FF7 Remake

Chapter 13: A Broken World Story Guide & Walkthrough


This is a guide and walkthrough to Chapter 13: A Broken World, a story chapter in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Read on to learn locations of items, rewards for completing this chapter, as well as useful tips and strategies for getting through this part of the story.

Previous Chapter Fight for Survival
Current Chapter A Broken World
Next Chapter In Search of Hope

List of Main Scenario Objectives


No. Title Description
1 Through the Rubble Cloud tells the stricken Barret that Marlene is safe. Revitalized by Aerith's gift of hope, they continue on.
2 Words of Hope To protect Marlene, Aerith agreed to go with the Shinra agents. At Elmyra's urging, the party decides to wait for her return. In the meantime, they head to the Sector 7 slums to check on their friends.
3 Checking on Friends The group is back at the gate near the Sector 7 slums. Fearful of what they are about to find, they head into the sector via the underground passage.
3-1 Onward to Sector 7 Cloud and the others leave Sector 5 and arrive at the collapsed road. The gate to the Sector 7 slums is up ahead.
4 Crawling to the Surface They crawl through the underground passage and clamber up to the surface in the Sector 7 slums. Beyond the curling black smoke is empty sky, where the plate once was.
5 Home Is Where the Heart Is Led by Wedge's cat, who they find amongst the ruins of Seventh Heaven, Cloud and his companions arrive at a strange underground facility. They spot Wedge on the ground and rush toward him, but the facility collapses around them and they fall deeper into the depths.
6 In Solitude Now that Barret has joined up with Tifa, they hurry back to where they last saw Wedge.
6-1 Reunite with Tifa The bugaboo nest is successfully destroyed. Now Barret must join Tifa in slaying the remaining bugaboo.
7 Finding Wedge The party manages to defeat the mysterious monsters and rescue Wedge from the underground facility. Relieved, they hurry out of there.
7-1 Beyond the Fracture On the other side of a facility wall, they find traces of human experimentation. However, they're forced out by mysterious spectres lurking in the darkness.
8 Return They manage to save Wedge, but were unable to do anything for Biggs and Jessie. Weighed down by the responsibility and guilt, Barret pushes on through the wreckage and rubble.

Chapter 13: A Broken World Walkthrough

Sector 6 Slums


1 Duck under the rubble ahead and interact with the wall to help Tifa push. A cutscene will occur and Barret and Tifa will join the party. Head right on path and squeeze through the rocks. Keep heading straight towards the objective marker, watching the cutscenes as they occur.
moogle medal.jpgFrom the Item Shop, walk a little north until you see a narrow path to your right then squeeze through it. Continue up the alley and open the chest at the end for a Moogle Medal.

Sector 5 Slums - Center District


1 Continue along the path to Aerith's house. A cutscene will begin.
2 After the scene, leave the house and make your way back on the road you came on until a cutscene begins. Take the path and go under the rubble to enter the Collapsed Expressway.
mythical amulet.jpgGo up to the room where Marlene is and open the chest beside the bed to obtain a Mythical Amulet

Sector 6 Slums - Collapsed Expressway


1 Go up the ladder and take out the group of four Gorgers. Keep straight along the path and squeeze through the debris.
mega potion.jpgOpen the chest directly ahead for a Mega-Potion.
2 Follow the path and fight two Ringmaw and two Varghidpolis on the way, then another group of two Terpsicolts and two Varghidpolis. You will come upon an open area with a Sweeper Prototype and a Smogger. Defeat them and take the ladder down.
3 Go around the train to the right and mow through some Bandits.
HeavyDutyBracer.pngIf you make a quick detour down the hallway to the left, you will find a treasure chest with a Heavy-Duty Bracer.
Ether1.pngWhile going along the road, when a gap appears in the barrier between lanes, make a u-turn back to find a chest with an Ether.
4 As you continue you will run into the bandits Beck, Burke and Butch, as well as a Grungy Bandit. They go down as easy as the rest, so keep on moving.
OrbofGravity.pngNear the end of the hallway you will find a treasure chest with an Orb of Gravity.
5 Take the ladder at the end of the path and keep moving. You'll fight three Ringmaw. Go down a ladder, then go up the other ladder at the end, and another ladder right after. Continue along the path until you reach the park.

Sector 6 Slums - Evergreen Park


1 Once you arrive at the park, you can speak to your friends and do a bit of shopping before moving on. A bench, item shop, and weapon and armor shop are available. Be sure to pick up the Big Bertha for Barret.
You can buy Music Disc #15, On Our Way, from the Item Shop here.
2 When you're ready, interact with the play structure next to the Weapons Vendor to head underground.
3 Head through the service tunnel, following Barret up the ladder. Enter the Sector 7 Slums.

Sector 7 Slums


1 Make your way through the ruins of the Sector 7 Slums towards Wedge's house and watch a cutscene. Follow Wedge's cat through the debris. Step on the arrow pad to drop down into the hole and you will enter the Shinra Underground Test Site.

Shinra Underground Test Site


1 You will take control of Barret. Destroy the debris in your way by holding the attack button.
2 Ahead, you'll fight three Bugaboos, then three Wererats, then four more Bugaboos.
3 Destroy the debris to your left. In the next room, there will be two Bloodhounds.
2000Gil.pngBefore going left, destroy the debris ahead of you with the attack button. There will be a chest ahead with 2,000 gil.
5 Continue up the stairs ahead and climb up the ladder. Go left on the path and continue up the stairs, then left again and up the stairs. You'll fight three Bugaboos and a Bloodhound.
2 mega potions.jpgAfter climbing the ladder, go left and fight 2 Bugaboos. Shoot the crane ahead to make it drop a bridge then open the chest for 2 Mega-Potions.
6 Climb up the ladder and enter the door on the right. Shoot away the debris to your right. There will be two Gorgers ahead.
HealingCarcanet.pngBefore going right, shoot away the debris to your left to find a chest with a Healing Carcanet.
7 Continue ahead to find another Gorger and two Bugaboos. Hold the attack button to stop the fan. Go past it and climb the ladder.
8 Defeat the two Wererats and two Bugaboos ahead, then go up the stairs ahead on the right. Go up to the top and hit the attack button to destroy the nest.
9 Go down, around and climb up the stairs to where Tifa is. Defeat seven Bugaboos along with Tifa.
10 Climb up the stairs to the right and shoot the middle fan to stop it. Go through the fan and fight two Bloodhounds.
TurboEther.png Icemateria.png
Shoot through the two metal doors in the hall beyond the middle fan. You'll find a chest with a Turbo Ether in the left room, and an Ice Materia in the right room.
Ether2.pngStop the fan on the far left to find a chest with an Ether.
11 Go up the stairs and up the ladder at the end. You'll fight a Cutter and two Monodrives. Climb down the ladder on the opposite side.
WardingMateria.pngShoot through another metal door at the top of the stairs to get a Warding Materia.
12 Climb up the stairs and fight two Varghidpolises and a Bloodhound.
13 Continue climbing up the stairs and fight 16 Bugaboos at the top.
14 Keep heading up the stairs. You'll find a rest area at the top.
15 Step on the arrow pad at the other end of the rest area to squeeze through the door. In the next room, a cutscene will begin.
16 Continue climbing up the stairs and fight 16 Bugaboos at the top. Climb the next set of stairs to find a rest area.
You can buy Music Disc #14, Main Theme of FFVII, from the Item Shop here.
17 Step on the arrow platform to squeeze through, starting a cutscene.
Fight the Failed Experiment.
You'll get Mythril Claws for defeating it.
How to Beat Failed Experiment
19 Shoot the wall to escape from the Test Site.

Sector 7 Slums (Part 2)


1 Carry Wedge toward his house until a cutscene ends the chapter.

Maps and Obtainable Items


List of Maps
Sector 7 Slums Sector 5 Slums
Sector 6 Slums (Upper) Sector 6 Slums (Lower)
Aerith's House - 2F S7 - 6 Service Tunnel
Evergreen Park Collapsed Expressway - Lower Level
Underground Test Site - B1 Underground Test Site - B2
Underground Lab - B3 Underground Lab - B4
Underground Lab - B5 Underground Test Site - B6

Obtainable Items

Sector 6 Slums
Moogle Medal - -
Central District
Mythical Amulet - -
Collapsed Expressway
Mega-Potion x1 Heavy-Duty Bracer Orb of Gravity x1
Ether x1 - -
Shinra Underground Test Site
Healing Carcanet Turbo Ether x1 Ice Materia
Ether x1 Warding Materia Mythril Claws
2,000 Gil Mega-Potion x2 -

Shops & Vending Machines

Item Shop - Wall Market

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
10. Honeybee Inn (Stock: 1) 50 Gil
Potion 50 Gil
Hi-Potion 300 Gil
Mega-Potion 700 Gil
Ether 500 Gil
Phoenix Down 300 Gil
Antidote 80 Gil
Echo Mist 100 Gil
Smelling Salts 80 Gil
Remedy 600 Gil

Materia Shop - Wall Market

On the full map On the area map
Materia Price
Healing Materia 600 Gil
Cleansing Materia 1500 Gil
Revival Materia 3000 Gil
Fire Materia 500 Gil
Ice Materia 500 Gil
Lightning Materia 500 Gil
Poison Materia 1500 Gil
Barrier Materia 1500 Gil
Binding Materia 3000 Gil
Subversion Materia 3000 Gil
HP Up Materia 2000 Gil
MP Up Materia 2000 Gil
Deadly Dodge Materia 600 Gil

Weapons Store - Center District

On the full map On the area map
Weapons / Armor Price
Nail Bat (Stock: 1) -
Sonic Strikers (Stock: 1) -
Arcane Scepter (Stock: 1) -
Mythril Rod (Stock: 1) -
Gothic Bangle 3000 Gil
Magician's Bracelet 4800 Gil
Heavy-Duty Bracer 4800 Gil
Sorcerer's Amulet 4800 Gil
Accessories Price
Power Wristguards 800 Gil
Bulletproof Vest 800 Gil
Earrings 800 Gil
Talisman 800 Gil
Supernatural Wristguards 5000 Gil
Survival Vest 5000 Gil
Platinum Earrings 5000 Gil
Timeworn Talisman 5000 Gil
Star Pendant 1500 Gil
Headband 1500 Gil
Revival Earrings 500 Gil

Item Shop - Center District

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
Potion 50 Gil
Hi-Potion 300 Gil
Mega-Potion 700 Gil
Ether 500 Gil
Phoenix Down 300 Gil
Antidote 80 Gil
Echo Mist 100 Gil
Smelling Salts 80 Gil
Remedy 600 Gil

Materia Shop - Center District

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
19. Costa del Sol (Stock: 1) 50 Gil
Materia Price
Healing Materia 600 Gil
Cleansing Materia 1500 Gil
Revival Materia 3000 Gil
Fire Materia 500 Gil
Ice Materia 500 Gil
Lightning Materia 500 Gil
Poison Materia 1500 Gil
Barrier Materia 1500 Gil
Binding Materia 3000 Gil
Subversion Materia 3000 Gil
HP Up Materia 2000 Gil
MP Up Materia 2000 Gil
Deadly Dodge Materia 600 Gil

Weapons Store - Evergreen Park

On the full map On the area map
Weapons / Armor Price
Big Bertha (Stock: 1) 2500 Gil
Gothic Bangle 3000 Gil
Magician's Bracelet 4800 Gil
Heavy-Duty Bracer 4800 Gil
Sorcerer's Amulet 4800 Gil
Accessories Price
Power Wristguards 800 Gil
Bulletproof Vest 800 Gil
Earrings 800 Gil
Talisman 800 Gil
Supernatural Wristguards 5000 Gil
Survival Vest 5000 Gil
Platinum Earrings 5000 Gil
Timeworn Talisman 5000 Gil
Star Pendant 1500 Gil
Headband 1500 Gil
Revival Earrings 500 Gil

Item Shop - Evergreen Park

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
15. On Our Way (Stock: 1) 50 Gil
Potion 50 Gil
Hi-Potion 300 Gil
Mega-Potion 700 Gil
Ether 500 Gil
Phoenix Down 300 Gil
Antidote 80 Gil
Echo Mist 100 Gil
Smelling Salts 80 Gil
Remedy 600 Gil

Vending Machine - Waste Processing Chamber

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
Potion 50 Gil
Hi-Potion 300 Gil
Mega-Potion 700 Gil
Ether 500 Gil
Phoenix Down 300 Gil
Antidote 80 Gil
Echo Mist 100 Gil
Smelling Salts 80 Gil
Remedy 600 Gil
Weapons / Armor Price
Gothic Bangle 3000 Gil
Magician's Bracelet 4800 Gil
Heavy-Duty Bracer 4800 Gil
Sorcerer's Amulet 4800 Gil
Accessories Price
Power Wristguards 800 Gil
Bulletproof Vest 800 Gil
Earrings 800 Gil
Talisman 800 Gil
Supernatural Wristguards 5000 Gil
Survival Vest 5000 Gil
Platinum Earrings 5000 Gil
Timeworn Talisman 5000 Gil
Star Pendant 1500 Gil
Headband 1500 Gil
Revival Earrings 500 Gil
Materia Price
Healing Materia 600 Gil
Cleansing Materia 1500 Gil
Revival Materia 3000 Gil
Fire Materia 500 Gil
Ice Materia 500 Gil
Lightning Materia 500 Gil
Poison Materia 1500 Gil
Barrier Materia 1500 Gil
Binding Materia 3000 Gil
Subversion Materia 3000 Gil
HP Up Materia 2000 Gil
MP Up Materia 2000 Gil
Deadly Dodge Materia 600 Gil

Vending Machine - Break Room

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
14. Main Theme of FFVII (Stock: 1) 50 Gil
Potion 50 Gil
Hi-Potion 300 Gil
Mega-Potion 700 Gil
Mega-Potion (Stock: 3) 300 Gil
Ether 500 Gil
Ether (Stock: 2) 100 Gil
Phoenix Down 300 Gil
Phoenix Down (Stock: 2) 100 Gil
Antidote 80 Gil
Echo Mist 100 Gil
Smelling Salts 80 Gil
Remedy 600 Gil
Weapons / Armor Price
Gothic Bangle 3000 Gil
Magician's Bracelet 4800 Gil
Heavy-Duty Bracer 4800 Gil
Sorcerer's Amulet 4800 Gil
Accessories Price
Power Wristguards 800 Gil
Bulletproof Vest 800 Gil
Earrings 800 Gil
Talisman 800 Gil
Supernatural Wristguards 5000 Gil
Survival Vest 5000 Gil
Platinum Earrings 5000 Gil
Timeworn Talisman 5000 Gil
Star Pendant 1500 Gil
Headband 1500 Gil
Revival Earrings 500 Gil
Materia Price
Healing Materia 600 Gil
Cleansing Materia 1500 Gil
Revival Materia 3000 Gil
Fire Materia 500 Gil
Ice Materia 500 Gil
Lightning Materia 500 Gil
Poison Materia 1500 Gil
Barrier Materia 1500 Gil
Binding Materia 3000 Gil
Subversion Materia 3000 Gil
HP Up Materia 2000 Gil
MP Up Materia 2000 Gil
Deadly Dodge Materia 600 Gil

Tips and Strategies

Talk to Chadley

When passing through the Central District, you'll pass by Chadley. This is the first chance you've had to meet him in a few chapters, so you'll probably have unlocked some new useful Materia, such as the essential First Strike Materia and ATB Boost Materia.

Boss Strategy Guide

Failed Experiment

Failed Experiment
Where They Appear Weaknesses
Sector 7 Pillar Reno: None
Rude: Wind, Poison

How to Beat Failed Experiment

Story Walkthrough Related Links

Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 The Destruction of Mako Reactor 1
Chapter 2 Fateful Encounters
Chapter 3 Home Sweet Slum
Chapter 4 Mad Dash
Chapter 5 Dogged Pursuit
Chapter 6 Light the Way
Chapter 7 A Trap is Sprung
Chapter 8 Budding Bodyguard
Chapter 9 The Town That Never Sleeps
Chapter 10 Rough Waters
Chapter 11 Haunted
Chapter 12 Fight for Survival
Chapter 13 A Broken World
Chapter 14 In Search of Hope
Chapter 15 The Day Midgar Stood Still
Chapter 16 The Belly of the Beast
Chapter 17 Deliverance from Chaos
Chapter 18 Destiny's Crossroads
INTERmission Chapters
Chapter 1 Wutai's Finest
Chapter 2 Covert Ops


9 ominous187about 1 year

after doing several runs it's random. The least i have gotten is 2 medals most was 5 in one run plus several hi potions antidotes phoenix downs and so on

8 ominous187about 1 year

there are 2 medals in the boxes! just keep following the path shooting the boxes you will get the other its kinda near the 2k gil. to respawn the boxes just save and reload...yw!


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