FF7 Remake

How to Win the Pull-Up Pro Difficulty on the Pull-Up Challenge | How to Get the Peeress of Pull-Ups Trophy

Pull-Up Pro.png

This is a guide to the Pull-Up Pro Difficulty in the Pull-Up Challenge Mini-Game in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Learn how to win the Pull-Up Challenge and get the Peeress of Pull-Ups Trophy.

What is the Push-Up Challenge?

Where to Find the Push-Up Challenge

Wall Market (Chapter 14)
Maps (Click to Zoom)

After encountering Kyrie near start of Chapter 14, you'll be able to head to Wall Market. Find Andrea in the same location as the Burning Thighs Side Quest in Chapter 9, in the building labeled with the “男男男” characters.

The Trainee difficulty of the Pull-Up Challenge constitutes the Wavering Heart Side Quest. You'll only need to beat Andrea, the first opponent, to finish the Side Quest.


Trainee Way of the Fist Vol. III
Amateur Magic Up Materia x1
Pro Champion Belt
Trophy Peeress of Pull-ups

How to Win Pull-Up Pro Difficulty


How to Win Pull-Up Pro Difficulty

Make no mistakes!


The most important thing to win the Pro Difficulty is to completely avoid mistakes. Falling off the bar will cost you approximately 10 seconds, and on top of that, your pull-up speed will be reset. It will be very hard to recover after making even making one mistake, so you'll have to aim for a flawless victory.

Clear out distractions!

The background noise and music in the gym can be very distracting for many, especially when the other gym members start counting in a totally different rhythm. You can try going to settings beforehand and setting both music and voice volume to 0, so you can focus only on the sounds made when hitting the buttons.

Watch Tifa's movements while pressing the button


As your number of pull-ups in a row goes up, your speed will increase with it, and the button indications will disappear. This makes it highly difficult to guess when to time the button presses. The key indicator is in Tifa's movements – when Tifa stops moving, it's time to press the next button.

Tifa's form may look jerky, but it's a kind note on the part of the developers to help make players complete this difficult mini-game.

Press exactly 6 times when Tifa gets fatigued


When Tifa gets fatigued, the button indications will appear again, and stop on a specific button. At this point, be sure to press the indicated button exactly 6 times quickly. If your presses are too slow, it might require a seventh press, which will waste precious time. And if you press the button a seventh time after you've already broken free of the fatigue, your chances of making a mistake will increase.

Don't worry about your opponent's score


Although your opponent may sometimes overtake or tie with you, mental stability is key for completing the Pro Difficulty. As your opponent will generally move faster, Tifa's score will be exceeded during the match, but if you let that get to you and try to speed up, you'll make a mistake and ruin your shot. Jules will always fall just before the end of round two, so just keep it up and aim for the best score you can.

That being said, you'll want to have done at least 18 pull-ups by the end of the first round. It will be very hard to win with any less than that, so you may want to save yourself the trouble and just go ahead and restart at this point if you haven't managed to score that many.

To keep a level head, focus on Tifa completely through out the match, and if you keep consistent timing throughout, you'll be able to beat Jules and win the Peeress of Pull-Ups trophy. To defeat Jules' score, you'll generally need to hit a score of at least 45 Pull-Ups, so aim to break your own record instead of racing with Jules.

Minigame Related Links

List of Minigames
Darts Bike Minigame
Whack-a-Box Squats
Pull-Up Challenge Dance-Off
Intergrade Minigames
Fort Condor Shinra Box Buster

All Minigame Trophies and Tips


70 Anonymousabout 2 months

I hope whoever keeps putting stupid BS like this games dies a very slow and painful death.

69 Anonymousabout 2 months

I wish they'd stop putting rhythm crap in rpgs. I don't have the finger movements for this garbage. I want to strengthen my characters, not break my fingers.


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