FF7 Remake

Barret Wallace Weapons and Abilities | Barret Best Build

This is a character page for Barret, containing his abilities, characteristics, and Limit Breaks, as well as his weapons, and recommended battle settings for Barret in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake). When playing FF7 Remake, check this article any time you need to know something about using Barret.

Barret's Backstory and Profile

Barret Wallace.png

The leader of an independent Avalanche cell in Midgar, Barret was disavowed by the old guard for his extreme methods that attracted too much attention. He subsequently came to Midgar, where he resolved to continue to pursue his vendetta against Shinra with a small but trusted group of followers. When not fighting against the corporation, he and his comrades serve in the neighborhood watch and keep the people safe─including his daughter Marlene, who he dotes on as a loving father.
Name Barret Wallace
Age 35
Height 197cm (6'6")
Birthday December 15th
Blood Type O
Voice Actor English: John Eric Bentley
Japanese: Masahiro Kobayashi
Weapon Gun-Arms

Barret's Strengths and Unique Ability

Ranged Attacks Specialist

Barett_Ranged weapon ability
Effect Barret specializes in ranged attacks. Barret can fire from safe locations and hit enemies that Cloud cannot reach with his sword.
Usage Holding down ▢ releases a sustained burst of automatic fire when equipping ranged weapons.


Barret Overcharge
Effect Delivers a heavy-hitting attack that fills a large portion of his ATB gauge. Once unleashed, it takes a long time to recharge this attack. When equipped with a melee weapon, his normal attack and unique ability will transform into close-combat attacks.
Usage Press △ to use, press △ again to speed up charging

Barret's Abilities



Effect How to Learn
Temporarily reduce damage taken and how easily you are interrupted. Learned from the start.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
- - 0



Effect How to Learn
Take damage intended for other party members. Equip Light Machine Gun. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
- - 0

Focused Shot

Focused Shot

Effect How to Learn
Leap into the air and unleash a powerful kick Equip Gatling Gun. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
160 6 0



Effect How to Learn
Strike the ground and send nearby enemies flying. Equip Wrecking Ball. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
350 1 0

Charging Uppercut

Charging Uppercut

Effect How to Learn
Rush toward an enemy and launch them into the air with a furious blow. Increases Charge. Equip Steel Pincers. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
250 1 0

Maximum Fury

Maximum Fury

Effect How to Learn
Consume all ATB charges to fire a long stream of bullets at an enemy. Equip Big Bertha. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
338 0 0

Point Blank

Point Blank

Effect How to Learn
Consume all ATB charges to deliver a close-range attack and send enemies flying. Equip EKG Cannon. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
420 1 0

Barret's Limit Breaks

Fire in the Hole

Fire in the Hole

Effect How to Learn
Shoot an orb of energy that creates a large explosion. Learned from the start.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
1700 5 0



Effect How to Learn
Marshal all your strength and channel it into a concentrated beam of energy. Significantly increases stagger. Clear Party Member vs. Wild Animals in Corneo Colosseum.
Power Stagger Rate ATB Gain
2800 60 0

List of Limit Breaks | Limit Break Guide

Barret's Weapons

Barret's Starting Weapon

Gatling GunGatling Gun 19 19 0 0

Barret's Other Weapons

Light Machine GunLight Machine Gun 22 33 0 0 ○-○
Big BerthaBig Bertha 45 30 0 0 ○-○○
Steel PincersSteel Pincers 53 39 0 0 ○○○
Wrecking BallWrecking Ball 65 17 0 0 ○-○○○
EKG CannonEKG Cannon 34 65 0 0 ○○○○

List of Weapons Stats and Materia Slots

Barret's Stats

Level 50 Stats

Stat Value
HP 5688
MP 58
Strength 91
Magic 82
Vitality 74
Spirit 52
Luck 65
Speed 45

Character Ranking by Stat

How to Use Barret

Can Switch to Melee Attacks

Barret's attacks depend on the type of weapon he is equipped with. This includes his unique ability (used by pressing the button), which changes to Overrun when equipped with a melee weapon like Steel Pincers and Wrecking Ball.

Analyze your opponent's movements to help you decide what weapon to bring. Use a ranged weapon if your opponent moves fast or flies around the area so you can land hits easier and a melee weapon if your opponent is slow so you can deliver more powerful blows up close.

Save Overcharge for Filling ATB Gauge

Barret's unique ability Overcharge fills a large amount of his ATB gauge. Save it for later then use it when you suddenly need to use commands.

Combine Lifesaver With Steelskin

Lifesaver transfers part of damage taken by other members to Barret so be sure to beef him up with durability increasing equipment and weapon abilities if you will be using this more often.

Combine this ability with Steelskin to reduce the damage transferred to him. Increase his defense even more by casting Manawall and he should be able to tank all the damage taken by the party without needing too much healing.

Mastered Skills Can Be Used with Any Weapon

Abilities that can be learned from melee weapons such as Charging Uppercut and Smackdown are usable even when equipped with ranged weapons. This also works the other way around.

Take note that you can still use ranged skills like Maximum Fury and Focused Shot even when equipped by melee weapons.

Maximum Fury Can Interrupt Most Enemies

Maximum Fury can juggle most enemies in the air, interrupting their actions or pressuring them. Use this ability when you see an enemy trying to cast a powerful spell.

Maximum Fury also tracks its target, making it very convenient against quick or flying enemies.

Best Build for Barret

Full Tank Build

Equipment Stats (Fully Upgraded) / Effect
Big Bertha.jpgBig Bertha
  • Attack: 93
  • Magic Attack: 62
  • Max HP: +1250
  • Slots: ○-○○-○○-○
Chain Bangle.jpgChain Bangle
  • Defense: +50
  • Magic Defense: +50
  • Slots: ○-○○-○
Champion Belt.jpgChampion Belt Increases max HP by 10%
Increases strength by 5%
Big Bertha
Chain Bangle


  • Switch the Poison materia according to the status ailment that the enemy can inflict.
  • Switch the Fire materia according to the element of the enemy's most powerful or most frequent attacks.
  • Use Cog Bangle if Chain Bangle is unavailable then remove the Provoke materia.
  • Use Crescent Moon Charm if Champion Belt is unavailable.

Offensive Tank Build

Equipment Stats (Fully Upgraded) / Effect
Wrecking Ball.jpgWrecking Ball
  • Attack: 117
  • Magic Attack: 31
  • Slots: ○-○○-○○-○
Chain Bangle.jpgChain Bangle
  • Defense: +50
  • Magic Defense: +50
  • Slots: ○-○○-○
Gotterdammerung.jpgGotterdammerung Enter battle with a full limit break gauge. Limit break gauge gradually fills during battle.
Wrecking Ball
Chain Bangle


  • Switch the Fire materia according to the enemy's weakness.
  • Use Haste immediatley at the start of a battle.
  • Use EKG Cannon if you prefer long-ranged attacks.
  • Use Cog Bangle if Chain Bangle is unavailable then remove the ATB Stagger materia.
  • Use Transference Module if Gotterdammerung is unavailable.

Best Build for Each Character

Recommended Battle Shortcuts for Barret

Button Setup
Maximum Fury
Charging Uppercut / Chakra
Point Blank

Character Links

Main Characters
cloudCloud AerithAerith BarretBarret TifaTifa
Best Build for Each Character
Character Ranking by Stat
Jessie.pngJessie Wedge.pngWedge Biggs.pngBiggs -
Shinra Company
Sephiroth.pngSephiroth Professor Hojo.pngHojo Reno.pngReno President Shinra.pngPresident
Rude.pngRude Heidegger.pngHeidegger Roche.pngRoche Tseng.pngTseng
Scarlet.pngScarlet Palmer.pngPalmer Reeve.pngReeve Rufus.pngRufus
Other Characters
Red XIII.pngRed XIII Don Corneo.pngDon Corneo Leslie.pngLeslie Andrea.pngAndrea
Madam M.pngMadam M Chocobo Sam.pngSam Kyrie.pngKyrie Zack Portrait.pngZack
Vincent Valentine Icon.pngVincent JenovaJenova - -
INTERmission DLC
Yuffie Icon.pngYuffie Sonon Icon.pngSonon Zhijie Icon.pngZhijie Nayo Icon.pngNayo
Billy Bob Icon.pngBilly Bob Polk Icon.pngPolk Nero Icon.pngNero Weiss Icon.pngWeiss
Melfi Icon.pngMelfi - - -

List of Characters


21 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Imagine trying to save the world but your merc only cares about the money.

20 Anonymousalmost 5 years

My favorite dude in the game. Big burly man with a big f'ing gun. Coupled with his bad sense in music makes me like him more


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