FF7 Remake

How to Get the Best Armor

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This page lists the best armor in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). The best armor, based on defense, magic defense, and materia slots will all be shown here. Read on to find out which armor you should equip and where to find the best armor in FF7 Remake!

Best Armor (Top 3 All Around)

1st: Chain Bangle

Chain BangleChain Bangle
Materia Slots
Defense: 50/Magic Defense: 50
How to Obtain:
Picked up from a treasure chest in the Shinra Building (Chapter 17)

Excellent Stats and Materia Slots

The Chain Bangle is the best armor in the game, boasting excellent stats and materia slots. This armor is great on Cloud, who you will be using practically all the time, as well as Aerith, who will need as many slots as she can get.

Only one is obtainable (at the end of the story)

The only Chain Bangle in the game is picked up in Chapter 17 from a treasure chest along the path. While it is clearly an amazing piece of equipment, the problem is deciding who you will equip it to.

2nd: Cog Bangle

Cog BangleCog Bangle
Materia Slots
Defense: 39/Magic Defense: 39
How to Obtain:
Buy on the 63rd Floor of the Shinra Building.

Versatile with Balanced Stats

The Cog Bangle has good Defense and Magic Defense, so it is good to use in nearly any battle. You'll be able to pick up two of these, so be sure and equip both to someone.

3rd: Supreme Bracer

Supreme BracerSupreme Bracer
Materia Slots
Defense: 62/Magic Defense: 16
How to Obtain:
Reward for clearing Barret vs. SOLDIER Trainees in the Shinra Combat Simulator (Chapter 16/17)

Equip it to someone who takes lots of physical damage

After the Iron Maiden, the Supreme Bracer has the best defense stat of all armor, so equip it to a character who will take a lot of physical attacks from enemies. However, when you are up against a boss like Shiva or Leviathan who mainly use magic-based attacks, you are better off not equipping this one.

Best Armor (Top 3 Defense)

1st: Iron Maiden

Iron MaidenIron Maiden
No Slots
Defense: 124/Magic Defense: 20
How to Obtain: After Tifa gets the keycard in the Shinra Building, head up the escalator and get it from the treasure chest on the Show Room to the right (Chapter 16)

No Materia Slots, but outstanding defense

The Iron Maiden has the drawback of no materia slots and low magic defense to compensate for its monster defense stat of 124. This armor is very useful against bosses who primarily use physical attacks, like Fat Chocobo or Behemoth.

2nd: Supreme Bracer

Supreme BracerSupreme Bracer
Materia Slots
Defense: 62/Magic Defense: 16
How to Obtain:
Reward for clearing Barret vs. SOLDIER Trainees in the Shinra Combat Simulator (Chapter 16/17)

Equip it to someone who takes lots of physical damage

After the Iron Maiden, the Supreme Bracer has the best defense stat of all armor, so equip it to a character who will take a lot of physical attacks from enemies. However, when you are up against a boss like Shiva or Leviathan who mainly use magic-based attacks, you are better off not equipping this one.

3rd: Heavy-Duty Bracer

Heavy-Duty BracerHeavy-Duty Bracer
Defense: 53/Magic Defense: 13
How to Obtain:
Buy it in a Vending Machine from Chapter 14 onward

Not that great except for its defense stat

The Heavy-Duty Bracer has a good defense stat, but not much else. It has three materia slots, but none of them are linked. However, you can get it in Chapter 14, and at this point in the game, it is one of the better armors.

Best Armor (Top 3 Magic Defense)

1st: Astral Cuff

Astral CuffAstral Cuff
No Slots
Defense: 20/Magic Defense: 124
How to Obtain:
Picked up in Chapter 17 from a treasure chest

No Materia Slots, but outstanding magic defense

The Astral Cuff has the drawback of no materia slots and low physical defense to compensate for its monster magic defense stat of 124. It isn't the best armor overall, but it is great for strong bosses like Shiva or Leviathan who mainly attack with magic-based attacks.

2nd: Rune Armlet

Rune ArmletRune Armlet
Materia Slots
Defense: 16/Magic Defense: 62
How to Obtain:
Reward for clearing Tifa vs. SOLDIER Trainees in the Shinra Combat Simulator (Chapter 16/17)

Excellent Magic Defense and Materia Slots

The Rune Armlet is pretty well balanced with its magic defense of 62 and 3 materia slots (two of which are linked). You'll come up against plenty of strong magic attackers as the game gets more difficult, so this is one worth equipping.

3rd: Sorcerer's Armlet

SorcererSorcerer's Armlet
Defense: 13/Magic Defense: 53
How to Obtain:
Pick up from the treasure chest in the alley near the Honey Bee Inn (Chapter 14)

Not that great except for its magic defense stat

The Sorcerer's Armlet has a good magic defense stat, but not much else. It has three materia slots, but none of them are linked. However, you can get it in Chapter 14, and at this point in the game, it is one of the better armors.

Related Links

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Obtaining the Best Equipment
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List of Equipment


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