FF7 Remake


Tseng_Final Fantasy VII_banner, thumb:large
This is a profile of the character Tseng from the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Read on to learn about this character's voice actor and characteristics.

Tseng Backstory and Profile

Tseng_Final Fantasy VII

Tseng is the stern leader of the Turks, an investigation unit for the shady Shinra Electric Power Company in Final Fantasy VII Remake. He has been keeping an eye on Aerith ever since she moved to the Midgar slums.
Name Tseng
Voice Actor English: Vic Chao
Japanese: Junichi Suwabe
Position Leader of the Turks

Tseng Characteristics

Leader of the Turks

He takes his job seriously to the point that he becomes temperamental at times. Despite instances where he is seen as ruthless and loyal to Shinra to the core, he still maintains a hidden devotion to people with whom he is close.

An Update in Style

In Final Fantasy VII, Tseng wears the dark blue attire of the Turks. His eyes are dark brown and he sports a shoulder-length black 'do, which is sometimes tied in a ponytail. He also has a tilak on his forehead.

This is revamped in Final Fantasy VII Remake, where his ponytail is removed in place of a hairstyle with a free-flowing fashion. His suit has also been transformed to be all-business, signifying his serious outlook on service and loyalty to Shinra Corp.

Character Links

Main Characters
cloudCloud AerithAerith BarretBarret TifaTifa
Best Build for Each Character
Character Ranking by Stat
Jessie.pngJessie Wedge.pngWedge Biggs.pngBiggs -
Shinra Company
Sephiroth.pngSephiroth Professor Hojo.pngHojo Reno.pngReno President Shinra.pngPresident
Rude.pngRude Heidegger.pngHeidegger Roche.pngRoche Tseng.pngTseng
Scarlet.pngScarlet Palmer.pngPalmer Reeve.pngReeve Rufus.pngRufus
Other Characters
Red XIII.pngRed XIII Don Corneo.pngDon Corneo Leslie.pngLeslie Andrea.pngAndrea
Madam M.pngMadam M Chocobo Sam.pngSam Kyrie.pngKyrie Zack Portrait.pngZack
Vincent Valentine Icon.pngVincent JenovaJenova - -
INTERmission DLC
Yuffie Icon.pngYuffie Sonon Icon.pngSonon Zhijie Icon.pngZhijie Nayo Icon.pngNayo
Billy Bob Icon.pngBilly Bob Polk Icon.pngPolk Nero Icon.pngNero Weiss Icon.pngWeiss
Melfi Icon.pngMelfi - - -

List of Characters


3 Anonymousalmost 5 years

We all wanna know what conditioner sephiroth uses but im also fine with what tseng have.

2 Anonymousalmost 5 years

I wanna have hair like this before the quarantine ends.


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