FF7 Remake

Available Platforms: Is Intergrade on PS4?

FF7R Intergrade Cloud vs. Sephiroth

Welcome to Game8's guide on platform availability for FF7 Remake Intergrade. Learn more about platform availability for Intergrade on PS5, PS4, Xbox, Switch, as well as how to upgrade to PS5, and whether or not Intergrade includes the INTERmission DLC featuring Yuffie Kisaragi.

Platform Availability for FF7 Remake Intergrade

System: PS5 PS4 PC Xbox Switch
Availability: Checkmark.png - - - -

Intergrade is a PS5 Exclusive

Unfortunately for PS4 players, Intergrade is a PS5 exclusive. There is no way to play FF7R Intergrade on PS4, however, when players move to PS5, they can upgrade the base game to the PS5 version for free. New copies bought on the PS5 will include the INTERmission DLC as a set, whereas if you upgrade from PS4 the DLC must be purchased separately.

Available Platforms: Can You Play FF7 Remake on Xbox One, Switch, and PC?

FF7 Remake Intergrade Potential PC Release

The words at the bottom of one of Square Enix's official trailers read: available on PS5 at least six months earlier than any other format. This has given more credibility to the idea of there being a release for Intergrade on other platforms in the future, with PC being the most likely candidate. Square Enix has released PC gameplay footage of FF7R in the past, further cementing the possibility.

Will FF7 Remake Intergrade Come to Xbox?

Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S
Unfortunately, there has been no official statement at this time that FF7 Remake Intergrade will come to Xbox, however with FF7R Intergrade being a timed exclusive, it seems that Square Enix is looking to release the game on other platforms.

Will FF7 Remake Intergrade Come to Switch?

Nintendo Switch
Unfortunately, there has been no statement from Square Enix on bringing FF7 Remake Intergrade to the Switch, however, the original FF7 is available on the Nintendo eShop and FF7 characters have been featured prominently in the Super Smash Bros. series recently, so Square Enix and Nintendo have been on good terms.

FF7 Remake Intergrade PS4 Availability

PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro
Intergrade can only be played on a PS5 and has no backward compatibility features with PS4 at this time. For those who have played FF7R on the PS4, unfortunately, you will need to wait and upgrade to the PS5 to experience the improvements made in Intergrade. Furthermore, you cannot purchase the INTERmission DLC featuring Yuffie Kisaragi on the PS4 version.

How to Upgrade FF7R From PS4 to FF7R Intergrade on PS5

For players who experienced FF7R on the PS4, you will be relieved to hear that you do not need to buy the entire game again. You can upgrade FF7R on PS4 to FF7R Intergrade on the PS5 for free, however, this does not include the DLC for INTERmission, the episode featuring Yuffie Kisaragi.

How to Upgrade and Transfer Save Data to PS5

FF7 Remake Intergrade Related Guides

Intergrade DLC Guide and Walkthrough


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