FF7 Remake

Cloud Strife Weapons and Abilities | Cloud Best Build

This is a character page for Cloud, containing his abilities, characteristics, and Limit Breaks, as well as his weapons, and recommended battle settings for Cloud in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake). When playing FF7 Remake, check this article any time you need to know something about using Cloud.

Cloud's Backstory and Profile

cloud strife .jpg

An ex-SOLDIER: first class, Cloud came to Midgar to start a new chapter of his life as a mercenary. At the invitation of his childhood friend, Tifa, he accepted a job with Avalanche. He may bring his buster sword to bear against Shinra troopers, but he does not care for plight of the planet. For him, this is a job and nothing more.
Name Cloud Strife
Age 21
Height 173 cm (5'8")
Birthday August 11th
Blood Type AB
Voice Actor English: Cody Christian
Japanese: Takahiro Sakurai
Weapon Swords

Cloud's Characteristics

The Quintissential Melee Swordsman

Cloud_Buster attack
Effect Cloud's attacks are always done with his Buster sword. He is a melee fighter, and his attack have a little delay mainly because of the heavy nature of his weapon.

Cloud's Strengths and Unique Ability

Cloud Screenshot 1.png

Cloud specializes in close-range combat. Press to strike, and hold it down to unleash a powerful attack. activates Cloud's unique ability, mode change, allowing you to switch modes during battle.

Punisher Mode

Punisher Mode.png

In punisher mode, Cloud moves more slowly, but unleashes a more powerful attack than usual. In addition, Cloud launches a counterblow every time he guards against an enemy's melee attack.

He cannot, however, guard against ranged attacks or magic. When you evade such attacks, you will switch back to operator mode.

Operator Mode

Operator Mode.png

In operator mode, Cloud strikes the perfect balance between attack and defense, and moves more quickly than in punisher mode.

Cloud's Abilities

Triple Slash

Triple Slash

Effect How to Learn
Slash three enemies in quick succession, dealing more damage with each blow. Equip Iron Blade. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
600 3 0

Focused Thrust

Focused Thrust

Effect How to Learn
Lunge toward an enemy with a piercing strike that hits multiple times. Significantly increases stagger. Associated with Buster Sword. Learned from the start.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
200 6 0



Effect How to Learn
Jump into the air and strike your foe with a powerful attack. Learned from the start.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
400 2 0



Effect How to Learn
Deliver a devastating attack and switch modes in one fluid motion. Equip Nail Bat. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
80 (Operator Mode) / 180 (Punisher Mode) 1 (Operator Mode) / 2 (Punisher Mode) 500 (Operator Mode) / 200 (Punisher Mode)

Blade Burst

Blade Burst

Effect How to Learn
Unleash a wave of non-elemental mako energy at an enemy in front of you with a slash of your sword. Equip Mythril Saber. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
378 1 0

Infinity's End


Effect How to Learn
Lunge toward and enemy with a piercing strike that hits multiple times. Significantly increases stagger. Equip Hardedge. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
666 0 0



Effect How to Learn
Brace for attacks and retaliate with a powerful slash. Equip Twin Stinger. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
520 5 0

Cloud's Limit Breaks



Effect How to Learn
Damage your foe while making an ominous symbol with your slashes. Learned from the start.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
1700 5 0



Effect How to Learn
Focus on a single enemy and deliver several powerful strikes. significantly increases stagger. Clear Party Member vs. Wild Animals in Corneo Colosseum.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
2800 50 0

List of Limit Breaks | Limit Break Guide

Cloud's Weapons

Cloud's Starting Weapon

Buster SwordBuster Sword 22 22 0 0 ○-○

Cloud's Other Weapons

Iron BladeIron Blade 23 31 0 0 ○○○
Nail BatNail Bat 30 30 0 0 None
HardedgeHardedge 57 19 0 0 ○-○○
Mythril SaberMythril Saber 24 72 0 0 ○-○○○
Twin StingerTwin Stinger 46 46 0 0 ○-○○-○

List of Weapons Stats and Materia Slots

Cloud's Stats

Level 50 Stats

Stat Value
HP 4820
MP 75
Strength 107
Magic 100
Vitality 63
Spirit 63
Luck 72
Speed 55

Character Ranking by Stat

How to Use Cloud

Dodge After the Combo Finisher

Cloud will execute a combo by continuously pressing the attack command in either mode. However, after the combo finisher (or the combo's final attack), there will be a brief pause as an interval between combos that makes Cloud vulnerable and unable to attack. You can cancel this animation frame by dodging or using an ability.

Use this technique to avoid vulnerabilty frames and maximize Cloud's damage output!

Parry is Perfect for Punisher Mode

Cloud's block in Operator Mode is replaced by auto-counter in Punisher Mode. The downside of Punisher Mode's auto-counter is that Cloud will still take full damage from magic and ranged attacks. While holding R1, you cannot just simply switch to Operator Mode before you get hit by these attacks as Cloud will swing his sword before being able to guard.

The solution to this problem is equipping Parry Materia.

Executing Parry will allow Cloud to stay in Punisher Mode while also blocking, dodging, and dealing damage to nearby enemies all at the same time. Perfect for Punisher Mode fans!

Use Triple Slash for Mob Clearing

The Triple Slash ability learned from Iron Blade is useful against both single and multiple targets as it increases damage per hit and deals area damage.

This ability is easily one of the most useful abilities in the game as it works well on clearing mobs quickly for a faster run or dealing a lot of damage to a single enemy efficiently!

Blade Burst Deals Magic Damage

Take note that the Mythril Saber's Blade Burst deals magic damage. What makes it special is that you can use it without consuming MP, is non-elemental, and deals area damage, while the other abilities in Cloud's moveset deals physical damage.

This is useful against enemies weak to Magic but has certain elemental resistances.

Counterstance is OP

The Counterstance ability from Twin Stinger is an upgraded version of Punisher Mode's auto-counter. For 1 ATB bar, you can counter most attacks, even magic and ranged attacks, and dish out even more damage than Punisher Mode's auto-counter to enemies around you.

Infinity's End on Staggered Enemies

Hardedge's Infinity's End executes an enemy by dealing an insane amount of damage once Cloud finishes winding it up. If it is not enough for you, use it on staggered enemies to make this ability's damage hit the roof. Infinity's End can easily reach the damage cap if used on staggered enemies even in Hard difficulty.

The only drawback is its cost and casting time. This ability requires 2 ATB bars and takes approximately 3 seconds before it hits, making it almost completely useless against moving enemies. This means that if you are aiming to make it hit during the enemy's staggered state, make sure that you have enough ATB charges before its stagger gauge is completely filled. Better yet, use Infinity's End right before the stagger gauge is filled so you can use the remaining stagger duration to deliver other attacks.

Best Build for Cloud

Balanced Build

Equipment Stats (Fully Upgraded) / Effect
Buster Sword.jpgBuster Sword
  • Attack: 91
  • Magic Attack: 91
  • Defense: +11
  • Magic Defense: +11
  • Max HP: +200
  • Max MP: +26
  • Slots: ○-○○-○○-○
Chain Bangle.jpgChain Bangle
  • Defense: +50
  • Magic Defense: +50
  • Slots: ○-○○-○
Gotterdammerung.jpgGotterdammerung Enter battle with a full limit break gauge. Limit break gauge gradually fills during battle.
Buster Sword
Chain Bangle


  • Switch the Fire materia according to the enemy's weakness.
  • Use Twin Stinger if you need the Reprieve ability.
  • Use Cog Bangle if Chain Bangle is unavailable then remove the ATB Stagger materia.
  • Use Champion Belt if Gotterdammerung is unavailable.

Physical Build

Equipment Stats (Fully Upgraded) / Effect
  • Attack: 137
  • Magic Attack: 46
  • Slots: ○-○○-○○-○
Chain Bangle.jpgChain Bangle
  • Defense: +50
  • Magic Defense: +50
  • Slots: ○-○○-○
Gotterdammerung.jpgGotterdammerung Enter battle with a full limit break gauge. Limit break gauge gradually fills during battle.
Chain Bangle


  • Switch the Fire materia according to the enemy's weakness.
  • Use Haste immediately at the start of a battle.
  • Use Cog Bangle if Chain Bangle is unavailable then remove the ATB Stagger materia.
  • Use Champion Belt if Gotterdammerung is unavailable.

Magic Build

Equipment Stats (Fully Upgraded) / Effect
Mythril Saber.jpgMythril Saber
  • Attack: 46
  • Magic Attack: 138
  • Magic Defense: +10
  • Max MP: +10
  • Slots: ○-○○-○○-○
Chain Bangle.jpgChain Bangle
  • Defense: +50
  • Magic Defense: +50
  • Slots: ○-○○-○
Circlet.jpgCirclet Increases max MP by 10%
Increases magic power by 5%
Mythril Saber
Chain Bangle


  • This build maximizes the damage output of Blade Burst, which is also your main damage dealing ability when using this setup.
  • Switch the Fire materia according to the enemy's weakness.
  • Use Cog Bangle if Chain Bangle is unavailable then remove the MP Up materia.
  • Switch Circlet with Healing Carcanet if you need increased healing.

Best Build for Each Character

Recommended Battle Shortcuts for Cloud

Button Setup
Triple Slash
Blade Burst
Infinity's End

Character Links

Main Characters
cloudCloud AerithAerith BarretBarret TifaTifa
Best Build for Each Character
Character Ranking by Stat
Jessie.pngJessie Wedge.pngWedge Biggs.pngBiggs -
Shinra Company
Sephiroth.pngSephiroth Professor Hojo.pngHojo Reno.pngReno President Shinra.pngPresident
Rude.pngRude Heidegger.pngHeidegger Roche.pngRoche Tseng.pngTseng
Scarlet.pngScarlet Palmer.pngPalmer Reeve.pngReeve Rufus.pngRufus
Other Characters
Red XIII.pngRed XIII Don Corneo.pngDon Corneo Leslie.pngLeslie Andrea.pngAndrea
Madam M.pngMadam M Chocobo Sam.pngSam Kyrie.pngKyrie Zack Portrait.pngZack
Vincent Valentine Icon.pngVincent JenovaJenova - -
INTERmission DLC
Yuffie Icon.pngYuffie Sonon Icon.pngSonon Zhijie Icon.pngZhijie Nayo Icon.pngNayo
Billy Bob Icon.pngBilly Bob Polk Icon.pngPolk Nero Icon.pngNero Weiss Icon.pngWeiss
Melfi Icon.pngMelfi - - -

List of Characters


39 Anonymousabout 1 year

How is clouds build possible you have added in 6 Materia but for the buster sword and the hardedge there is only 4 materia slots

34 Anonymousabout 4 years

Wedge is voiced by Matt Jones (Badger)


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