FF7 Remake

How to Beat Reno and Rude | Boss Fight Guide (Normal & Hard Mode)

Reno and Rude.jpeg
This is a guide to beating the Bosses Reno and Rude in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). This article explains their attack patterns, weaknesses, and tips and strategies for defeating them on both Normal and Hard Mode.

Reno Stats and Information

Basic Information

Reno - Ch. 12
Reno - Ch. 12 Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Human Grounded Boss


An operative with the Turks unit of Shinra's General Affairs Division. Fast and extremely agile, he leaps in to attack with his special Shinra-made security baton.

Assess (Tips)

Magic and lightning attacks have only a slight effect on his stagger gauge.

Reno - Ch. 12 Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 8878 16142 33012
Attack 146 328
Magic Attack 146 328
Defense 165 342
Magic Defense 165 342

Reno - Ch. 12 Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments -
Lesser Resistances -
Greater Resistances Lightning, Proportional Damage
Immunities Silence, Slow, Berserk
Absorbed Elements -

Stagger Rates

×1 ×1 ×0.5 ×1
×1 ×0.5 ×1 -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 8 seconds


Easy/Normal Hard
Gil 850 2250
AP 10 30
Exp 510 2700
Items Dropped Turbo Ether (100%)
Rare Items Dropped -
Steal Magician's Bracelet (10%)

Learnable Enemy Skills

No Enemy Skills can be learned from Reno - Ch. 12.

List of Enemy Skills

Rude Stats and Information

Basic Information

Rude - Ch. 12
Rude - Ch. 12 Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Human Grounded Boss


An operative with the Turks unit of Shinra's General Affairs Division. As he possesses incredible strenght and a well-toned physique, he prefers using his fists over weapons.

Assess (Tips)

Wind attacks rapidly fills his stagger gauge, but fire attacks have litle effect on it.

Rude - Ch. 12 Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 8878 16142 33012
Attack 146 328
Magic Attack 146 328
Defense 165 342
Magic Defense 165 342

Rude - Ch. 12 Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments Wind, Poison
Lesser Resistances Fire
Greater Resistances Proportional Damage
Immunities Silence, Stop, Berserk
Absorbed Elements -

Stagger Rates

×1 ×1 ×1 ×0.5
×1 ×1 ×1.25 -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 12 seconds


Easy/Normal Hard
Gil 2550 6750
AP 10 30
Exp 340 1800
Items Dropped Mega-Potion (100%)
Rare Items Dropped -
Steal Heavy-Duty Bracer (10%)

Learnable Enemy Skills

No Enemy Skills can be learned from Rude - Ch. 12.

List of Enemy Skills

Reno and Rude Boss Fight Guide

Reno and Rude Abilities and Attack Patterns


Name Element Blockable? Knockdown? Status
- Yes No -
Swings at a target 4 times if contact is made (cannot be stopped on Hard mode) followed by a kick.
physical.pngShock Swipe
- Yes Yes -
Charges himself with electricity and dashes at a target.
physical.pngWild Swings
- Yes Yes -
Uppercuts a target and launches them into the air followed by a series of strikes.
- Yes Yes -
Crouches down and charges in one direction.
- Yes Yes -
Jumps into the air and crashes back down, releasing a large burst of electricity.
lightning.png Yes No -
Darts in a zig-zag pattern, leaving streaks of electricity behind that damage anyone who walks into them.
magical.pngEM Triple Shot
lightning.png Yes No -
Shoots 3 orbs of electricity that home in on a target.
Phase 2.jpg
- No No -
Releases a pyramid trap that binds its target until destroyed.
magical.pngBinding Current
Phase 3.jpg
- No Yes -
An electric whip-like attack that binds the target so Rude can attack them. The target is released if Rude is unable to attack them within 3 seconds.
magical.pngTurks Combo
Phase 3.jpg
- Yes Yes -
Only performed before Rude is knocked out. The Turks jump in the air with Reno using Electroburst and Rude using shockwave in tandem.

*Status Effects and Ailments Guide


Name Element Blockable? Knockdown? Status
physical.pngQuick Jabs
Phase 3.jpg
- Yes No -
Strikes 6 times with his fists.
physical.pngLeg Flurry
Phase 3.jpg
- Yes No -
Hits his target with 3 different kicks.
magical.pngLeg Sweep
Phase 3.jpg
- Yes No -
Does a sweeping kick, knocking his target off their feet.
Phase 3.jpg
- Yes Yes -
Kicks his target into the air and slams them into the ground.
physical.pngSeize (Male)
Phase 3.jpg
- No No -
Chases down Cloud or Barret and binds them while attacking.
physical.pngSeize (Female)
Phase 3.jpg
- No Yes -
Grabs Tifa and karate chops her kneck, knocking her out.
Phase 3.jpg
- Yes Yes -
Comes at a target with a powerful punch.
magical.pngSpinning Axe Kick
Phase 3.jpg
- Yes Yes -
Jumps into the air and kicks into the ground, producing a shockwave.
Phase 3.jpg
- Yes No -
Hits the ground sending a shockwave at his target.
magical.pngTriple Shockwave
Phase 3.jpg
- Yes No -
Hits the ground sending 3 shockwaves that home in on the target.
Phase 3.jpg
- Yes Yes -
Summons a tornado that moves straight across the battlefield.
magical.pngTurks Combo
Phase 3.jpg
- Yes Yes -
Only performed before Reno is knocked out. The Turks jump in the air with Reno using Electroburst and Rude using shockwave in tandem.

*Status Effects and Ailments Guide

Best Characters for This Boss

Available Characters

Cloud IconCloud Barret IconBarret Tifa IconTifa

Recommended Characters

While you should be switching between all three playable characters in this fight, there are times where Barret becomes the most viable. As Barret can stay further away from Reno and Rude's hard hitting physical attacks, you can take advantage of his hard hitting Overcharge and Focused Shot abilities for heavy damage. He is also the best for quickly taking out Rude's helicopter to move into phase 3.

Reno and Rude Attack Phases

Phase 1

Phase Point Summary
1 Reno will start alone and use abilities like Beatdown and Wild Swings to interrupt your party.
2 He will also rotate Flashstrike, Flashfoot, and EM Triple Shot which deal lightning-based damage.
3 Once enough damage is dealt, Rude will show up in his helicopter.

Phase 2

Phase Point Summary
1 Reno will be briefly out of the fight and Rude will start dropping bombs with Special Delivery.
2 Reno will return and continue using attacks from phase 2.
3 Once enough damage has been dealt Reno will briefly go down and Rude's helicopter becomes the focus.

Phase 3

Phase Point Summary
1 When Rude's helicopter goes down, he and Reno will begin acting together.
2 Reno will occasionally release a Pyramid to trap a party member and Binding Current to set up Rude's attacks.
3 Rude will use Haymaker or Seize when his target is close, Shockwave, Triple Shockwave, or Whirlwind when far, and Spinning Axe kick at medium range.
4 From time to time the two will team up for their Turks Combo, an unavoidable attack that deals a large amount of damage to those within range.

Tips & Strategies for Beating Reno and Rude

Strategy Checklist
(Click to jump)

Magnify Your Healing Materia

Leviathan - Prepare Magnify and Healing Materia.png

Reno and Rude will do a lot of damage, some unavoidable, to your entire party. To remedy this and keep everyone healthy, link the Magnify and your strongest Healing Materia together to keep everyone in tip-top shape.

Poison Is Your Friend

Reno Poisoned.png
If you have been using the Poison Materia, bring it along! Both Reno and Rude, especially Rude, are susceptible to the poison status effect which can help whittle down their HP bars.

Don't Bother With Stagger

Reno becomes invincible to damage in two different portions of his fight so it isn't advised to attempt to stagger him. Go on the offensive as much as you can to keep pushing into the next phases. Rude is easier to stagger but as he starts the battle with half HP, you may not need to bother.

Be Patient, Not Greedy

If you get close and try to attack too much, Reno will often take advantage of this and interrupt your attacks before you can block. Take a few swings and block to prevent his Beatdown or Wild Swings from hurting you too bad. When Rude enters the mix, he will often be blocking to take reduced damage and get ready for a counterattack with Haymaker so the same rules apply.

Use Your Limit Breaks

Tifa Limit Break.png
Chances are you'll either be blocking or taking a lot of damage which will power up your Limit Gauge by phase 2 or 3. Just one LB can be enough to take out the last of either Reno or Rude's HP so don't hold back!

Reno and Rude: Hard Mode Guide

Best Characters and Equipment

Cloud Icon.jpegCloud Weapon: Buster Sword
Armor: Force Bracelet
Accessory: Champion Belt
Tifa Icon.jpegTifa Weapon: Metal Knuckles
Armor: Force Bracelet
Accessory: Champion Belt
Barret Icon.jpegBarret Weapon: EKG Cannon
Armor: Chain Bangle
Accessory: Healing Carcanet

Best Materia to Use

The number of slots in your Weapon may vary depending on your Weapon Level.


Weapon (6 Slots)
Armor (4 Slots)


Weapon (6 Slots)
Armor (4 Slots)


Weapon (6 Slots)
Armor (4 Slots)
How to Beat Reno and Rude on Hard Mode

Use Barret as a Healer

Barret will not join your party until directly before this fight, so he has the advantage of entering the fight with no MP previously used. If Cloud and Tifa's MP have already been used to some extent during the chapter, be sure to place the Magnify Materia and Healing Materia on Barret before the fight.

Pressure Them During Phase 3

Reno & Rude Hard Mode Pressuring
The only time you can pressure Rude or Reno is during phase 3. You will need to block or dodge Reno's attacks to pressure him. For Rude, similar in chapter 8, you will need to use Wind magic and hit him twice or during an action to pressure him.

Cast Poison and Sleep on Both of Them

Reno & Rude Casting Sleep Hard Mode
Rude and Reno are both susceptible to poison magic, particularly Rude is. They are also vulnerable to Sleep spell. Use Sleep on one of them then Poison on the other and focus them in a 3 on 1!

Use Counterstance against Reno

Almost all of Reno's attacks can be countered. There are some points where he might break through your counter, but in general, try to taunt Reno into coming at Cloud, and use Twin Stinger's Counterstance Ability to hit back against his attacks and take out Reno easily.

To make sure you have sufficient ATB to counter his attacks, equipping the Steadfast Block Materia will help you charge quickly.

Use Wind magic to take out Rude

Rude suffers from the same weakness to Wind Magic he did in Chapter 8, and hitting him with multiple Wind attacks in sequence will knock him down and build up his Focus Gauge quickly. Simply put, pummel him with Wind attacks repeatedly.

Before the fight wears on and your party members start to get tired, knock out Rude quickly at the start of the battle by going hard against him from the start with Wind Magic. Pairing Elemental Materia with Wind Materia on Tifa and/or Cloud will help take him out even more efficiently.

Boss Fight Related Articles

List of Boss Battles

Major Story Bosses

All Major Story Bosses
Chapter 1 Scorpion Sentinel
Chapter 4 Roche
Chapter 5 Crab Warden
Chapter 7 Airbuster
Chapter 8 Reno
Chapter 9 Hell House
Chapter 10 Abzu
Chapter 11 Ghoul
Chapter 13 Failed Experiment
Chapter 14 Abzu (2nd Fight)
Chapter 15 The Valkyrie
Chapter 16 Specimen H0512
Chapter 17 Jenova Dreamweaver
The Arsenal
Chapter 18 Motor Ball
Whisper Harbinger

VR Mission Bosses

All VR Mission Bosses
Chapter 8 Shiva
Chapter 9 Fat Chocobo
Chapter 13 Leviathan
Secret Boss Bahamut
Superboss Pride and Joy Prototype

Story Sub-Bosses

All Story Sub-Bosses
Chapter 2 The Huntsman
Chapter 3 The Hoodlums
Chapter 4 Enigmatic Spectre
Chapter 12 Enigmatic Spectre
Chapter 17 M.O.T.H. Unit
Brain Pod

Monster Variants & Optional Sub-Bosses

All Monster Variants & Optional Sub-Bosses
Chapter 3 Doomrat
Cerulean Drake
Wrath Hound
Chapter 8 Hedgehog Pie King
Mark II Monodrive
Chapter 14 Rust Drake
Type-0 Behemoth
Chapter 17 Malboro

Intergrade and INTERmission Bosses

Intergrade and INTERmission Bosses
Chapter 1 Levrikon
Chapter 2 Scarlet & The Crimson Mare
Nero the Sable
Optional Ramuh
Weiss the Immaculate
Pride and Joy Mk. 0.5 (Top Secrets)


3 Anonymousalmost 5 years

You can steal an accessory from Reno, but I’m not sure about rude

2 Anonymousalmost 5 years

It is also notable, you can inflict sleep (they're not immune to this stat) on Rude specifically and add the poison.


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