FF7 Remake

Yuffie Kisaragi Weapons, Abilities and Voice Actor | Yuffie Best Build

Yuffie Kisaragi
This is a character page for Yuffie, containing her weapons, abilities, characteristics, limit breaks, best builds, and profile and voice actor info in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake) Intergrade's INTERmission DLC for PS5.

INTERmission DLC - All Characters
Yuffie Icon.pngYuffie Sonon Icon.pngSonon Zhijie Icon.pngZhijie Nayo Icon.pngNayo
Billy Bob Icon.pngBilly Bob Polk Icon.pngPolk Nero Icon.pngNero Weiss Icon.pngWeiss
Melfi Icon.pngMelfi Scarlet.pngScarlet

All FF7 Remake Intergrade Guides

Yuffie's Backstory and Profile

Yuffie Yuffie's Moogle Outfit
Yuffie Kisaragi Yuffie Moogle (1).png
A member of Wutai's elite corps of ninja operatives, Yuffie styles herself as both a ravishing beauty and a world-class materia hunter. Using her signature oversized throwing star and exceptional agility, she is a force to be reckoned with. Determined to reclaim her homeland's former glory—and acting on orders from the government—she sneaks into Midgar.
Name Yuffie Kisaragi
Voice Actor English: Suzie Yeung
Japanese: Yumi Kakazu
Weapon Shuriken
Age 16

English Voice Actor: Suzie Yeung

In the english version of the game, Yuffie is played by Suzie Yeung, a voice actress that has done only a few games, but has voiced in a lot of big anime. Final Fantasy 7 Remake will be her largest video game role yet! Another video game role she is known for is being the voice actress for Eula in Genshin Impact. For Anime she has voiced characters in, Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Keisen, and many more!

How Old is Yuffie?

Yuffie was confirmed to be 16 years old in the lore of the original game. Assuming no major changes in the timeline have occurred, we can assume that Yuffie has stayed the same age on into the Remake!

Yuffie's Strengths and Unique Abilities

Melee or Ranged Attacker

Yuffie Combat
Yuffie is unique from other characters as she does not specialize in a single range, but can do both close-quarters and long-range combat. All of Yuffie's melee attacks and her shuriken deal physical damage, while her ranged Ninjutsu attacks deal magic damage.

Melee Attacks

Button Condition Attack
Square button.png (tap x1) Holding shuriken Slashes forward with the shuriken.
Square button.png (tap x2) Holding shuriken Slashes forward, then spins the shuriken, trapping the enemy for repeated hits.
Square button.png (tap x3) Holding shuriken Slashes forward, then leaps in the air and smashes down.
Square button.png (hold) Holding shuriken Hits the enemy, then leaps away creating distance from the enemy.
Triangle button.png (tap) Shuriken thrown Retrieve: Yuffie will leap to the enemy, and hit them while retrieving the Shuriken. Can be spammed together with Throw by mashing △.

Yuffie can execute a variety of physical attacks with . After throwing her shuriken, she can also jump to retrieve it which can be used repeatedly to attack multiple enemies in a row or raise the enemy's Stagger.

Ranged Attacks

Button Condition Attack
Triangle button.png (tap) Holding shuriken Throw: Yuffie will throw her shuriken at the target, where it will stay in place dealing damage. Will automatically return after a few seconds or when Retrieve is used.
Square button.png (tap x1-3) Shuriken thrown Casts up to three spells with Ninjutsu. Deals Magic damage.
Square button.png (hold) Shuriken thrown Casts a single spell with Ninjutsu, then creates a shockwave in a straight line ahead from the ground. Deals heavy magic damage, but cannot hit distant or aerial enemies.

Pressing will throw your shuriken for a ranged attack. The shuriken will not return automatically, but will instead stay pierced and continue dealing damage upon striking the enemy.

Throwing your shuriken will also change your into ranged ninjutsu attacks, which deal magic instead of physical damage.

Yuffie's Abilities

Art of War

Art of War

Effect How to Learn
Buffet an enemy with blows, and all subsequent attacks deal increased damage. Learned from the start.

A multi-hit attack which powers up subsequent attacks, Art of War is a great opener when the enemy becomes vulnerable, such as when they are Pressured or Staggered.



Effect How to Learn
Create a gust of wind that damages nearby enemies and launches them toward you. Learned from the start.

Although not explained in the description, Windstorm is an ability with two separate effects. Its standard result is an area-of-effect attack which deals minor Wind damage to all enemies in the area. However, when used while the shuriken is stuck to an enemy, Windstorm will deal heavy Wind damage to that enemy and the area surrounding them. The latter case can be used to great effect in both hitting single enemies hard and in the Shinra Box Buster minigame.

Elemental Ninjutsu

Elemental Ninjutsu

Effect How to Learn
Set an element to enhance and use for ninjutsu attacks. Equip 4-Point Shuriken. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.

Yuffie's Ninjutsu attacks by default are non-elemental damage, but this can be changed by using her Elemental Ninjutsu Ability! She can use fire, ice, wind, or lightning ninjutsu, which will change her basic attack's properties into the element chosen.

Brumal Form

Brumal Form

Effect How to Learn
Evade an attack. ATB increases when successful. Can use while airborne. Equip Boomerang. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.

Yuffie uses a cloud of smoke in the shape of a Moogle to quickly dodge an attack. It can be used to automatically dodge fast attacks which the standard roll dodge cannot. On top of that, ATB is gained when it is used to successfully dodge, allowing it to be used repeatedly or to combo into counterattacks.



Effect How to Learn
ATB spent on other commands increases damage dealt. Affinity changes with ninjutsu. Works in the air. Equip Steel Reaper. Reach 100% Proficiency to learn permanently.

Banishment deals more damage the more ATB commands have been executed during the battle. Its power can be increased up to three levels, dealing more damage on every level. It can also be changed to deal damage of a specific element when Elemental Ninjutsu has been used. Wait until later in the battle after many ATB commands have been used, then fire off Banishment III for big damage!

Yuffie's Limit Breaks


Yuffie Bloodbath Limit Break.jpg
Yuffie unleashes a flurry of attacks that deal massive damage to a single target!

List of Limit Breaks

Yuffie's Synergy with Sonon

Sonon and yuffie synergy (1).jpg

When L2 is pressed, Sonon will warp to Yuffie's location and they will become Synergized. When Synergized, Sonon will follow Yuffie's lead, targeting the same enemies and switching between physical attacks and Ninjutsu to match Yuffie.

Yuffie also gains access to new Abilities when Synergized. If Sonon's Synergized Limit Breaks Weapon Upgrade for the Marshalist's Staff is unlocked, they are also able to perform a unique limit break together.

However, staying in Synergy mode will cause ATB to accumulate more slowly, so balance between the two modes is necessary.

Synergy Guide: How to Synergize Yuffie and Sonon

Synergized Art of War

Synchronized Art of War.gif

This attack focuses on hitting a single opponent repeatedly, finishing with a smackdown that can deal over 5000 damage. Other enemies in close range can be caught in the crossfire as well. Like traditional Art of War, it also increases the damage of follow-up attacks.

Synergized Windstorm

Synchronized Windstorm.gif

Synergized Windstorm is a powerful area of effect Wind-elemental attack which can juggle weak enemies and rack up Stagger. Unlike the standard Windstorm, there is only one effect, and throwing a shuriken at an enemy in advance will not change its result.

Limit Synch

Limit Synch.gif

Just like you'd expect, Yuffie and Sonon's synchronized Limit Break deals a whirlwind of damage, draining both characters' limit bars in a single blow. However, both Yuffie and Sonon need full limit bars in order for it to work.

Yuffie's Weapons

Yuffie's Starting Weapon

4-Point Shuriken4-Point Shuriken 46 46 0 0 ○-○○

Yuffie's Other Weapons

BoomerangBoomerang 41 56 0 0 ○-○○○
Steel ReaperSteel Reaper 59 44 0 0 ○-○
CacstarCacstar 49 49 0 0 ○-○○○

List of Weapons Stats and Materia Slots

How to Use Yuffie

Use Synergy Effectively

Yuffie's Synergy Abilities, Synergized Art of War and Synergized Windstorm, are highly powerful and can deal more damage than Yuffie and Sonon's individual abilities combined.

When Yuffie and Sonon are synergized, Sonon will stay nearby Yuffie and attack together with her, which is useful for when you want to focus down the same enemy. Sonon will also match Yuffie's attacks in this mode, so when you want to hit an enemy hard with Magic attacks, use Synergy to make both characters fire away wtih Ninjutsu.

Yuffie and Sonon gain ATB more slowly when Synergized, so if you're only Synergizing to use an Ability, it's best to switch it on right before using the Synergized Ability, then switch it back off right after.

Throw + Ninjutsu to attack at a distance

Ninjutsu are Yuffie's key ranged attacks, as they can be used repeatedly to hit enemies who are dangerous at close range.

The Retrieve command will force Yuffie to come in close to the enemy, so when keeping strictly to ranged battle, wait for the shuriken to return automatically, then throw it again to continue racking up chip damage and spamming Ninjutsu.

Yuffie's Characteristics

Flexible Ninja

FF7RIntergrade_AprilScreenshot_08-7y1a7m6dl (1).jpg
Effect Yuffie uses a giant shuriken in combat. With her shuriken, she can attack up close or from afar, making her a versatile fighter.

An Optional Party Member in the Original Game

In the original game, Yuffie was just an optional party member that could be missed but did not affect the main story. She was a materia hunter who joined the party for her own gains, but ended up becoming close with the party and becoming a valuable trustworthy member.

This time in FF7 Remake Intergrade, Yuffie gets her own time in the spotlight and will be the main controllable character of the DLC chapters. Bringing back her confident spunk, playfulness, and giant shuriken to the FF7 Remake!

Yuffie's Role in FF7 Remake

Yuffie Moggle Cape
Yuffie is a member of the Special Forces for the Wutai New Government. Naturally, she did not appear in the main game of FF7R as she becomes available after the party leaves Midgar in the original FF7. In INTERmission, however, Yuffie is given a mission, and with the help of Avalanche members, she sneaks into Midgar. Her mission is to infiltrate Shinra to recover the Ultimate Materia. This takes place around chapter 8 of the main game as we see Tifa going off to investigate Don Corneo after being separated from Cloud.

Best Build for Yuffie

Balanced Build

Equipment Stats (Fully Upgraded) / Effect
4-Point Shuriken.jpg4-Point Shuriken
  • Attack: 72
  • Magic Attack: 72
  • Max HP: +500
  • Max MP: +6
  • Slots: ○-○○-○○-○
Chthonian Armlet.jpgChthonian
  • Defense: +47
  • Magic Defense: +47
  • Slots: ○-○○○
Ribbon.pngRibbon Prevents detrimental status effects. Makes it harder to be interrupted when casting magic.
4-Point Shuriken
Chthonian Armlet


  • Switch the Fire materia according to the enemy's weakness.
  • If you want more mobility and survivabilty, you can replace MP Up or ATB Stagger with Parry.
  • You can replace Ribbon with Gotterdammerung once you obtain it.

Physical Build

Equipment Stats (Fully Upgraded) / Effect
Steel Reaper.jpgSteel Reaper
  • Attack: 83
  • Magic Attack: 62
  • Max HP: +0
  • Max MP: +0
  • Slots: ○-○○-○○-○
Chthonian Armlet.jpgChthonian
  • Defense: +47
  • Magic Defense: +47
  • Slots: ○-○○○
Gozu Drive.jpgGozu Drive Increases damage dealt proportional to character's current HP.
Steel Reaper
Chthonian Armlet


  • Use Haste immediately at the start of a battle.
  • If you want more mobility and survivabilty, you can replace MP Up or ATB Stagger with Parry.
  • You can replace Mezu Drive with Gotterdammerung once you obtain it.

Magic Build

Equipment Stats (Fully Upgraded) / Effect
  • Attack: 58
  • Magic Attack: 82
  • Max HP: +0
  • Max MP: +0
  • Slots: ○-○○-○○-○
Chthonian Armlet.jpgChthonian
  • Defense: +47
  • Magic Defense: +47
  • Slots: ○-○○○
Ribbon.pngRibbon Prevents detrimental status effects. Makes it harder to be interrupted when casting magic.
4-Point Shuriken
Chthonian Armlet


  • Switch the Fire materia according to the enemy's weakness.
  • If you want more mobility and survivabilty, you can replace ATB Stagger with Parry.
  • You can replace Ribbon with Gotterdammerung once you obtain it.

Best Build for Each Character

Character Links

Main Characters
cloudCloud AerithAerith BarretBarret TifaTifa
Best Build for Each Character
Character Ranking by Stat
Jessie.pngJessie Wedge.pngWedge Biggs.pngBiggs -
Shinra Company
Sephiroth.pngSephiroth Professor Hojo.pngHojo Reno.pngReno President Shinra.pngPresident
Rude.pngRude Heidegger.pngHeidegger Roche.pngRoche Tseng.pngTseng
Scarlet.pngScarlet Palmer.pngPalmer Reeve.pngReeve Rufus.pngRufus
Other Characters
Red XIII.pngRed XIII Don Corneo.pngDon Corneo Leslie.pngLeslie Andrea.pngAndrea
Madam M.pngMadam M Chocobo Sam.pngSam Kyrie.pngKyrie Zack Portrait.pngZack
Vincent Valentine Icon.pngVincent JenovaJenova - -
INTERmission DLC
Yuffie Icon.pngYuffie Sonon Icon.pngSonon Zhijie Icon.pngZhijie Nayo Icon.pngNayo
Billy Bob Icon.pngBilly Bob Polk Icon.pngPolk Nero Icon.pngNero Weiss Icon.pngWeiss
Melfi Icon.pngMelfi - - -

List of Characters


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