FF7 Remake

Chapter 14: In Search of Hope Story Guide & Walkthrough

This is a guide and walkthrough to Chapter 14: In Search of Hope, a story chapter in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Read on to learn locations of items, rewards for completing this chapter, as well as useful tips and strategies for getting through this part of the story.

Previous Chapter A Broken World
Current Chapter In Search of Hope
Next Chapter The Day Midgar Stood Still

List of Main Scenario Objectives


No. Title Description
1 Resolve The group convinces Elmyra to let them go after Aerith, though breaking into the Shinra Building will be no easy task.
2 Intel Gathering The Avalanche team agrees to help Leslie in exchange for information about how to get topside. Still wary of Leslie, the party heads into the sewers.
3 Through the Underground Waterway The team detours around the collapsed rubble and arrives at the trunk line. Corneo's hideout is near.
4 The Hideout In front of the hideout, an Abzu Shoat steals what Leslie says is the key to the door. Cloud, Barret, and Tifa chase after tiny creature.
5 Recovering the Key The party defeats the Abzu shoat and recovers the stolen item, which leads Leslie to tell them about his past and his true intentions. With renewed resolve, the three head back to Corneo's hideout.
6 Fateful Decisions Cloud and the others have defeated Corneo's pet Abzu, but Corneo has slipped away during the commotion.
7 For the Reunion Leslie gives them grappling guns, and they wish each other luck in reuniting with their respective loved ones. Leslie walks off, and the three prepare to climb the wall.
8 Over the Wall Cloud and the others get over the wall and start climbing the Sector 7 plate. The Shinra Building is so far above that they still cannot see it.

Chapter 14: In Search of Hope Walkthrough

Sector 5 Slums


1 Go downstairs and open the door to leave Aerith's house. When you get near the Center Area path, the camera will focus on Tifa. Go to her and a cutscene will begin.
2 Take the path back to the Center Area and continue straight to the center of town, until a cutscene with Kyrie begins.
At this point, you will gain access to new Odd Jobs. This is the last set of Odd Jobs available in the story.
Chapter 14 Side Quest Guides
pedometer materia.jpgYou can pick up a Pedometer Materia at the bottom of the stairs leading to the Center District.
descendant of shinobi.jpgTalk to a man near the station to obtain the Descendant of Shinobi disc.
mythril armlet.jpgGo south from where you got the Descendant of Shinobi disc until you see a man holding a firearm. Open the chest beside him to obtain a Mythril Armlet.
turksGo to the circular path in S6-5 Road and talk to the old woman near the pond and she will give you the Turks' Theme disc.
3 After the cutscene, go around the corner on the left and go straight on the path toward Sector 6. You'll find the Stablehand right ahead.
4 Pay 300 Gil to take the Chocobo Carriage to Wall Market. Otherwise, you can hoof it to Wall Market.
Wall Market Guide

Wall Market - Entrance


1 If you rode the Chocobo Carriage, from the start, turn left and through the gate to head into town.
sorcererSqueeze through the narrow path in front of Honeybee Inn and open the chest at the end for a Sorcerer's Armlet.
stand up.jpgGo into the small area beside Honeybee Inn and talk to the woman to receive the Stand Up disc.
elixir.jpgSqueeze through the narrow path near the item shop and open the chest at the end for an Elixir.
good night until tomorrow.jpgGo inside the rest spot and talk to the man to the right of the entrance and he will give you the Good Night, Until Tomorrow disc.
wutai.jpgBefore you go to Corneo's Mansion, go right to the path beside the Colosseum and talk to the man that you will see after the first curve to receive the Wutai disc.
2 Go to Don Corneo's Mansion and hold the triangle button to go through each set of double doors.
3 Go upstairs and through the middle set of double doors to find Leslie. A cutscene will begin.
chakra materia.jpgGo back to the room where the cutscene occured and enter the Forbidden Room to your right. Go to the basement and free Kotch in the middle of the room. Pick up the Chakra Materia that he will leave behind.
4 Talk to Leslie again to head into the sewers.

In the Sewers (Part 1)


1 In the sewers, go straight through the hole ahead, then turn left and continue down the corridor. Go straight and walk up the rubble path into the door. From this point on, you'll be going through essentially the same path you went the first time you visited the sewers.
See our Chapter 10 walkthrough for more details!
2 In the next room, go down the stairs and step on the arrow pad to duck under the wall. You'll fight a Sahagin in the next room.
3 Climb up the ladder and go right and follow the path around the wall. You'll find a door to a room with a rest area.
4 Go right out of the room and go down the ladder at the end. You'll fight two Blugus and a Sahagin.
5 In the next room, you'll fight two Scissorclaws and three Wererats.
6 Continue into the next room. You'll fight two Scissorclaws and a Sahagin.
7 Continue through the door to the right and go right again down the corridor. The door which was locked before will now be open. At the end, you'll find a ladder. Climb up and walk across the bridge.
8 Go straight ahead through the door and follow the path. You'll fight two Blugus and two Scissorclaws.
9 Go through the door and down the ladder. Step onto the arrow pad to duck under the wall. You'll fight three Wererats and a Blugu in the next room.
ether.jpgAfter climbing down the ladder, open the chest nearby for an Ether.
10 Climb up the ladder on the far-right of the room and go into the corridor, and down the stairs.

Sector 7-6 - Main Aqueduct

1 After the cutscene, continue through the door, then follow Leslie down the path.
2 Go through the lantern-decorated door that Leslie indicates. At the end of the path, you'll fight three Scissorclaws.
3 Go through the door on the right into the Sector 6 Restricted Area.

Sector 6 Restricted Area

1 Follow Leslie down the path. You'll find a rest area.
2 After the cutscene, chase after the Shoat. On the way, you'll fight three Wererats.
2HazardousMaterial.png You can open a chest on the right to get 2 Hazardous Materials.
3 Ahead, you'll fight three Sahagins.
4 At the end of the path, climb up the ladder on the left to continue chasing the Shoat.

Sewer System - Old Line


1 Turn right at the top and step on the arrow pad to climb through the hole.
2PhoenixDown.pngWalk up the staircase and across the bridge before turning right to get Phoenix Down x2.
2 In the next room, you'll fight an Abzu Shoat. Take the right exit and step onto the arrow pad to hop over and duck under the boxes. In the next room, fight a Blugu and two Abzu Shoats.
poison materia.jpgAfter the fight, pick up the Poison Materia on the upper right corner.
3 Continue down the path. Step on the arrow pad to duck under the boxes, and go through the door. In the next room, fight two Abzu Shoats and a Sahagin.
4 Continue through the door into the hallway. In the next room, an Abzu Shoat and two Scissorclaws will be waiting.
2MegaPotion.pngYou can open the chest here for Mega Potion x2.
5 Go along the path to the left and after the Shoat jumps down, climb down the ladder. You'll face two Blugus, a Sahagin, and a Scissorclaw.
ether.jpgIn the far left corner of the room, you'll find a chest with an Ether.
6 Continue through the door on the far side of the room. Go to where the Shoat is waiting at the end of the path.
protective boots.jpgOpen the chest in the corner for a pair of Protective Boots.
After it escapes, go back on the path and turn left. In the next room, you'll be able to fight the Mischievous Shoat, together with three Abzu Shoats. After the fight, a cutscene will begin.
8 Follow Leslie on the path and up the ladder.
Pull the switch to the right of the ladder to open the floodgates in the Former Disposal Area.
9 Follow Leslie until the steel door, then go through it. Use the rest area in the next room before going in the next steel door.
After a cutscene, you'll fight Abzu, the real boss of this segment. This time, you'll be fighting Abzu Shoats along with it.
You'll get a Phoenix Down for defeating it.
How to Beat Abzu
11 Go out the door on the opposite side for a cutscene. You'll gain the ability to return aboveground by holding L1. Hold L1 and select Yes. to leave the sewers.

Sector 6 Slums


1 After the cutscene, you'll get a Grappling Gun from Leslie.
moogle medal.jpgOpen the chest nearby for 3 Moogle Medals.
2 Go towards the wall and say Yes. to climbing over the wall.
Once you go past this part, you'll lose the chance to do the Odd Jobs from this chapter.
3 After the cutscene, you'll be onto the new chapter.

Maps and Obtainable Items


List of Maps
Aerith's House - 2F Sector 5 Slums (Upper)
Sector 5 Slums (Lower) Sector 5 Church
Church - 2F Sector 6 Slums (Upper)
Sector 6 Slums (Lower) Evergreen Park
Bandit's Den Corneo's Colosseum
Corneo's Mansion Corneo's Mansion - 2F
Corneo's Mansion - Basement Sector 6 Sewers
Sector 6 Restricted Area Sector 6 - Old Aqueducts
Old Trunk Line - Control Section -

Obtainable Items

Sector 5 Slums
Pedometer Materia 23. Descendant of Shinobi Mythril Armlet
7. Turks' Theme - -
Wall Market - Entrance
Sorcerer's Armlet 30. Stand Up Elixir x1
16. Good Night, Until Tomorrow 24. Wutai Chakra Materia
In the Sewers
Ether x1 - -
Sector 6 Restricted Area
Hazardous Material x2 - -
Sewer System - Old Line
Phoenix Down x2 Poison Materia Mega-Potion x2
Ether x1 Protective Boots -
Sector 6 Slums
Moogle Medal x3 - -

Shops & Vending Machines

The Moogle Emporium - Children's Secret Hideout

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
Moogle Membership Card (Stock: 1) 1 MM
20. Gold Saucer (Stock: 1) 1 MM
Ether 2 MM
Turbo Ether 4 MM
Elixir 8 MM
Moogle's Mortar (Stock: 1) 1 MM
The Art of Swordplay Vol. I (Stock: 1) 5 MM
Sharpshooter's Companion Vol. I (Stock: 1) 5 MM
Way of the Fist Vol. I (Stock: 1) 5 MM
Telluric Scriptures Vol. I (Stock: 1) 5 MM
Weapons / Armor Price
Steel Pincers (Stock: 1) 7 MM
Silver Staff (Stock: 1) 2 MM
Accessories Price
Enfeeblement Ring (Stock: 1) 1 MM
Whistlewind Scarf (Stock: 1) 3 MM
Salvation Badge (Stock: 1) 1 MM

Weapons Store - Wall Market

On the full map On the area map
Weapons / Armor Price
Nail Bat (Stock: 1) -
Hardedge (Stock: 1)
Mythril Saber (Stock: 1) 3000 Gil
Sonic Strikers (Stock: 1) -
Arcane Scepter (Stock: 1) -
Mythril Rod (Stock: 1) -
Gothic Bangle 3000 Gil
Magician's Bracelet 4800 Gil
Heavy-Duty Bracer 4800 Gil
Sorcerer's Armlet 4800 Gil
Accessories Price
Power Wristguards 800 Gil
Bulletproof Vest 800 Gil
Earrings 800 Gil
Talisman 800 Gil
Supernatural Wristguards 5000 Gil
Survival Vest 5000 Gil
Platinum Earrings 5000 Gil
Timeworn Talisman 5000 Gil
Star Pendant 1500 Gil
Headband 1500 Gil
Revival Earrings 500 Gil

Souvenir Shop - Wall Market

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
12. Fight On! (Stock: 1) 50 Gil
Fuzzy Wuzzy 100 Gil
Mr. Cuddlesworth 250 Gil

Vending Machine - Aqueduct 1

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
9. The Oppressed (Stock: 1) 50 Gil
Potion 50 Gil
Hi-Potion 300 Gil
Mega-Potion 700 Gil
Ether 500 Gil
Phoenix Down 300 Gil
Antidote 80 Gil
Maiden's Kiss 150 Gil
Echo Mist 100 Gil
Smelling Salts 80 Gil
Remedy 600 Gil
Weapons / Armor Price
Gothic Bangle 3000 Gil
Magician's Bracelet 4800 Gil
Heavy-Duty Bracer 4800 Gil
Sorcerer's Amulet 4800 Gil
Accessories Price
Power Wristguards 800 Gil
Bulletproof Vest 800 Gil
Earrings 800 Gil
Talisman 800 Gil
Supernatural Wristguards 5000 Gil
Survival Vest 5000 Gil
Platinum Earrings 5000 Gil
Timeworn Talisman 5000 Gil
Star Pendant 1500 Gil
Headband 1500 Gil
Revival Earrings 500 Gil
Materia Price
Healing Materia 600 Gil
Cleansing Materia 1500 Gil
Revival Materia 3000 Gil
Fire Materia 500 Gil
Ice Materia 500 Gil
Lightning Materia 500 Gil
Poison Materia 1500 Gil
Barrier Materia 1500 Gil
Binding Materia 3000 Gil
Subversion Materia 3000 Gil
HP Up Materia 2000 Gil
MP Up Materia 2000 Gil
Deadly Dodge Materia 600 Gil

Vending Machine - Aqueduct 4

On the full map On the area map
Items Price
13. The Chase (Stock: 1) 50 Gil
Potion 50 Gil
Hi-Potion 300 Gil
Mega-Potion 700 Gil
Mega-Potion (Stock: 3) 300 Gil
Ether 500 Gil
Ether (Stock: 2) 100 Gil
Phoenix Down 300 Gil
Phoenix Down (Stock: 2) 100 Gil
Antidote 80 Gil
Maiden's Kiss 150 Gil
Echo Mist 100 Gil
Smelling Salts 80 Gil
Remedy 600 Gil
Weapons / Armor Price
Gothic Bangle 3000 Gil
Magician's Bracelet 4800 Gil
Heavy-Duty Bracer 4800 Gil
Sorcerer's Amulet 4800 Gil
Accessories Price
Power Wristguards 800 Gil
Bulletproof Vest 800 Gil
Earrings 800 Gil
Talisman 800 Gil
Supernatural Wristguards 5000 Gil
Survival Vest 5000 Gil
Platinum Earrings 5000 Gil
Timeworn Talisman 5000 Gil
Star Pendant 1500 Gil
Headband 1500 Gil
Revival Earrings 500 Gil
Materia Price
Healing Materia 600 Gil
Cleansing Materia 1500 Gil
Revival Materia 3000 Gil
Fire Materia 500 Gil
Ice Materia 500 Gil
Lightning Materia 500 Gil
Poison Materia 1500 Gil
Barrier Materia 1500 Gil
Binding Materia 3000 Gil
Subversion Materia 3000 Gil
HP Up Materia 2000 Gil
MP Up Materia 2000 Gil
Deadly Dodge Materia 600 Gil

Vending Machine - Break Room

On the full map On the area map
Item Price
14. Main Theme of FFVII (Stock: 1) 50 Gil
Potion 50 Gil
Hi-Potion 300 Gil
Mega-Potion 700 Gil
Mega-Potion (Stock: 3) 300 Gil
Ether 500 Gil
Ether (Stock: 2) 100 Gil
Phoenix Down 300 Gil
Phoenix Down (Stock: 2) 100 Gil
Antidote 80 Gil
Echo Mist 100 Gil
Smelling Salts 80 Gil
Remedy 600 Gil
Weapon / Armor Price
Gothic Bangle 3000 Gil
Magician's Bracelet 4800 Gil
Heavy-Duty Bracer 4800 Gil
Sorcerer's Amulet 4800 Gil
Accessory Price
Power Wristguards 800 Gil
Bulletproof Vest 800 Gil
Earrings 800 Gil
Talisman 800 Gil
Supernatural Wristguards 5000 Gil
Survival Vest 5000 Gil
Platinum Earrings 5000 Gil
Timeworn Talisman 5000 Gil
Star Pendant 1500 Gil
Headband 1500 Gil
Revival Earrings 500 Gil
Materia Price
Healing Materia 600 Gil
Cleansing Materia 1500 Gil
Revival Materia 3000 Gil
Fire Materia 500 Gil
Ice Materia 500 Gil
Lightning Materia 500 Gil
Poison Materia 1500 Gil
Barrier Materia 1500 Gil
Binding Materia 3000 Gil
Subversion Materia 3000 Gil
HP Up Materia 2000 Gil
MP Up Materia 2000 Gil
Deadly Dodge Materia 600 Gil

Tips and Strategies

Side Quests (Odd Jobs)


In Chapters 3, 8, 9, and 14, the player will have access to a set of Odd Job sidequests for that chapter. After you continue to a certain point in each chapter, you won't be able to complete any of the Side Quests any more. That said, the game will notify you at this point, so there's no worry of missing your chance on accident.

Guides for each Chapter 14 Side Quest (Odd Job)

Check out our individual guides below to learn how to finish each Odd Job in Chapter 14!

Quest Reward
1 Missing ChildrenMissing Children Time Materia
2 Chocobo SearchChocobo Search Sam's Delivery Lifetime Pass
3 Malicious GoonsMalicious Goons None
4 Wavering HeartWavering Heart Way of the Fist Vol. III
5 The Power of MusicThe Power of Music Sharpshooter's Companion Vol. III
6 Secret MedicineSecret Medicine Telluric Scriptures Vol. III
7 Tomboy BanditTomboy Bandit The Corneo Vault Key
8 CorneoCorneo's Secret Stash The Art of Swordplay Vol.III
9 Subterranean MenaceSubterranean Menace Wrecking Ball


The Sahagin's Harpoon Hurl and Sahagin Curse attacks can turn your whole team into frogs, which can't use Magic and deal almost no damage. It'll spend some time charging these attack, so make sure to maintain a safe distance. Be sure to have Maiden's Kiss, which will cure the Frog status, and keep at least one party member with an ATB charge ready to use it.


Scissorclaws are highly resistant to physical attacks. Use Magic against them to take them down effectively.

Boss Strategy Guide

Abzu & Abzu Shoats

Abzu & Abzu Shoats
Where they Appear Weaknesses
Sewer System Fire

How to Beat Abzu & Abzu Shoats - Key Points

  • Still weak against Fire
  • Disable its Tail to limit its attack range
  • Take out the Abzu Shoats from Phase 2
  • Avoid the drains when it's preparing Backwater Deluge

How to Beat Abzu (2nd Fight)

Sub-Boss: Mischievous Shoat

Like other Abzu-like creatures, the Mischievous Shoat is weak to Fire, so burn, baby, burn!
Mischievous Shoat Weaknesses and Obtainable Items

Story Walkthrough Related Links

Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 The Destruction of Mako Reactor 1
Chapter 2 Fateful Encounters
Chapter 3 Home Sweet Slum
Chapter 4 Mad Dash
Chapter 5 Dogged Pursuit
Chapter 6 Light the Way
Chapter 7 A Trap is Sprung
Chapter 8 Budding Bodyguard
Chapter 9 The Town That Never Sleeps
Chapter 10 Rough Waters
Chapter 11 Haunted
Chapter 12 Fight for Survival
Chapter 13 A Broken World
Chapter 14 In Search of Hope
Chapter 15 The Day Midgar Stood Still
Chapter 16 The Belly of the Beast
Chapter 17 Deliverance from Chaos
Chapter 18 Destiny's Crossroads
INTERmission Chapters
Chapter 1 Wutai's Finest
Chapter 2 Covert Ops


5 Strider005over 3 years

If you complete all the quests, don't forget to pick up the second elemental materia on the ground before climbing the wall. You can see it easily when you walk back towards The Wall Market from the wall with Avalanche spay painted on it.

4 Sephirothalmost 5 years

When the chapter starts and you follow the sounds in the garden, Aerith was there and not Tifa. Wasn’t clear if it was a dream or if she was really there, but I think either Tifa or Aerith shows up there depending on which quests you did in chapter 9, the price of thievery quests or the Mireille bandit quest


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