FF7 Remake

List of Accessories and Effects

This is a list of accessories and their bonus effects in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Read on to see all accessories and their effects and learn which accessories you should equip to your characters.

List of Accessories

Accessory Effect
MoogleMoogle's Amulet Increases the probability enemies will drop items when defeated in battle.
Power WristguardsPower Wristguards Increases strength by 5%.
Bulletproof VestBulletproof Vest Increases vitality by 5%.
EarringsEarrings Increases magic power by 5%.
TalismanTalisman Increases spirit by 5%.
Platinum EarringsPlatinum Earrings Increases magic power by 10%.
Timeworn TalismanTimeworn Talisman Increases spirit by 10%.
Supernatural WristguardsSupernatural Wristguards Increases strength by 10%.
Survival VestSurvival Vest Increases vitality by 10%.
Champion BeltChampion Belt Increases max HP by 10%.
Increases strength by 5%.
CircletCirclet Increases max MP by 10%
Increases magic power by 5%.
Star PendantStar Pendant Become immune to Poison.
HeadbandHeadband Become immune to Sleep.
Protective BootsProtective Boots Become immune to Slow.
Become immune to Stop.
Revival EarringsRevival Earrings Enter battle with the Auto-Life status effect. Breaks upon use.
Healing CarcanetHealing Carcanet Increases the effectiveness of healing items, spells, and abilities.
Enfeeblement RingEnfeeblement Ring Enter battle with the toad status effect.
Whistlewind ScarfWhistlewind Scarf Enter battle with a slightly filled ATB gauge.
Salvation BadgeSalvation Badge Increases the effectiveness of healing spells cast on you when HP is 25% or lower.
Tarot CardsTarot Cards Extends the duration of detrimental status effects applied to others.
Otherworldly CrystalOtherworldly Crystal Reduces the duration of detrimental status effects.
Fury RingFury Ring Enter battle with the berserk status effect.
Clarity PendantClarity Pendant Completely fills the ATB gauge after using Refocus.
Mythical AmuletMythical Amulet Strengthens summons called forth in battle.
Crescent Moon CharmCrescent Moon Charm Reduces damage taken when equipped by non-active characters.
Spectral CogwheelSpectral Cogwheel Consuming MP fills the limit gauge.
Transference ModuleTransference Module Consuming ATB charges fills the limit gauge.
Enchanted RingEnchanted Ring Extends the duration of beneficial status effects applied by wearer.
GotterdammerungGotterdammerung Enter battle with a full limit break gauge. Limit break gauge gradually fills during battle.
Superstar BeltSuperstar Belt Avoid incapacitation once per battle. Does not work against instant death attacks or when HP is at 1.
Mako CrystalMako Crystal Reduces fire, ice, lightning, and wind damage taken.
Kindred CordKindred Cord Reduces ATB cost for synergized abilities.
Gozu DriveGozu Drive Only effective when a chthonian armlet is equipped.
Increases damage dealt proportional to character's current HP.
Mezu DriveMezu Drive Only effective when a chthonian armlet is equipped.
Increases damage dealt inversely proportional to character's current MP.
RibbonRibbon Prevents detrimental status effects. Makes it harder to be interrupted when casting magic.

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