FF7 Remake

How to Beat The Hoodlums | Boss Fight Guide (Normal & Hard Mode)

Hoodlums Battle

This is a guide to beating the Hoodlums Mini-Bosses in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). This article explains the Hoodlums's attack patterns, weaknesses, and tips and strategies for defeating them on both Normal and Hard mode.

Hoodlums Stats and Information

Hoodlum A

Basic Information

Hoodlum A
Hoodlum A Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Human Grounded Mini-Boss


A man wearing a vest with a gaudy dragon emblem. He appears to be looking for something in the Sector 7 slums with his cohorts.

Assess (Tips)

When his HP gets low, he drinks a concoction that helps his attacks from being interrupted. Once he's doped up, attacks no longer fill his stagger gauge.

Hoodlum A Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 449 1088 3537
Attack 46 193
Magic Attack 36 148
Defense 47 194
Magic Defense 13 45

Hoodlum A Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments Fire
Lesser Resistances -
Greater Resistances -
Immunities -
Absorbed Elements -

Stagger Rates

×1 ×1 ×1 ×2
×1 ×1 ×1 -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 10 seconds

Hoodlum B

Basic Information

Hoodlum B
Hoodlum B Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Human Grounded Mini-Boss


A man wearing a vest with a gaudy dragon emblem. He appears to be looking for something in the Sector 7 slums with his cohorts.

Assess (Tips)

When his HP gets low, he drinks a concoction that helps his attacks from being interrupted. Once he's doped up, attacks no longer fill his stagger gauge.

Hoodlum B Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 449 1088 3537
Attack 46 193
Magic Attack 36 148
Defense 47 194
Magic Defense 13 45

Hoodlum B Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments Fire
Lesser Resistances -
Greater Resistances -
Immunities -
Absorbed Elements -

Stagger Rates

×1 ×1 ×1 ×2
×1 ×1 ×1 -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 10 seconds

Hoodlum C

Basic Information

Hoodlum C
Hoodlum C Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Human Grounded Mini-Boss


A man wearing clothes decorated with a gaudy dragon emblem. He appears to be looking for something in the Sector 7 slums with his cohorts.

Assess (Tips)

When his HP gets low, he drinks a concoction that helps his attacks from being interrupted. Once he's doped up, attacks no longer fill his stagger gauge.

Hoodlum C Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 598 816 4716
Attack 46 193
Magic Attack 36 148
Defense 47 194
Magic Defense 13 45

Hoodlum C Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments Fire
Lesser Resistances -
Greater Resistances -
Immunities -
Absorbed Elements -

Stagger Rates

×1 ×1 ×1 ×2
×1 ×1 ×1 -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 10 seconds

Hoodlum D

Basic Information

Hoodlum D
Hoodlum D Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Human Grounded Mini-Boss


A man wearing clothes decorated with a gaudy dragon emblem. He appears to be looking for something in the Sector 7 slums with his cohorts.

Assess (Tips)

When his HP gets low, he drinks a concoction that helps his attacks from being interrupted. Once he's doped up, attacks no longer fill his stagger gauge.

Hoodlum D Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 598 816 4716
Attack 46 193
Magic Attack 36 148
Defense 47 194
Magic Defense 13 45

Hoodlum D Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments Fire
Lesser Resistances -
Greater Resistances -
Immunities -
Absorbed Elements -

Stagger Rates

×1 ×1 ×1 ×2
×1 ×1 ×1 -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 10 seconds


Hoodlum A

Easy/Normal Hard
Gil 34 981
AP 1 3
Exp 32 1006
Items Dropped Potion (12%)
Rare Items Dropped -
Steal Adrenaline (15%)

Hoodlum B

Easy/Normal Hard
Gil 68 446
AP 1 3
Exp 38 774
Items Dropped Potion (12%)
Rare Items Dropped -
Steal Adrenaline (15%)

Hoodlum C

Easy/Normal Hard
Gil 34 892
AP 1 3
Exp 32 928
Items Dropped Grenade (12%)
Rare Items Dropped -
Steal Adrenaline (15%)

Hoodlum D

Easy/Normal Hard
Gil 75 446
AP 1 3
Exp 42 774
Items Dropped Grenade (12%)
Rare Items Dropped -
Steal Adrenaline (15%)

Learnable Enemy Skills

No Enemy Skills can be learned from the Hoodlums.
Enemy Skill List and Locations

Hoodlums Boss Fight Guide

Hoodlums Abilities and Attack Patterns

Name Element Blockable? Knockdown? Status
physical.pngFighting Kick
- Yes No -
Kicks with his left leg. Can knock the target over while doped up.
physical.pngWild Stab
- Yes No -
Charges at his target with a knife.
physical.pngWild Slash
- Yes No -
Slashes at his target 5 times with a knife.
physical.pngFull Nelson
- No No -
Bind his target in a nelson hold, allowing others to attack.
- Yes Yes -
Throws a grenade at his target.
- No No
slow.png (40 sec)
Slows his target.
physical.pngOpen Fire
- Yes No -
Rapid fires 9 shots from his gun at his target.
magical.pngOrb of Gravity
- No Yes -
Casts Gravity on his target.
regen.png Potion
- - - -
Uses a Potion on an ally.
regen.png Hi-Potion
- - - -
Uses a Hi-Potion on an ally.

*Status Effects and Ailments Guide

Best Characters for This Boss

Available Characters

Cloud IconCloud

Only Cloud is available for this battle.

Best Equipment for Characters

Cloud Icon.jpegCloud Role: Attacker & Healer
Weapon: Iron Blade
Armor:Star Bracelet
Accessory: Power Wristguards

Best Materia for Cloud

Weapon (3 Slots)
Armor (2 Slots)

Since they are weak to Fire, cast Fira for extra damage whenever you have extra ATB charges. Otherwise, keep on guarding and healing. You can also resort to Triple Slash for a quicker attack and to conserve MP.

The Hoodlums Attack Phases

1 Lock-On to and Finish one Hoodlum at a time
2 Use Fire magic, they are all weak to it
3 Look out for Grenades and the Hoodlum with a gun

Tips & Strategies for Beating the Hoodlums

Strategy Checklist
(Click to jump)

Focus on One Hoodlum at a Time

Even though the four of them make no real threat despite their bigger numbers, it'll be a quicker fight if you focus on one enemy at a time.

Use Fire Magic

The Hoodlums all share a weakness to Fire, so if you're having some trouble handling them, cast Fire from a distance to deal massive damage.

Stay in Operator Mode

Since the Hoodlums are spread out over an area, you'll want to stick to Operator mode to quickly close the distance between Cloud and the enemies.

The Hoodlums: Hard Mode Guide

Best Characters and Equipment

Cloud Icon.jpegCloud Role: Mage
Weapon: Mythril Saber
Armor: Supreme Bracer or Iron Maiden
Accessory: Circlet or Survival Vest

All of The Hoodlums are weak to fire, it is best to use a weapon with high magic damage like the Mythril Saber. It can also provide MP and MP regen if the upgrades were unlocked.

Supreme Bracers are a good choice as armor as all the damage in the fight will be Physical Attacks. Iron Maiden is also a solid choice if you do not think you need the extra materia.

You will be using mostly Fire spells for this fight, so Circlet will provide good damage and MP to help with that. Survival Vest can help with survivability if it is a problem.

Best Materia to Use

The number of slots in your Weapon may vary depending on your Weapon Level.


Weapon (4 Slots)
Armor (3 Slots)

The best offensive materia for this fight is Magnify binded with Fire as The Hoodlums are weak to Fire spells. Having your Fire spells hit as many of The Hoodlums with one ATB can make it a quick fight.

Steadfast Block is a good materia to have as when you do not have any ATB you will need to block to avoid being overwhelmed.

First strike will allow you to immediately cast a magnified fire spell. And ATB Boost will allow you to get two bars of ATB to cast Fire spells back to back.

Healing will make sure you survive through the whole fight while Magic Up will help further increase your Fire spell damage.

Even though you can not summon Leviathan this fight, the materia will provide good Magic Attack stats.

Hard Mode Basic Strategy

Use Magnified Fire Spells For a Quick Fight

Fire Spell on Hoodlums
Thanks to First Strike and ATB Boost you can get two bars of ATB right at the start. This will allow you to cast two Fire spells which should be enough to kill 3 of The Hoodlums at most and 2 at least if all the spells hit.

Block or attack to continue building ATB then continue using Fire spells until all The Hoodlums are beaten.

Boss Fight Related Articles

List of Boss Battles

Major Story Bosses

All Major Story Bosses
Chapter 1 Scorpion Sentinel
Chapter 4 Roche
Chapter 5 Crab Warden
Chapter 7 Airbuster
Chapter 8 Reno
Chapter 9 Hell House
Chapter 10 Abzu
Chapter 11 Ghoul
Chapter 13 Failed Experiment
Chapter 14 Abzu (2nd Fight)
Chapter 15 The Valkyrie
Chapter 16 Specimen H0512
Chapter 17 Jenova Dreamweaver
The Arsenal
Chapter 18 Motor Ball
Whisper Harbinger

VR Mission Bosses

All VR Mission Bosses
Chapter 8 Shiva
Chapter 9 Fat Chocobo
Chapter 13 Leviathan
Secret Boss Bahamut
Superboss Pride and Joy Prototype

Story Sub-Bosses

All Story Sub-Bosses
Chapter 2 The Huntsman
Chapter 3 The Hoodlums
Chapter 4 Enigmatic Spectre
Chapter 12 Enigmatic Spectre
Chapter 17 M.O.T.H. Unit
Brain Pod

Monster Variants & Optional Sub-Bosses

All Monster Variants & Optional Sub-Bosses
Chapter 3 Doomrat
Cerulean Drake
Wrath Hound
Chapter 8 Hedgehog Pie King
Mark II Monodrive
Chapter 14 Rust Drake
Type-0 Behemoth
Chapter 17 Malboro

Intergrade and INTERmission Bosses

Intergrade and INTERmission Bosses
Chapter 1 Levrikon
Chapter 2 Scarlet & The Crimson Mare
Nero the Sable
Optional Ramuh
Weiss the Immaculate
Pride and Joy Mk. 0.5 (Top Secrets)


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