FF7 Remake

Intergrade: How to Get All Materia

This is a guide to finding all the Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R) Intergrade's INTERmission DLC for the PS5. Learn the locations of all Materia and how to find some of the tricky hidden Materia in the game.

All Materia Locations

For more detailed explanations of the location of each Materia, our Story Walkthroughs include complete maps and explanations for every Materia found in the game!

Magic Materia

Materia How to Obtain
Barrier Purchased from any Vending Machine.
Binding Purchased from any Vending Machine.
Cleansing Purchased from any Vending Machine.
Fire #1: In the Inventory at the start of the game.
#2+: Purchased from any Vending Machine.
Healing #1: Equipped to Yuffie at the start of the game.
#2+: Purchased from any Vending Machine.
Ice #1: In the Inventory at the start of the game.
#2+: Purchased from any Vending Machine.
Lightning #1: In the Inventory at the start of the game.
#2: In the rest area before Gigantipede in Chapter 1.
#3+: Purchased from any Vending Machine.
Poison Purchased from any Vending Machine.
Revival Purchased from any Vending Machine.
Subversion #1: In the Inventory at the start of the game.
#2+: Purchased from any Vending Machine.
Time Found on B13 Advanced Weaponry Development in Chapter 2.
Wind May be available from the Junk Shop in Chapter 1. Items sold at the Junk Shop change, and can be reset by starting and forfeiting any Fort Condor match.

Command Materia

Materia How to Obtain
Assess #1: Equipped to Yuffie at the start of the game.
ATB Boost Score 10,000 Points on the Basic Training difficulty of Shinra Box Buster.
Chakra #1: Found in a room with two Terpsicolt at the Abandoned Talagger Factory.
#2: On the roof of Cloud's apartment in Chapter 1.
Enemy Skill Unobtainable.
Ninja Cannonball Found in a Materia pod in B15 - Advanced Weaponry: Production of the Shinra Building in Chapter 2.
Prayer Found in the Shipping Facility in Chapter 1.
Steal Equipped to Yuffie at the start of the game.

Complete Materia

Materia How to Obtain
ATB Assist Score 5,000 Points on the Basic Training difficulty of Shinra Box Buster.
ATB Stagger Score 20,000 Points on the Basic Training difficulty of Shinra Box Buster.
Auto-Cure Equipped to Sonon when he joins the party.
Deadly Dodge #1: Equipped to Yuffie at the start of the game.
#2+: Purchased from any Vending Machine.
EXP Up Score 50,000 Points on the SOLDIER Training difficulty of Shinra Box Buster
First Strike #1: Equipped to Sonon when he joins the party.
#2: Defeat two Venomantis at the Abandoned Talagger Factory.
Gil Up Score 30,000 Points on the SOLDIER Training difficulty of Shinra Box Buster.
HP Up #1: Found in the Abandoned Warehouse at the start of Chapter 1.
#2+: Purchased from any Vending Machine.
Item Master Equipped to Sonon when he joins the party.
Luck Up May be available from the Junk Shop in Chapter 1. Items sold at the Junk Shop change, and can be reset by starting and forfeiting any Fort Condor match.
Magic Up Found in the Waste Disposal Plant in Chapter 1.
MP Up #1: Found in a cave in Scrap Boulevard in Chapter 1.
#2+: Purchased from any Vending Machine.
Parry Equipped to Yuffie at the start of the game.
Pedometer Unobtainable.
Provoke Equipped to Sonon when he joins the party.
Refocus Unobtainable.
Skill Master Found in a Materia pod in B15 - Advanced Weaponry: Production of the Shinra Building in Chapter 2.
Steadfast Block #1: In the Inventory at the start of the game.
#2: Found in a Materia pod in B15 - Advanced Weaponry: Production of the Shinra Building in Chapter 2.

Support Materia

Materia How to Obtain
AP Up Found in Scarlet's Room in Chapter 2.
Elemental In the Storage Depot in Chapter 1.
HP Absorption May be available from the Junk Shop in Chapter 1. Items sold at the Junk Shop change, and can be reset by starting and forfeiting any Fort Condor match.
Magnify #1: Complete the Happy Turtle Side Quest.
#2: Score 10,000 Points on the SOLDIER Training difficulty of Shinra Box Buster.
MP Absorption May be available from the Junk Shop in Chapter 1. Items sold at the Junk Shop change, and can be reset by starting and forfeiting any Fort Condor match.
Synergy In the Inventory at the start of the game.
Warding Found in Sector 7 in Chapter 1.

Summon Materia

Materia How to Obtain
Bahamut Unobtainable.
Cactuar Available as Free DLC.
Carbuncle Available as Free DLC.
Chocobo & Moogle Unobtainable.
Chocobo Chick Available as Free DLC.
Fat Chocobo Unobtainable.
Ifrit Unobtainable.
Leviathan Unobtainable.
Ramuh Speak to Chadley and defeat Ramuh in the Shinra Combat Simulator.
Shiva Unobtainable.

Where to Find Rare Materia

Chapter 1

Wind, HP Absorption, MP Absorption, Luck Up Materia

The Junk Shop located in the silo on the street north of Seventh Heaven, despite its name, has some great finds. These include Materia obtainable only here, including the Wind Materia, Luck Up Materia, HP Absorption Materia, and MP Absorption Materia. The Junk Shop also sells three Fort Condor Units which can only be obtained here.

Note that the items sold at the Junk Shop change depending on your story and Fort Condor progress. It's easy to reset the Junk Shop's merchandise by challenging Jessie (or any other player) to a Fort Condor match, immediately forfeiting, and returning to the store. Run this process three times to easily obtain all available items!

All Junk Shop Items
Set Materia Units Armor/Other
1 Wind - Iron Maiden,
2 HP Absorption Security Officer Barracks,
M.O.T.H. Unit
Astral Cuff,
3 MP Absorption Security Officer Barracks,
Missile Launcher
Force Bracelet,
Phoenix Down
4 Luck Up Missile Launcher,
M.O.T.H. Unit
Force Bracelet,
Iron Maiden,
Astral Cuff,

Warding Materia

Warding Materia Tunnel.jpg

Starting at the Happy Turtle, go around the block, and on opposite side from the Clinic, go through the tunnel shown above to find a clearing with kids and cats. On the opposite side, you'll find the Warding Materia in an alleyway.

Warding Materia Map (from Happy Turtle)

Chakra Materia (#2)

Chakra Materia Roof.jpg

If you haven't done the Happy Turtle side quest yet, you'll miss this one, and it's still missable even if you have. For the Flyer where you avoid the dog guarding Cloud's apartment building, after grabbing the flyer and talking to Marle, turn the corner and climb up the ladder to the roof to find this sneaky Materia.

Chakra Materia Map

Chapter 2

Time Materia

Time Materia.jpg

When climbing the vents on the central unit from B14 up to B13 for the first time, if you go up on the right side, you're likely to miss this Materia completely.

Go up the left side to B13, then turn around to see a green Materia slowing in the distance. Swing across on the handle to reach it, then slide down the pole back to B14.

Time Materia Map

FF7 Remake Intergrade Related Links

Intergrade and INTERmission Guide

Intergrade Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Wutais Finest.jpgChapter 1: Wutai's Finest Chapter 2 Covert Ops.jpgChapter 2: Covert Ops

Intergrade Boss Fights

Chapter 1 Levrikon
Chapter 2 Scarlet & The Crimson Mare
Nero the Sable
Shinra Combat Simulator vs. Shinra's Dark Secrets
vs. Midgarian Monsters
Weiss the Immaculate
Pride and Joy Mk 0.5 (Top Secrets)

Intergrade Side Content

Happy Turtle Flyer Locations.jpgHappy Turtle Flyers Shinra Box Buster Start.jpgShinra Box Buster

Fort Condor Minigame

Fort Condor (1).pngFort Condor Guide Condor Coin Farming
Fort Condor Units
Fort Condor Boards

Intergrade Guides


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