FF7 Remake

Battle Icons Guide | Explanation of Each Icon


This is a guide to battle icons in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Read on to learn more about the icons that you can see while viewing an enemy intel!

Viewing Enemy Intel

During Combat

Enemy intel during battle.jpg

You can view information about the enemy you are fighting against by pressing the Touchpad. The battle is paused while you are viewing enemy intel during combat so you can take your time making strategies by reading their assessments and weaknesses.

While viewing enemy intel, press R1 for a list of their skills. You can also press L1 for a list of the names of icons that you can see under the Resistances section.

Main Menu

Enemy intel.jpg

You can also view enemy intel from the main menu. This list contains all enemies that you have encountered. You can select an enemy to view intel and assessment that you have gathered so far.

You can also view their skills by pressing R1 and the icon names by pressing L1.

Battle Icons Explanation

List of Battle Icons

Icon Explanation
Physical.jpgPhysical Damage dealt by physical attacks
Magic.jpgMagic Damage dealt by magic attacks
Physical magic.jpgPhysical / Magic Attacks that deal both physical and magic damage
Fire.jpgFire Fire-elemental damage
Ice.jpgIce Ice-elemental damage
Lightning.jpgLightning Lightning-elemental damage
Wind.jpgWind Wind-elemental damage
Fixed damage.jpgFixed Damage Damage that ignores defense and magic defense
e.g. Cactuar's attacks
Proportional damage.jpgProportional Damage Damage calculated based on a certain percentage of HP
e.g. Gravity-based damage from Orb of Gravity
Vulnerable to silence.jpgVulnerable to Silence Affected by Silence debuff
Variants.jpgVariants Distinct versions of enemies
Usually the strongest version of a monster

Check the link below for a guide to each buff and debuff!

Status Effects and Ailments Guide

Explanation of Important Icons

Fixed Damage

Attacks with fixed damage deal an exact amount of damage and will not be reduced by Defense nor Magic Defense, such as Cactuar's 1,000 Needles attack, which deals exactly 1,000 damage.

Proportional Damage

Attacks that deal proportional damage or gravity-based damage also ignores defense and magic defense as the damage dealt by these attacks are calculated based on the target's current HP.

The Orb of Gravity item obtainable and usable by the player reduces the HP of all enemies hit by 25%. This type of damage is very useful against enemies with enormous health pool. Take note that stronger enemies like bosses and mini-bosses are immune to this type of damage.

Vulnerable to Silence

When viewing an enemy intel during battle, always check if the spells of the enemy have this icon beside them. This means that if you cast Silence on that enemy, it will not be able use these spells during the duration of the debuff. Make use of Binding Materia's Silence against their spells to make fights a lot easier.

Related Links

All Manuals & Game Mechanics

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Basic Controls
Camera Controls and Camera Settings
Map Navigation Guide
How to Change Difficulty
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Menu & Equipment
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Character Stats
Battle Icons Guide
Status Effects and Ailments
Combat & Battle System
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Understanding the ATB Gauge
How to Change Characters
How to Get Unbound
How to Use Items
How to Restore HP and MP
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Photo Mode and How to Use
Synergy Guide: How to Synergize Yuffie and Sonon


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