FF7 Remake

List of Mechanical Enemies and Weaknesses

This page lists all mechanical enemies from Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake). To learn the weaknesses of every mechanical enemy, or see their stats and other information, see the list below!

List of Mechanical Enemies

Enemy Weaknesses
Armored Shock Trooper IconArmored Shock Trooper Currently Unknown
Sentry Ray IconSentry Ray Wind
Laser Cannon IconLaser Cannon Wind
Sentry Launcher IconSentry Launcher Wind
Sentry Gun Prototype IconSentry Gun Prototype Wind
Sentry Gun IconSentry Gun Wind
Slug-Ray IconSlug-Ray -
Shock-Ray IconShock-Ray -
Blast-Ray IconBlast-Ray -
Sweeper IconSweeper -
Sweeper Prototype IconSweeper Prototype -
Cutter IconCutter -
Jury-Rigged Cutter IconJury-Rigged Cutter -
M.O.T.H. Unit IconM.O.T.H. Unit -
Sledgeworm IconSledgeworm Wind
Smogger IconSmogger -
Chromogger IconChromogger -
Scorpion Sentinel IconScorpion Sentinel -
Crab Warden IconCrab Warden -
Airbuster IconAirbuster Stop
The Valkyrie IconThe Valkyrie Fixed Damage, Proportional Damage
The Arsenal IconThe Arsenal -
Pride and Joy Prototype IconPride and Joy Prototype Wind
Armored Magitrooper IconArmored Magitrooper -
Deathwheel IconDeathwheel Lightning
Projector IconProjector -
The Crimson Mare IconThe Crimson Mare -
Gigantipede IconGigantipede Fire, Ice, Wind

What are Mechanical Enemies?

Enemies that are composed of machineries and electronics are classified as Mechanical. These enemies are usually armed with high tech weaponries and are used to guard important sectors. They are usually weak to lightning magic.

Enemy Related Links

Full List of Enemies

Types of Enemies
Human Biological Artificial Life
Mechanical Unreadable


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