FF7 Remake

Chapter 5: Dogged Pursuit Story Guide & Walkthrough


This is a guide and walkthrough to Chapter 5: Dogged Pursuit, a story chapter in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Read on to learn locations of items, rewards for completing this chapter, as well as useful tips and strategies for getting through this part of the story.

Previous Chapter Mad Dash
Current Chapter Dogged Pursuit
Next Chapter Light the Way

List of Main Scenario Objectives


No. Title Description
1 All Aboard for Sector 4 Some time into the ride, an unscheduled ID scan sweeps the train.
2 Separate Ways The ID scan detects an anomaly and the passenger car they're in is sealed off. The team is forced to change their plan.
3 Looking for a Friend Having reunited after their dramatic leap from the train, the three regroup at a nearby rail map to discuss their next steps.
4 Get Your Bearings Barret decides to switch to plan E. The team will follow the Mako Reactor 5 line through the corkscrew tunnel, guided by the signs another Avalanche cell left.
5 Find Stamp Following the Stamp graffiti, the team arrives at the train yard. They must drive off security and find a way to get past the locked gate.
5-1 The Nose Knows The team has found Avalanche's graffiti. Now they just have to follow Stamp's nose.
5-2 Check the Route As there is a hidden passageway leading to the reactor from the train yard, the three set out to look for it.
5-3 Train Yard Security The security officers guarding the train yard have been defeated, but the gate to the train yard is locked.
6 Secret Passageway The three dispatch the Crab Warden that was apparently station in the train yard. At last, they can take the secret passageway.
6-1 Stairway Detour The team climbs the stairs next to the train yard and finds another way in. Now they head for the secret passageway in the train yard.
11 Slum Wisdom Avoiding Shinra security, the team leaves the corkscrew tunnel behind. Following the route to Mako Reactor 5, they move into the plate's interior.
12 Sudden Attack Jessie has been injured in the attack by unknown assailants, meaning Barret has no choice but to ask Cloud to participate in the next mission.
13 A New Operation Cloud, Tifa, and Barret all board the train and head for Mako Reactor 5, determined to make this second bombing mission a success.

Chapter 5: Dogged Pursuit Walkthrough

On the Train


1 Talk to Tifa. She will leave the party.
2 Walk into the next car to start a cutscene.
HealingMateria.pngYou can pick up a Healing Materia from the seat across from the Middle Manager.
3 Go back to the car you came from and walk to Tifa.
4 After a cutscene, you will have to fight three Slug-Rays.
5 Two more Slug-Rays will come out from behind you.
6 Go back into the car you came from, and a cutscene will begin.

Corkscrew Tunnel


1 After the cutscene, fight three Slug-Rays.
2 Go straight forward in the tunnel to look for Barret.
2 Hi Potion Location.pngYou can go up the stairs on the right to find a chest with 2 Hi-potions.
3 Continue forward. After a cutscene, you'll fight three Security Officers and two Slug-Rays.
4 Climb the stairs on the right and run on the upper platform across the tracks.
5 Reunite with Barret and fight two Slug-Rays and three Grenadiers. Walk back onto the stairs where Barret and Tifa are waiting to start a cutscene.

Corkscrew Tunnel - Section C


1 Run straight forward along the road. You'll encounter three Slug-Rays.
2 Continue along the path. You'll meet two Slug-Rays and two Guard Dogs.
PhoenixDownLocation.pngIf you break the Shinra Boxes in the middle of the road here, there's a high chance of obtaining one or more Phoenix Downs.
3 Go up the stairs on the right side. You'll find 3 Wererats.
4 Go down the stairs ahead and you'll encounter a Grashtrike.
Go back to face the wall and you'll find a chest with 2 Hi-potions on the right side.
5 Pull the web away from the staircase and continue up. You'll find two more Grashtrikes.
6 Tear away the web in front of the stairs. Down the stairs, you'll encounter two Grashtrikes and a Queen Grashtrike.
7 Tear the web to continue ahead to the next area.
3PhoenixDowns.pngOpen the chest next to the vending machine to get 3 Phoenix Downs.
8 Go up the stairs and across the platform.
9 Down the next set of stairs, you'll fight a Flametrooper and four Security Officers.
10 Go through the metal door on the left side. It can be a bit hard to see.
11 Follow Barret and Tifa across the tracks. A cutscene will begin.
12 Run straight along the tracks. Be sure to take the left path at the fork – otherwise, Tifa will let you know after a while that you're on the wrong path.

Corkscrew Tunnel - Rail Yard


1 Straight ahead, you'll encounter two Flametroopers, and two Sentry Launchers.
2 You won't be able to go through the gate. Go up the stairs and through the steel door.
3 Go through the door at the end.
4 Turn left at the fork and go through the door.
5 Turn right at the fork and go through the door. You'll encounter two Elite Security Officers.
LightningMateria.pngOptionally, go straight instead to find a Lightning Materia and a rest area, then go back.
6 Go out the door on the opposite side and go down the ladder.
7 Turn left and go to the end. A cutscene will begin.
Fight the Crab Warden.
You'll get a pair of Metal Knuckles as a reward for defeating it.
How to Beat Crab Warden
9 Follow Tifa and Barret sidling along the metal fence.
10 Climb down the ladder.

Service Tunnel


1 Continue down the road.
2 Press the Button to go down the elevator.

Maps and Obtainable Items


List of Maps
Train Bound for Sector 4 Section C (Part 1)
Section C (Part 2) Section D
Section E -

Obtainable Items

Train Bound for Sector 4
Healing Materia - -
Corkscrew Tunnel - Section C
Hi-Potion x2 Ether Elixir
Star Pendant - -
Corkscrew Tunnel - Section D
Antidote x2 Hi-Potion x2 -
Corkscrew Tunnel - Section E
Leather Bracer Phoenix Down x3 Lightning Materia

Shops & Vending Machines

Vending Machine - Railway Control C2

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
Potion 50 Gil
Phoenix Down 300 Gil
Antidote 80 Gil
Weapons / Armor Price
Iron Bangle 1000 Gil
Star Bracelet 1600 Gil
Accessories Price
Power Wristguards 800 Gil
Bulletproof Vest 800 Gil
Earrings 800 Gil
Talisman 800 Gil
Revival Earrings 500 Gil
Materia Price
Healing Materia 600 Gil
Fire Materia 500 Gil
Ice Materia 500 Gil
Lightning Materia 500 Gil
Deadly Dodge Materia 600 Gil

Vending Machine - Railway Control E2

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
Potion 50 Gil
Phoenix Down 300 Gil
Antidote 80 Gil
Weapons / Armor Price
Iron Bangle 1000 Gil
Star Bracelet 1600 Gil
Accessories Price
Power Wristguards 800 Gil
Bulletproof Vest 800 Gil
Earrings 800 Gil
Talisman 800 Gil
Revival Earrings 500 Gil
Materia Price
Healing Materia 600 Gil
Cleansing Materia 1500 Gil
Fire Materia 500 Gil
Ice Materia 500 Gil
Lightning Materia 500 Gil
Poison Materia 1500 Gil
Barrier Materia 1500 Gil
Deadly Dodge Materia 600 Gil

Vending Machine - Former Rail Yard

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
28. Stamp (Stock: 1) 50 Gil
Potion 50 Gil
Hi-Potion (Stock: 3) 100 Gil
Ether (Stock: 1) 100 Gil
Phoenix Down 300 Gil
Phoenix Down (Stock: 1) 100 Gil
Antidote 80 Gil
Weapons / Armor Price
Iron Bangle 1000 Gil
Star Bracelet 1600 Gil
Accessories Price
Power Wristguards 800 Gil
Bulletproof Vest 800 Gil
Earrings 800 Gil
Talisman 800 Gil
Revival Earrings 500 Gil
Materia Price
Healing Materia 600 Gil
Cleansing Materia 1500 Gil
Fire Materia 500 Gil
Ice Materia 500 Gil
Lightning Materia 500 Gil
Poison Materia 1500 Gil
Barrier Materia 1500 Gil
Deadly Dodge Materia 600 Gil

Tips and Strategies

Watch Out for Queen Grashstrikes

Queen Grashstrikes will use a web attack which can bind one of your party members. Switch to another ally and attack the Queen to free them before she pulls them in too close.
Queen Grashtrike Weaknesses and Obtainable Items

Fight Fire with Fire

Flametroopers use powerful streams of fire to hit anything in their path, but they're weak to a taste of their own medicine. Stand at a distance and hit them with Fire Magic to take them out.
Flametrooper Weaknesses and Obtainable Items

Use Lightning Magic on Sentry Launchers

Sentry Launchers are tough enemies which appear in the middle of the path and fire volleys of missiles at your party. Stop them early on before they do too much damage by hitting them with Lightning Magic. They'll also appear together with Flametroopers, making for one tough squad, so take each foe out one at a time without letting them group together to deal damage.
Sentry Launcher Weaknesses and Obtainable Items

Heal Before Facing Crab Warden

Between the final Rest Area in the chapter and the Crab Warden, you'll fight two Elite Security Officers, who have the potential to deal some damage to your party. If you've taken a few hits, be sure to go back and rest again before facing the Boss.

Boss Strategy Guide

Crab Warden

Crab Warden is the first multi-phase Boss since Scorpion Sentinel. As they are both based on shelled insects, they seem to be part of a set. Be aware of the differences between each of its three Phases before fighting it.

How to Beat Crab Warden

Phase One

  • Slow, but hits hard.
  • Has separate Left and Right Legs – attack the legs first to Stagger it.
  • After Staggering it, aim for the heart.

Phase Two

  • 5 Slug-Rays will come out to join the battle.
  • It will start to use Wildfire, a flamethrower attack.
  • It will use Missile Barrage to unleash Missiles at you.
  • From this phase on, you will be able to use a Summon.

Phase Three

  • It will gain a Left and Right Auxiliary Weapon, and a Pilot.
  • Its attack Surge shocks the ground with electricity, dealing damage to everyone. Watch out!
  • If you cripple the Pilot, it will become unable to move, so aim for this first.

Story Walkthrough Related Links

Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 The Destruction of Mako Reactor 1
Chapter 2 Fateful Encounters
Chapter 3 Home Sweet Slum
Chapter 4 Mad Dash
Chapter 5 Dogged Pursuit
Chapter 6 Light the Way
Chapter 7 A Trap is Sprung
Chapter 8 Budding Bodyguard
Chapter 9 The Town That Never Sleeps
Chapter 10 Rough Waters
Chapter 11 Haunted
Chapter 12 Fight for Survival
Chapter 13 A Broken World
Chapter 14 In Search of Hope
Chapter 15 The Day Midgar Stood Still
Chapter 16 The Belly of the Beast
Chapter 17 Deliverance from Chaos
Chapter 18 Destiny's Crossroads
INTERmission Chapters
Chapter 1 Wutai's Finest
Chapter 2 Covert Ops


2 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Put the leather bracer into the walkthrough, not just list it in the items list at the end. I almost missed it.

1 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Looks like the map shows a healing materia but it isn't listed in the obtainable items


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