FF7 Remake

Steal List & Guide | List of All Stealable Items and Best Items to Steal


This is a list of Items that you can steal with the Steal Materia in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Learn what items are best to steal from enemies, how to steal items, and all Items which can be stolen throughout the game.

Best Items to Steal

Although most stealable items can be purchased from shops, it's possible to steal rare items from certain enemies, especially bosses. We've compiled a list of the enemies you should make sure not to miss stealing from when playing through the game.

Enemy Item Rating Reason
Eligor Bladed Staff ★★★★★ This is the only location in the game where this Weapon for Aerith is obtainable.
Grungy Bandit Champion Belt ★★★★★ One of three available in the game (the other ones are obtainable by winning the Pull-Up Challenge: Pro Difficulty and Squats Minigame: Pro Difficulty)
M.O.T.H. Unit Iron Maiden ★★★★ Cannot be purchased in shops.
Specimen H0512 Timeworn Talisman ★★★ Rare and expensive accessory.
Type-0 Behemoth Enchanted Ring ★★★ Rare and expensive accessory.
Reno - Ch. 12 Magician's Bracelet ★★ One of the highest-level armors.
Blast-Ray Heavy-Duty Bracer ★★ One of the highest-level armors.
Roche Elixir ★★ Cannot be purchased from stores. Fully restores HP and MP.
Tonberry Elixir ★★ Cannot be purchased from stores. Fully restores HP and MP.
Abzu Turbo Ether Cannot be purchased from stores. Fully restores MP.
Ghoul Turbo Ether Cannot be purchased from stores. Fully restores MP.

How to Steal


To steal items from enemies, you'll need to have the Steal Materia equipped. Open the Commands Menu with the equipped character, choose Abilities -> Steal, and select the enemy you want to target. You can also use the Assess Materia to confirm an enemy's Stealable Items first, as well as the items they will potentially drop at the end of the battle.

Keep in mind that each enemy only has one item to steal, so after you've stolen the available item from an enemy, you can finish them off without fear of missing out on more loot.

How to Get the Steal Materia

Steal List - List of All Stealable Items and Locations

This list shows all the items which can be obtained from stealing from enemies, and where to find the enemy.

Click each enemy's name to find out more about that enemy, including their stats and weaknesses.

Enemy Locations Stealable Item (%)
3-C Soldier Operator Fallen Plate, Shinra Building Turbo Ether (5%)
Abzu Sewer System Turbo Ether (10%)
Abzu Shoat Sewer System (Post Collapse) Antidote (5%)
Airbuster Mako Reactor 5 AI Programming Core (12%)
Armored Magitrooper The Shinra Building ()
Armored Shock Trooper Shinra Building Sedative (5%)
Bandit Sector 6 Slums Celeris (5%)
Beastmaster Corneo Colosseum, Sector 6 Slums (Post Collapse) Adrenaline (15%)
Beck Sector 6 Slums Celeris (5%)
Blast-Ray Fallen Plate, Shinra Building Heavy-Duty Bracer (5%)
Bloodhound Coreno Colosseum, Sector 7 Slums (Post Collapse), Shinra Building Antidote (25%)
Blugu Sector 4 Plate, Sewer System Smelling Salts (5%)
Bomb Corneo Colosseum Molotov Cocktail (25%)
Brain Pod Shinra Building Antidote (10%)
Burke Sector 6 Slums Celeris (5%)
Butch Sector 6 Slums Celeris (5%)
Byobapolis Fallen Plate Adrenaline (5%)
Cerulean Drake Sector 7 Slums, Train Graveyard, Fallen Plate Ether (5%)
Containment Drone Sector 7 Slums ()
Corneo Lackey Sector 6 Slums Adrenaline (15%)
Crab Warden Corkscrew Tunnel Molotov Cocktail (12%)
Cripshay Train Graveyard Hi-Potion (5%)
Cutter Mako Reactor 5, Sector 7 Slums (Post Collapse) Echo Mist (15%)
Deathwheel The Shinra Building Turbo Ether ()
Deepground SOLDIER The Shinra Building Ether ()
Diabolic Creation Combat Simulator ()
Eligor Train Graveyard Bladed Staff (25%)
Elite Grenadier Upper Sector 7 Grenade (15%)
Elite Helitrooper Fallen Plate Orb of Gravity (5%)
Elite Riot Trooper Mako Reactor 5, Sector 7 Slums Pillar, Shinra Building Grenade (15%)
Elite Security Officer Sector 7 Slums, Upper Sector 7, Corkscrew Tunnel Hi-Potion (15%)
Elite Shock Trooper Mako Reactor 5, Sector 7 Slums Pillar, Shinra Building Adrenaline (25%)
Enhanced Magitrooper The Shinra Building Ether ()
Enhanced Shock Trooper Shinra Building Adrenaline (5%)
Failed Experiment Sector 7 Slums (Post Collapse) Poison Materia (12%)
Flametrooper Corkscrew Tunnel Hi-Potion (15%)
Ghost Train Graveyard Turbo Ether (5%)
Ghoul Train Graveyard Turbo Ether (5%)
Gorger Sector 7 Slums, Sector 5 Slums Antidote (25%)
Grashtrike Corkscrew Tunnel, Sector 4 Plate Spiderweb (15%)
Grenadier Upper Sector 8, Upper Sector 7, Corskscrew Tunnel Grenade (15%)
Grungy Bandit Sector 6 Slums Champion Belt (12%)
Guard Dog Mako Reactor 1, Upper Sector 8, Sector 7 Slums Potion (25%)
Hedgehog Pie Sector 5 Slums Ether (5%)
Helitrooper Sector 7 Slums Pillar, Fallen Plate Orb of Gravity (5%)
Hell House Corneo Colosseum Mr. Cuddlesworth (25%)
Hoodlum A Sector 7 Slums Adrenaline (15%)
Hoodlum B Sector 7 Slums Adrenaline (15%)
Hoodlum C Sector 7 Slums Adrenaline (15%)
Hoodlum D Sector 7 Slums Adrenaline (15%)
Horned Cripshay Sector 7 Slums Elixir ()
Jury-Rigged Cutter Corneo Colosseum Turbo Ether (25%)
Lesser Drake Sector 7 Slums, Sector 6 Slums, Train Graveyard Phoenix Down (5%)
Levrikon Sector 7 Slums Elixir ()
M.O.T.H. Unit Shinra Building Iron Maiden (5%)
Mark II Monodrive Sector 5 Slums, Sector 7 Slums (Post Collapse), Shinra Building Turbo Ether (5%)
Mischievous Shoat Sewer System (Post Collapse) Antidote (5%)
Monodrive Mako Reactor 1, Mako Reactor 5, Sector 7 Slums (Post Collapse) Ether (5%)
Queen Grashtrike Corkscrew Tunnel Spiderweb (25%)
Reno Sector 5 Slums Ether (10%)
Reno - Ch. 12 Sector 7 Pillar Magician's Bracelet (10%)
Ringmaw Sector 5 Slums (Post Collapse) Antidote (25%)
Riot Trooper Upper Sector 8, Upper Sector 7, Mako Reactor 5 Grenade (15%)
Roche Upper Sector 7 Elixir (5%)
Rude Sector 5 Slums Mega-Potion (10%)
Rude - Ch. 12 Sector 7 Pillar Heavy-Duty Bracer (10%)
Sahagin Sewer System Adrenaline (15%)
Scissorclaw Sewer System Sedative (15%)
Security Officer Mako Reactor 1, Upper Sector 8, Sector 7 Slums Grenade (15%)
Sentry Launcher Upper Sector 7, Corkscrew Tunnel Orb of Gravity (10%)
Shock Trooper Mako Reactor 1, Upper Sector 8, Upper Sector 7, Sector 7 Slums Grenade (25%)
Shock-Ray Sector 7 Slums Pillar, Fallen Plate, Shinra Building Orb of Gravity (5%)
Sledgeworm Shinra Building Echo Mist (5%)
Slug-Ray Corkscrew Tunnel, Mako Reactor 5, Sector 7 Slums Pillar Orb of Gravity (5%)
Smogger Sector 5 Slums Echo Mist (5%)
Specimen H0512 Shinra Building Timeworn Talisman (12%)
Sweeper Mako Reactor 1, Upper Sector 7 Ether (5%)
Sweeper Prototype Sector 6 Slums Turbo Ether (5%)
Terpsicolt Sector 4 Plate, Sector 6 Slums Potion (12%)
The Huntsman Upper Sector 8 Grenade (15%)
Tonberry Sector 5 Slums (Post Collapse) Elixir (5%)
Toxirat Sector 7 Slums Hi-Potion ()
Type-0 Behemoth Sector 7 Slums (Post Collapse) Enchanted Ring (5%)
Varghidpolis Sector 6 Slums (Post Collapse), Sector 7 Slums (Post Collapse), Shinra Building Sedative (5%)
Wayward Wolf Sector 7 Slums Mega-Potion ()
Wererat Sector 7 Slums, Corkscrew Tunnel, Sector 5 Slums Antidote (25%)
Zenene Shinra Building Remedy (5%)

Beginner's Tips Related Links

All Tips & Strategies

Beginner Guides
How to Level Up Fast | Exp Farming Guide
Gil Farming Guide | How to Get Gil Fast
AP Farming Guide | Best Way to Farm AP Fast
Where to Buy Items
How to Get DLC Items | Butterfinger Items
Mastering the Game
Hard Mode Guide
Battle Strategy & How to Fight Like a Pro
Best Items to Sell
Steal Guide | Best Items to Steal
Trophy List and Guide | How to Unlock All Trophies
How to Get All Dresses
The Johnny Experience Trophy Guide | All Johnny Incidents
Manuscript List and Locations
Music Disc Locations | Jukebox Songs
Complete List of Missables
Moogle Medal Locations | The Moogle Shop
Intergrade and INTERmission DLC
Intergrade Leveling & AP Farming
Post-Game Content and 100% Clear Guide


8 IxAMxNIGHTMAREover 3 years

Luck materia is supposed to help you steal, however it really makes no difference. Trial and error will prove that to you.

7 Anonymousalmost 5 years

No way????? Elixis was never buyable in any ff game. What are you talking about.


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