall Market and this part of the story.

Previous Chapter Budding Bodyguard
Current Chapter The Town That Never Sleeps
Next Chapter Rough Waters

List of Main Scenario Objectives


No. Title Description
1 Tour Guide As they make their way through Sector 6, Aerith guides Cloud toward a shortcut to Sector 7.
2 Take the Shortcut The road isn't all quite there, but the two do their best to find a way..
2-1 Beyond the Ladder Cloud maneuvers Aerith onto the ledge using the arm. There, she lowers a ladder for him, and they continue their way down the road.
2-2 Working Together They use another arm and work together to make their way down the road.
3 Beyond the Dead End Cloud and Aerith finally reach the exit of the so-called shortcut. Their time together will soon be over.
3-1 Working Together Again Cloud maneuvers the pair of arms and forges a path forward. The two find themselves more in sync the more time they spend together.
4 Saying Goodbye Cloud parts with Aerith and is ready to head back to Sector 7 when Tifa rides by in a chocobo carriage. Worried, Aerith urges him to chase after her.
5 Chasing Tifa According to Chocobo Sam, Tifa's headed to an audition at Corneo's mansion. Cloud and Aerith make their way to Wall Market to find her.
6 To Corneo's Mansion A letter of recommendation from one of three trusted individuals is needed to get into Corneo's mansion. Cloud and Aerith have no choice but to find members of the Trio.
7 The Trio Getting a letter doesn't prove to be easy, but Cloud and Aerith need one if they want to see Tifa again.
7-1 Sam Sam has already chosen Tifa for the audition. Cloud and Aerith will have to ask another member of the Trio.
7-2 Andrea Rhodea Andrea doesn't see anyone without an appointment. Cloud and Aerith will have to ask another member of the Trio.
7-3 Madam M To get her cooperation, Madam M needs to be shown some good faith.
8 Madam M's Desire Madam M promises to grant Cloud and Aerith a letter if they win the colosseum tournament.
9 Underground Colosseum Cloud and Aerith win the Corneo Cup and are granted a letter from Madam M as promised.
10 Parting Ways As Cloud returns to the parlor to fetch Aerith, he's approached by a panic-stricken Johnny.
11 Aerith's Plan Cloud takes part in the Honeybee Inn show and receives a letter from Andrea, as the plan to save Tifa comes together.
12 The Audition Cloud and Aerith gain access to Corneo's mansion and find Tifa. After a thorough audition, Corneo chooses Cloud to be his new bride.
13 Showdown with Corneo Corneo informs them about Shinra's plan to blow up the pillar–an event that would be catastrophic for the residents of the Sector 7 undercity. The three threaten him for details, but he sends them falling through a trapdoor down into the sewers beneath the mansion.

Chapter 9: The Town That Never Sleeps Walkthrough

Sector 5 Slums


1 Continue ahead along the path.
2 After the cutscene, follow Aerith through the tunnel. Step on the arrow pad to go under the rubble.

Sector 6 Slums - Collapsed Expressway (Section 1)

Collapsed Expressway.png

1 At the entrance, you'll fight a Terpsicolt.
2 Climb the ladder. Fight the Lesser Drake at the top.
3 Walk onto the platform ahead to the left.
MoogleMedal1.png From the platform, turn left again back toward the wall. There will be a small tunnel with a chest containing a Moogle Medal.
4 Climb down the ladder. Go to the console in the middle of the floor to activate the Robot Arm.
5 Press the circle button to allow Aerith to hop on. Then, move the hand to the left and over the next platform to allow Aerith to jump off.
6 Climb up the ladder that Aerith lowered. Ahead, battle the Sweeper Prototype. Use Thundara to take it down easily.
7 Go down the ladder ahead and continue.
2HiPotions1.png To the left of the ladder, you can find a chest with 2 Hi-Potions.
8 Stand on the arrow pad to the far left to squeeze through the wooden door.
9 Ahead, climb the ladder to your right. You'll fight two Terpsicolts. Take the path to the right around the rubble, then to the right again.
1000Gil.png Follow the path left and back and descend into a small tunnel to find a chest with 1,000 Gil.
MegaPotion1.png Take the path straight ahead through the tunnel to find a chest on the left with a Mega-Potion. However, if you go this way, when you come back, you'll have to fight two Smoggers.
10 You'll find another console. Control the robot arm to grab the container.
11 After Aerith goes down, move the container to the yellow square on the right. Then, offer Aerith a ride. Lift her all the way up to the far platform.
Carry her to the lower platform on the right to get a Binding Materia.
12 Turn right and around the corner to find a ladder. Go down.
If you go left up the path, you'll find a rest area.
13 Walk across the narrow planks until you reach a door. Go through it.

Sector 6 Slums - Collapsed Expressway (Section 2)

Collapsed Expressway 2.png

1 You'll fight with Beck, Butch and Burke. Don't get too close – they can steal your Gil!
2 Continue ahead and duck under the rubble.
3 Continue through the tunnel until you reach a ladder. Climb up.
4 You'll encounter two Bandits and a Sweeper Prototype.
5 At the end, you'll find a Console. Maneuver the Robot Arms. With the first arm, pick up the container and place it on the middle yellow square. With the other arm, place the other container on top of the first container.
If you move a container to the far yellow square and place Aerith on top, she can get a Magnify Materia.
6 Use the first Robot Arm to place Aerith on top of the stacked containers. With the second Robot Arm, pick her up and take her to the far platform. Climb up the ladder she lowers to you.
7 Climb up the ladder against the wall and continue down the path. You'll encounter four Bandits.
8 Squeeze through the door and continue down the path. Hold the triangle button to give Aerith a high-five.

Sector 6 Slums - Evergreen Park

Evergreen Park.png

1 After the cutscene, follow Aerith to the tunnel and talk to her. Say Yes. to returning to Sector 7 Slums. She'll leave the party for just a moment.
Ether1.png From the start, go left to the back corner to find a small cave with a chest containing an Ether.
2 A cutscene will begin and Aerith will rejoin the party. Go ahead on the path.
3 Talk to Chocobo Sam. Your description of Tifa will have an effect on her affection toward Cloud and on the Chapter 9 Odd Jobs route.
How Should You Respond to Sam?
4 Continue along the path into town.
phoenix down.jpgBefore you enter Wall Market, check the upper rightmost part of the area for a chest containing a Phoenix Down.

Wall Market

Wall Market.png

Check out our full Wall Market area guide to learn everything there is to do in this sprawling city of the night!

Wall Market Guide

1 Find Don Corneo's mansion on the map. Aerith will make a comment that you've found your man when you get there.
The barker outside the hotel near the entrance of Wall Market will trigger a dialogue if you go near him that can affect Aerith's affection toward Cloud and the Chapter 9 Odd Jobs route.What Should You Say to the Hotel Employee? (Chapter 9)
star pendant.jpgGo outside Wall Market through the north exit and continue onward until you reach a fork. Go left and into a hole of an abandoned building where you can get a Star Pendant from a chest.
elixir.jpgGo up the two sets of stairs on the building behind Chadley and get the Elixir at the top floor.
barrier materia.jpgA Barrier Materia can be found at the end of an alley on the left part of Wall Market.
adrenaline.jpgGo inside the rest spot then to the first room to your left to find a chest containing a bottle of Adrenaline.
celeris.jpgContinue walking south from the Jukebox and open the chest at the top for a vial of Celeris.
headband.jpgGo to the gym and open the chest inside the bathroom to obtain a Headband.
ether.jpgUpon arriving at Don Corneo's mansion, go left immediately to get an Ether at the end of the alley.
2 At the gates, hold the triangle button to push open the door. Talk to Leslie inside.
3 Go back out the gates. The three people you need to meet will be represented on the Map by diamonds. The left diamond is Andrea; the middle diamond is Madam M; the right diamond is Chocobo Sam. You'll need to meet Chocobo Sam and go to the Honeybee Inn first before going to meet Madam M. You can do these two in either order.
1200Gil.pngYou can obtain 1,200 Gil in a chest down the alley near the item shop.
UndertheRottingPizza.png TheMidgarBlues2.png FarmBoy.png
You can find three songs in Wall Market.
  • Under the Rotting Pizza: At the Jukebox labeled on the Map
  • The Midgar Blues: In a bar, where the man on stage is singing
  • Farm Boy: At a party up a set of stairs, from a girl in a cowboy hat
4 Find Chocobo Sam on the map. He'll flip a coin, but no matter what you say, you'll be wrong, so you'll have to search for the other two.
Your choice will still affect the Chapter 9 Odd Jobs route. Heads or Tails
Find the Honeybee Inn on the map. After going inside, a cutscene will begin. You'll be sent away.
5 Find Madam M on the map. After you go in, you'll have to choose a massage to pay for. The course that you choose will have an effect on the Chapter 9 Odd Jobs route.
Which Hand Massage Course Should You Choose?
6 When Madam M comes back, talk to her again, and she'll agree to help you. You will give Aerith feedback on her outfit and your response will have an effect on Aerith's affection toward Cloud and the Chapter 9 Odd Jobs route.
How to Answer How is Aerith's Outfit?
7 You'll get a Tournament Entry Form. Follow the Map to the colosseum.

The Colosseum

The Colosseum.png

1 Talk to the man to the left of the elevator. Then, head into the elevator.
The first room that you will see once outside the elevator will give you access to a rest area and a vending machine.
2 Talk to Johnny on the second room on your left. Whether you drink the mystery drink on the table or not will have an effect on the Chapter 9 Odd Jobs route.
Should You Taste the Mystery Drink?
3 Talk to the Gatekeeper at the end and say Yes. to participate in the first round.
4 You'll fight the Beastmaster first. He'll come together with two Bloodhounds.
5 Go back to the waiting room, and after the announcement, talk to the man at the end and say Yes. to participate in the second round.
6 You'll fight Beck, Burke and Butch, together with five Corneo Lackeys. Mow through them.
7 Go back to the waiting room, and after the announcement, talk to the Gatekeeper at the end and say Yes. to participate in the final round.
8 You'll be up against a Sweeper and a Cutter. Take them down with Thundara.
9 After the last fight, another fight will be announced in the cutscene. So you'll have to do one more fight. Go back to the waiting room, and after the announcement, talk to the man at the end and say Yes. to participate in the final round.
You'll fight the Hell House, the real boss of this segment.
You'll get a Fuzzy Wuzzy for defeating it.
How to Beat Hell House
11 After the fight, talk to the Gatekeeper in the entrance room.
You'll unlock access to enter Corneo Cups at the Colosseum.
Corneo Colosseum Rewards and Battle Challenges

Wall Market (Part 2)


1 Head back to Madam M's shop. Say Yes. to have Aerith get changed. Aerith will leave the party.
You'll get access to new optional Side Quests. Depending on how you completed the chapter up to this point, you'll do Side Quests for either Madam M or Chocobo Sam.
Chapter 9 Side Quests
2 Go back to Madam M's to check on Aerith and Johnny will show up.
When you proceed past this point, you won't be able to complete any more Side Quests.
4 Follow Johnny along the path up to Don Corneo's Mansion. Hold triangle to push open the door.
5 Talk to Leslie and he'll turn you away. Leave and a cutscene will begin. You'll get Madam M's Endorsement.

The Honeybee Inn


1 Follow Aerith down the road to the Honeybee Inn.
2 Walk through the indicated double doors. Talk to the Honeygirls on the right and say Yes. to head to the stage.
sedative.jpgYou can obtain a Sedative inside the room to the left of the double doors.
3 You'll start the practice for the dance minigame. Time button presses to the movements of the lights on screen for a total of 10 presses.
If you get a perfect score during the practice, you'll obtain “Let the Battles Begin -REMAKE-”.
4 After you've finished practicing, you'll pass through the doors and a cutscene will begin. At the end, you'll start the real dance, with a total of 28 presses. How to Get a Dance Off Perfect Score
You'll receive Andrea's Earrings. If you do well enough, you'll receive the Dancing Queen trophy.

Don Corneo's Mansion


1 After the show, you'll be controlling Aerith. Wait until Cloud gets to the door, then talk to him twice.
You'll get Andrea's Endorsement.
2 You'll be controlling Cloud again. Go back to Don Corneo's Mansion and talk to Leslie. You'll be able to get in.
3 Go up to the second floor and through two sets of double doors. A cutscene will begin, and Tifa will join your party.
4 Wait until an announcement plays over the loudspeaker. Head out the door and up the stairs. Interact with the door at the end.
TurboEther1.png Open the chest in the back corner to get a Turbo Ether. You can also buy CD #11: Don of the Slums from the Vending Machine here.
5 After the cutscene, Cloud will leave the party. You'll control Aerith.
Molotov Cocktail.pngOpen the chest on the left side of the room to get a Molotov Cocktail.
Otherworldly Crystal.pngGo to the carpet on the right side of the room and interact with it. You'll open a secret door leading to a chest containing an Otherworldly Crystal.
6 Leave the room and go to the middle room on the upper floor. You'll fight two Corneo Lackeys inside. Continue ahead into the Don's room.
Fury Ring.pngIf you go downstairs after leaving the first room, you'll fight 3 Corneo Lackeys. On the far side of the room, you can step on an arrow pad to squeeze through some shelves, and find a chest with a Fury Ring.

Maps and Obtainable Items


List of Maps
Collapsed Expressway - Lower Level Evergreen Park
Sector 6 Slums (Upper) Sector 6 Slums (Lower)
Corneo Colosseum Corneo's Mansion - Basement
Corneo's Mansion - 1F Corneo's Mansion - 2F

Obtainable Items

This section excludes Items which are available as rewards from Odd Jobs.

Sector 6 Slums - Collapsed Expressway
Moogle Medal x1 Hi-Potion x2 Mega-Potion x1
Binding Materia x1 Magnify Materia x1 -
Sector 6 Slums - Evergreen Park
Ether x1 - -
Wall Market
Star Pendant Elixir x1 Barrier Materia
Adrenaline x1 Celeris x1 Headband
Ether x1 Under the Rotting Pizza The Midgar Blues
Farm Boy Fuzzy Wuzzy x1 Andrea's Earrings
Sam's Coin Tournament Entry Form Madam M's Requests
Madam M's Endorsement Sedative x1 Andrea's Endorsement
Phoenix Down x1 - -
Don Corneo's Mansion
Turbo Ether x1 Molotov Cocktail x1 Otherworldly Crystal x1
Fury Ring x1 - -

Shops & Vending Machines

Vending Machine - Collapsed Expressway - Large Cave-In

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
22. Cosmo Canyon (Stock: 1) 50 Gil
Potion 50 Gil
Hi-Potion 300 Gil
Ether 500 Gil
Phoenix Down 300 Gil
Antidote 80 Gil
Echo Mist 100 Gil
Smelling Salts 80 Gil
Weapons / Armor Price
Leather Bracer 1600 Gil
Mesmeric Armlet 1600 Gil
Titanium Bangle 2000 Gil
Caliginous Bracelet 3200 Gil
Accessories Price
Power Wristguards 800 Gil
Bulletproof Vest 800 Gil
Earrings 800 Gil
Talisman 800 Gil
Materia Price
Healing Materia 600 Gil
Cleansing Materia 1500 Gil
Revival Materia 3000 Gil
Fire Materia 500 Gil
Ice Materia 500 Gil
Lightning Materia 500 Gil
Poison Materia 1500 Gil
Barrier Materia 1500 Gil
HP Up Materia 2000 Gil
MP Up Materia 2000 Gil
Deadly Dodge Materia 600 Gil

Item Shop - Wall Market

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
10. Honeybee Inn (Stock: 1) 50 Gil
Potion 50 Gil
Hi-Potion 300 Gil
Ether 500 Gil
Phoenix Down 300 Gil
Antidote 80 Gil
Echo Mist 100 Gil
Smelling Salts 80 Gil

Materia Shop - Wall Market

On the full map On the area map
Materia Price
Healing Materia 600 Gil
Cleansing Materia 1500 Gil
Revival Materia 3000 Gil
Fire Materia 500 Gil
Ice Materia 500 Gil
Lightning Materia 500 Gil
Poison Materia 1500 Gil
Barrier Materia 1500 Gil
Binding Materia 3000 Gil
HP Up Materia 2000 Gil
MP Up Materia 2000 Gil
Deadly Dodge Materia 600 Gil

Weapons Store - Wall Market

On the full map On the area map
Weapons / Armor Price
Hardedge (Stock: 1) 2000 Gil
Titanium Bangle 2000 Gil
Caliginous Bracelet 3200 Gil
Studded Bracer 3200 Gil
Mythril Armlet 3200 Gil
Accessories Price
Power Wristguards 800 Gil
Bulletproof Vest 800 Gil
Earrings 800 Gil
Talisman 800 Gil
Supernatural Wristguards 5000 Gil
Survival Vest 5000 Gil
Platinum Earrings 5000 Gil
Timeworn Talisman 5000 Gil
Star Pendant 1500 Gil
Headband 1500 Gil
Revival Earrings 500 Gil

Vending Machine - Underground Arena

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
Potion 50 Gil
Hi-Potion 300 Gil
Mega-Potion (Stock: 1) 300 Gil
Ether 500 Gil
Ether (Stock: 1) 100 Gil
Phoenix Down 300 Gil
Phoenix Down (Stock: 1) 100 Gil
Antidote 80 Gil
Echo Mist 100 Gil
Smelling Salts 80 Gil
Weapons / Armor Price
Titanium Bangle 2000 Gil
Caliginous Bracelet 3200 Gil
Studded Bracer 3200 Gil
Mythril Armlet 3200 Gil
Accessories Price
Power Wristguards 800 Gil
Bulletproof Vest 800 Gil
Earrings 800 Gil
Talisman 800 Gil
Supernatural Wristguards 5000 Gil
Survival Vest 5000 Gil
Platinum Earrings 5000 Gil
Timeworn Talisman 5000 Gil
Star Pendant 1500 Gil
Headband 1500 Gil
Revival Earrings 500 Gil
Materia Price
Healing Materia 600 Gil
Cleansing Materia 1500 Gil
Revival Materia 3000 Gil
Fire Materia 500 Gil
Ice Materia 500 Gil
Lightning Materia 500 Gil
Poison Materia 1500 Gil
Barrier Materia 1500 Gil
Binding Materia 3000 Gil
HP Up Materia 2000 Gil
MP Up Materia 2000 Gil
Deadly Dodge Materia 600 Gil

Souvenir Shop - Wall Market

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
Fuzzy Wuzzy 200 Gil
Mr. Cuddlesworth 500 Gil

Don's Vending Machine - Forbidden Room

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
11. Don of the Slums (Stock: 1) 50 Gil
Potion 50 Gil
Hi-Potion 300 Gil
Mega-Potion (Stock: 3) 300 Gil
Ether 500 Gil
Ether (Stock: 1) 100 Gil
Phoenix Down 300 Gil
Phoenix Down (Stock: 1) 100 Gil
Antidote 80 Gil
Echo Mist 100 Gil
Smelling Salts 80 Gil
Weapons / Armor Price
Titanium Bangle 2000 Gil
Caliginous Bracelet 3200 Gil
Studded Bracer 3200 Gil
Mythril Armlet 3200 Gil
Accessories Price
Power Wristguards 800 Gil
Bulletproof Vest 800 Gil
Earrings 800 Gil
Talisman 800 Gil
Supernatural Wristguards 5000 Gil
Survival Vest 5000 Gil
Platinum Earrings 5000 Gil
Timeworn Talisman 5000 Gil
Star Pendant 1500 Gil
Headband 1500 Gil
Revival Earrings 500 Gil
Materia Price
Healing Materia 600 Gil
Cleansing Materia 1500 Gil
Revival Materia 3000 Gil
Fire Materia 500 Gil
Ice Materia 500 Gil
Lightning Materia 500 Gil
Poison Materia 1500 Gil
Barrier Materia 1500 Gil
Binding Materia 3000 Gil
HP Up Materia 2000 Gil
MP Up Materia 2000 Gil
Deadly Dodge Materia 600 Gil

Tips and Strategies

Odd Jobs


In Chapters 3, 8, 9, and 14, the player will have access to a set of Odd Job sidequests for that chapter. After you continue to a certain point in each chapter, you won't be able to complete any of the Odd Jobs any more. That said, the game will notify you at this point, so there's no worry of missing your chance on accident.

Unlock a Different Dress for Cloud later in Chapter 9

Cloud Dress.png

Unlike the conditions for Tifa and Aerith, which depend on completing every Odd Job in Chapters 3, and a greater number of Odd Jobs in Chapter 8, respectively, Cloud's dress choice will depend on which Odd Job you choose to complete in Chapter 9. As you will be unable to complete every Odd Job this time around, choose the jobs you complete wisely to avoid blocking your chances of getting the dress you want for Cloud.

Dress Types and Choices

Dress Type How to Unlock
Black Dress ・Go back to Madam M's Parlor before clearing all of the Chapter 9 Odd Jobs.
White Dress ・Clear all of the Odd Jobs on Madam M's Route (Burning Thighs, The Price of Thievery, and Shear's Counterattack)
Blue Dress ・Clear all of the Odd Jobs on Sam's Route (Burning Thighs, The Party Never Stops, and A Dynamite Body)

Check out our complete guide to learn how to get the alternate dress choices for Tifa and Aerith as well.

How to Get All Dresses Guide

Guides for each Chapter 9 Side Quest (Odd Job)

Check out our individual guides below to learn how to finish each Odd Job in Chapter 9!

Quest Reward
1 Burning Thighs.jpgBurning Thighs Unlock the Squats Minigame
2A The Party Never Stops.jpgThe Party Never Stops Turbo Ether
3A A Dynamite Body.jpgA Dynamite Body Arcane Scepter
2B The Price of Thievery.jpgThe Price of Thievery Real calling card
Turbo Ether
3B ShearShear's Counterattack Arcane Scepter

The route that you will take depends on the choices that you have picked until you return to Madam M to have Aerith changed.

See the link below for a complete guide on the Chapter 9 Odd Jobs!

Chapter 9 Side Quests (Odd Jobs)

Raise Aerith and Tifa's Affection

There are some dialogues throughout the chapter that can increase Aerith or Tifa's affection toward Cloud. Be sure not to miss them if you are aiming for a specific resolution.

The girl we're looking for...


Choice Consequence / Effect
She's in great shape. ・Affection with Tifa will raise
She's a great fighter. ・Affection with Tifa will raise
She's great at handling the books. ・No effect

Stay the night?


Choice Consequence / Effect
...No thanks ・Affection with Aerith will raise
How much? ・No effect
Back off. ・Affection with Aerith will raise

How is Aerith's outfit?


Choice Consequence / Effect
It's alright. ・Affection with Aerith will raise
Looks comfortable. ・Affection with Aerith will raise
It matters what I think? ・No effect

Check the link below for our complete guide on dialogue choices and their effects!

Dialogue Choices and Consequences

The Colosseum Battles


The first opponent in the Colosseum, he'll drink a beverage near the end to prevent his Stagger gauge from increasing. Save your strongest attacks to hit him hard after this.

Beck, Burke and Butch

This fight is a breeze, but watch out for your Gil getting stolen. Try to keep your distance, or the Corneo Lackeys may pickpocket you for as much as 500 gil.

Boss Strategy Guide

Hell House

Hell House
Hell House Battle
Where it Appears Weaknesses
Corneo's Colesseum Magic*

*: Weakness depends on what element Hell House is.

How to Defeat Hell House - Key Points

  • Weakness changes with Barrier Shift
  • Bring all types of Element Magic
  • Attack the Arms during God House Mode
  • Magic is most effective

How to Beat Hell House in the Colosseum

Optional: Fat Chocobo

Fat Chocobo
Fat Chocobo Battle.png

How to Defeat Fat Chocobo - Key Points

  • Moogles can't be attacked
  • Keep the number of enemies low
  • Keep attacking to Pressure and Stagger it
  • Heal before it uses Kerplunk

How to Beat Fat Chocobo

Story Walkthrough Related Links

Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 The Destruction of Mako Reactor 1
Chapter 2 Fateful Encounters
Chapter 3 Home Sweet Slum
Chapter 4 Mad Dash
Chapter 5 Dogged Pursuit
Chapter 6 Light the Way
Chapter 7 A Trap is Sprung
Chapter 8 Budding Bodyguard
Chapter 9 The Town That Never Sleeps
Chapter 10 Rough Waters
Chapter 11 Haunted
Chapter 12 Fight for Survival
Chapter 13 A Broken World
Chapter 14 In Search of Hope
Chapter 15 The Day Midgar Stood Still
Chapter 16 The Belly of the Beast
Chapter 17 Deliverance from Chaos
Chapter 18 Destiny's Crossroads
INTERmission Chapters
Chapter 1 Wutai's Finest
Chapter 2 Covert Ops


6 Anonymousabout 1 year

This is the best guide out there ☺️


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