FF7 Remake

Kids on Patrol Walkthrough (Side Quest 8) | Children Locations

Kids on Patrol.png
This is a walkthrough for Side Quest (Odd Job) 8: Kids on Patrol in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Read on to see where to find each kid, a map of children locations, as well as how to beat the Hedgehog Pie King and obtain the Nail Bat!

Previous Quest The Mysterious Moogle Merchant
Current Quest Kids on Patrol
Next Quest Weapons on a Rampage

Kids on Patrol Rewards and Information

Quest Giver Location Chapter
Ms. Folia The Leaf House 8
Reward Rating
Nail Bat ★★

Kids on Patrol Walkthrough and Children Locations

1 Speak to Ms. Folia outside of the Leaf House. You will be asked to find 5 children patrolling the area.
2 The first child can be found immediately to the right of the Leaf House.
3 Keep walking from where you found the first child to find the second through a pipe.
4 Head over to the Weapons Store to find the third child.
5 You can find the fourth child in front of the Item Shop.
6 The final child is near the entrance of Center District. Return to the Leaf House and talk to Ms. Folia. You will now have to defeat the “Toad King”.
7 Go through the Children's Secret Hideout to where you rescued the kids previously to fight the Hedgehog Pie King.
8 Return to the Leaf House to get your reward (the Nail Bat).

Kids on Patrol Tips & Tricks

  • When you get close enough to the children, a marker will show up nearby, which will make them even easier to spot.
  • The Hedgehog Pie King comes with two Hedgehog Pies alongside it. The catch is the King will cast Protection on them both, decreasing the damage they take from all attacks.
  • The Hedgehog Pies are the real threat here, so avoid their Bounce attack that will stun you and deal a fair amount of damage and hit them with your strongest abilities.
  • All three are weak to ice magic as well so if you get the chance use Blizzara on them, they should stagger and go down.
  • Completing this quest will also unlock the A Verified Hero Side Quest.

Side Quest (Odd Job) Related Links

Chapter 8

Quest Reward
1 Mysterious Moogle.pngThe Mysterious Moogle Merchant Access to the Moogle Emporium
2 Kids on Patrol.pngKids on Patrol Nail Bat
3 Weapons on a Rampage.pngWeapons on a Rampage Protective Boots
4 A Verified Hero.pngA Verified Hero Elixir
5 The Angel of the Slums.pngThe Angel of the Slum 2,000 Gill
6 Paying Respects.pngPaying Respects Studded Bracer

Disovery Quests

Quest Name Reward
The Gate Won't Open ・Shortcut through path
The Language of Flowers ・Cutscene
MP Up Materia

Side Quests By Chapter

FF7R Side Quests
Chapter 3 Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Chapter 14
Discovery Quests and Rewards

List of Side Quests (Odd Jobs)


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