FF7 Remake

Tifa Lockhart Weapons and Abilities | Tifa Best Build

This is a character page for Tifa, containing her abilities, characteristics, and Limit Breaks, as well as her weapons, and recommended battle settings for Tifa in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R).

Tifa's Backstory and Profile

tifa lockhart.png

A loyal member of Avalanche─an underground organization opposed to Shinra─Tifa also runs Seventh Heaven, a popular bar in the Sector 7 slums. Although she bears a terrible grudge towards Shinra, she is not convinced that bombing mako reactors is the solution. As she struggled to reconcile her cause with her conscience, Tifa was reunited with her childhood friend, Cloud, for the first time in years...
Name Tifa Lockheart
Age 20
Height 167 cm (5'4")
Birthday May 3rd
Blood Type B
Voice Actor English: Britt Baron
Japanese: Ayumi Ito
Weapons Gloves

Tifa's Characteristics

The Fighter of the Group

Tifa is the fighter of the group, a warrior who is characterized by her speedy physical attacks. Her attacks make less damage than those of Cloud, but they are fast, and they also come in rapid successions. She can fall under the standard Monk class of the traditional Final Fantasy series.

Build-up Combos are her Specialty

Tifa_Unbridled Strength ability
Effect Tifa's attacks can build-up. Press the attack button repeatedly to stack up damage, making the most of her strikes and kicks to overwhelm the enemy.
Usage Press ▢ continuously for successive strikes

Tifa's Strengths and Unique Ability

Whirling Uppercut

Tifa_Whirling Uppercut Whirling Uppercut
Effect Tifa gathers her power and launches upwards with a punch, causing great damage through an uppercut.


Tifa_Omnistrike Omnistrike
Effect Unleashes a powerful rushing charge using a shoulder tackle as base.

Rise and Fall

Tifa_Palm Rush-1 Tifa_Palm Rush-2 Rise and Fall
Effect An attack where Tifa peppers the enemy with powerful kicks and a forceful palm as a finisher. It was her Limit Break move in the original FF7.

Tifa's Abilities

Unbridled Strength

Unbridled Strength

Effect How to Learn
Strengthen basic attacks and unique abilities. Learned from the start.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
- - 0



Effect How to Learn
Unleash a flurry of powerful strikes. Increases strength of command executed. Equip Feathered Gloves. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
580 6 0



Effect How to Learn
Used in conjunction with basic attacks to effectively pressure enemies. Equip Metal Knuckles. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
252 4 0

Focused Strike

Focused Strike

Effect How to Learn
Evade, then unleash a charging attack. Moderately increases stagger. Equip Sonic Strikers. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
72 3 700



Effect How to Learn
Consume all ATB charges to unleash a concentrated burst of energy. Significantly increases stagger. Equip Leather Gloves. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
378 1 0

Chi Trap

Chi Trap

Effect How to Learn
Create an orb of materialized chi that deals damage on contact. Equip Mythril Claws. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
300 10 0

True Strike

True Strike

Effect How to Learn
Deliver a tremendous blow at close range. Increased stagger damage bonus. Equip Purple Pain. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
333 1 0

Tifa's Limit Breaks



Effect How to Learn
Launch an enemy high into the air with a Zangan-style swift kick. Learned from the start.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
1700 4 0

Dolphin Flurry

Dolphin Flurry

Effect How to Learn
Unleash an unrelenting stream of acrobatic attacks. Significantly increases stagger. Clear Party Member vs. Wild Animals in Corneo Colosseum.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
2960 50 0

List of Limit Breaks | Limit Break Guide

Tifa's Weapons

Tifa's Starting Weapon

Leather GlovesLeather Gloves 32 22 0 0 ○-○

Tifa's Other Weapons

Metal KnucklesMetal Knuckles 54 12 0 0 ○-○
Sonic StrikersSonic Strikers 32 21 0 0 ○-○○-○
Feathered GlovesFeathered Gloves 50 33 0 0 ○○○
Mythril ClawsMythril Claws 28 55 0 0 ○-○○
Purple PainPurple Pain 51 41 0 0 ○-○○○

List of Weapons Stats and Materia Slots

Tifa's Stats

Level 50 Stats

Stat Value
HP 4338
MP 64
Strength 100
Magic 91
Vitality 57
Spirit 57
Luck 72
Speed 65

Character Ranking by Stat

How to Use Tifa

Execute Quick Combos

Tifa hits quick and hits hard with her combos. Most of her abilities work well with her basic attacks and other abilities like Overpower, Focused Strike, and Starshower.

Using Unbridled Strength or unlocking the Concentration weapon ability also helps in chaining combos as they both increases the damage of her basic attacks and unlocks unique abilities that can be used to link combos.

Dodges Attack Easily

Tifa moves the fastest among the four playable characters in the game. Tifa can easily avoid attacks just by moving, let alone dodging. You can also utilize dodging by using it to cancel the intervals or pauses between combos.

For best results, equip Parry Materia to Tifa to make her zoom around the battlefield with Parry. This ability makes her dodge attacks even faster while also blocking attacks that she fails to dodge.

Pressure Enemies with Overpower

As the description suggests, Overpower is best used after chaining basic attacks. Use this technique if you want to interrupt an enemy and quickly fill up its stagger gauge.

Maximize Damage Output With Starshower

Feathered Gloves' Starshower is the bread and butter of maximizing Tifa's damage output. Starshower increases the damage of the next ability used. You need to immediately use an ability right after Starshower for the damage increase, otherwise, the damage bonus will be cancelled.

The damage bonus works with Tifa's unique abilities, other weapon abilities, and even limit breaks! Try to use Starshower followed by Dolphin Flurry on a staggered enemy and you will almost feel the pain of the execution!

Elemental Chi Trap

Chi Trap is an ability from Mythril Claws that sets an orb of chi in place and deals continuous non-elemental magic damage to enemies caught in it. Since the orb is stationary, using it against slow-moving enemies or enemies that are easily interrupted maximizes its effect.

Its damage is also affected by the Elemental Materia equipped on Tifa's weapon. For example, if you linked Elemental + Ice materias on her weapon, Chi Trap will deal ice-elemental magic damage instead of being non-elemental.

Easily Increases Stagger Damage Multiplier

Tifa can also increase the damage bonus on staggered enemies pretty efficiently using her unique abilities and Purple Pain's True Strike. Use these abilities to increase the multiplier to more than twice its base damage bonus. You can even get the Staggering Feat easily with these attacks!

Tips for Increasing Stagger Damage Bonus Using Tifa

Cast Haste on Tifa and increase her speed by unlocking weapon abilities. While the enemy's stagger gauge is not yet full, increase her chi level by using Unbridled Strength until her unique ability becomes Rise and Fall then make sure her ATB Gauge is full. After the enemy is staggered, spam True Strike until her ATB Gauge is completely drained, use her Rise and Fall followed by Omnistrike, then use basic attacks while consuming each accumulated ATB bars with True Strikes.

Best Equipped With ATB Assist

Since Tifa has abilities that are effective when used twice in a row such as Unbridled Strength, Starshower, and True Strike, equipping ATB Assist Materia on her can easily help other members fill their ATB gauge.

Best Build for Tifa

Balanced Build

Equipment Stats (Fully Upgraded) / Effect
Feathered Gloves.jpgFeathered Gloves
  • Attack: 120
  • Magic Attack: 80
  • Slots: ○-○○-○○-○
Chain Bangle.jpgChain Bangle
  • Defense: +50
  • Magic Defense: +50
  • Slots: ○-○○-○
Gotterdammerung.jpgGotterdammerung Enter battle with a full limit break gauge. Limit break gauge gradually fills during battle.
Feathered Gloves
Chain Bangle


  • Switch the Fire materia according to the enemy's weakness.
  • Use Cog Bangle if Chain Bangle is unavailable then remove the Chakra materia.
  • Use Champion Belt if Gotterdammerung is unavailable.

Physical Build

Equipment Stats (Fully Upgraded) / Effect
Metal Knuckles.jpgMetal Knuckles
  • Attack: 164
  • Magic Attack: 36
  • Slots: ○-○○-○○-○
Chain Bangle.jpgChain Bangle
  • Defense: +50
  • Magic Defense: +50
  • Slots: ○-○○-○
Gotterdammerung.jpgGotterdammerung Enter battle with a full limit break gauge. Limit break gauge gradually fills during battle.
Metal Knuckles
Chain Bangle


  • Switch the Fire materia according to the enemy's weakness.
  • Maximize the use of Haste.
  • Use Cog Bangle if Chain Bangle is unavailable then remove the ATB Stagger materia.
  • Use Transference Module if Gotterdammerung is unavailable.

Magic Build

Equipment Stats (Fully Upgraded) / Effect
Mythril Claws.jpgMythril Claws
  • Attack: 55
  • Magic Attack: 109
  • Max MP: +10
  • Slots: ○-○○-○○-○
Chain Bangle.jpgChain Bangle
  • Defense: +50
  • Magic Defense: +50
  • Slots: ○-○○-○
Circlet.jpgCirclet Increases max MP by 10%
Increases magic power by 5%
Mythril Claws
Chain Bangle


  • This build maximizes the damage output of Chi Trap, which is also your main damage dealing ability when using this setup.
  • Switch the Fire materia according to the enemy's weakness.
  • Use Cog Bangle if Chain Bangle is unavailable then remove the MP Up materia.
  • Switch Circlet with Healing Carcanet if you need increased healing.

Best Build for Each Character

Recommended Battle Shortcuts for Tifa

Button Setup
Unbridled Strength
Focused Strike
True Strike

Character Links

Main Characters
cloudCloud AerithAerith BarretBarret TifaTifa
Best Build for Each Character
Character Ranking by Stat
Jessie.pngJessie Wedge.pngWedge Biggs.pngBiggs -
Shinra Company
Sephiroth.pngSephiroth Professor Hojo.pngHojo Reno.pngReno President Shinra.pngPresident
Rude.pngRude Heidegger.pngHeidegger Roche.pngRoche Tseng.pngTseng
Scarlet.pngScarlet Palmer.pngPalmer Reeve.pngReeve Rufus.pngRufus
Other Characters
Red XIII.pngRed XIII Don Corneo.pngDon Corneo Leslie.pngLeslie Andrea.pngAndrea
Madam M.pngMadam M Chocobo Sam.pngSam Kyrie.pngKyrie Zack Portrait.pngZack
Vincent Valentine Icon.pngVincent JenovaJenova - -
INTERmission DLC
Yuffie Icon.pngYuffie Sonon Icon.pngSonon Zhijie Icon.pngZhijie Nayo Icon.pngNayo
Billy Bob Icon.pngBilly Bob Polk Icon.pngPolk Nero Icon.pngNero Weiss Icon.pngWeiss
Melfi Icon.pngMelfi - - -

List of Characters


25 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Tifa has the potential to deal much more damage than the other characters. Her focus ability can be chained repeatedly.. Once an enemy is staggered she raises the damage% greatly for everyone. after hitting true strike x2 then rise and fall true strike omnistrike whirling uppercut the damage will be up to about 260%. Then chain whirling strike dive kick and it will hit for 9999 over and over. If an enemy is able to be stopped she can dish out an insane amount of damage.

24 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Does Tifa deal more damage than Cloud? Or is she more of a support damager?


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