FF7 Remake

How to Beat the Enigmatic Spectre | Boss Fight Guide

enigmatic spectre.png
This is a guide to beating the Boss Enigmatic Spectre in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). This article explains Enigmatic Spectre's attack patterns, weaknesses, and tips and strategies for defeating them.

Enigmatic Spectre Stats and Information

Enigmatic Spectre

Basic Information

Enigmatic Spectre
Enigmatic Spectre Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Unreadable Flying Mini-Boss


Unable to read.

Assess (Tips)

Normally, attacks have only a slight effect on its stagger gauge, but the gauge fills more quickly after it has been interrupted.

Enigmatic Spectre Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 1553~5073 2824~9224 9432~18864
Attack 78~146 283~328
Magic Attack 78~146 283~328
Defense 103~183 342~379
Magic Defense 94~165 312~342

Enigmatic Spectre Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments -
Lesser Resistances -
Greater Resistances Physical, Magic, Fixed Damage, Proportional Damage
Immunities Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Berserk
Absorbed Elements -

Stagger Rates

×0.5 ×0.25 ×0.5 ×1
×1 ×1 ×1 -

Stagger Length

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
9 seconds 9 seconds 9 seconds 12 seconds

Mysterious Spectre

Basic Information

Mysterious Spectre
Mysterious Spectre Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Unreadable Flying Normal


Unable to read.

Assess (Tips)

Physical attacks only have a slight effect on their stagger gauge, so use magic attacks to fill it rapidly.

Mysterious Spectre Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 582~1268 1059~2306 3537~4716
Attack 50~92 175~193
Magic Attack 50~92 175~193
Defense 59~94 194
Magic Defense 42~65 134

Mysterious Spectre Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments -
Lesser Resistances -
Greater Resistances -
Immunities Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Berserk
Absorbed Elements -

Stagger Rates

×0.75 ×0.25 ×1.75 ×1
×1 ×1 ×1 -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 9 seconds

Mysterious Spectre Weaknesses and Obtainable Items


Easy/Normal Hard
Gil 0 0
AP 0 0
Exp 0 0
Items Dropped -
Rare Items Dropped -
Steal -

Learnable Enemy Skills

No Enemy Skills can be learned from Enigmatic Spectre.

List of Enemy Skills

Enigmatic Spectre Boss Fight Guide

Abilities and Attack Patterns

Enigmatic Spectre

Name Element Blockable? Knockdown? Status
- Yes Yes -
Charges energy for 3 seconds before releasing under itself. The energy will explode if touched.
- Yes No -
Creates a tornado-like attack that damages the target.
- No Yes -
Binds a target for 10 seconds while dealing damage. Two hits from abilities will unbind the target.
- No No -
Shoots spectral energy at a target.

*Status Effects and Ailments Guide

Mysterious Spectre

Name Element Blockable? Knockdown? Status
- Yes No -
Sharpens itself and stabs at a target.
- No No -
Binds a target 2 seconds. Will release the target quicker if damage is dealt.

*Status Effects and Ailments Guide

Best Characters for This Boss (Chapter 3)

Available Characters

Cloud IconCloud Tifa IconTifa

Best Equipment for Characters

Cloud Icon.jpegCloud Role: Attacker & Healer
Weapon: Iron Blade
Armor:Star Bracelet
Accessory: Power Wristguards
Tifa Icon.jpegTifa Role: Attacker
Weapon: Leather Gloves
Armor: Star Bracelet
Accessory: Power Wristguards

Best Materia for Cloud

Weapon (3 Slots)
Armor (2 Slots)

Use Triple Slash to deal with multiple Mysterious Spectres.

Best Materia for Tifa

Weapon (3 Slots)
Armor (2 Slots)

Use Tifa as your main attacker in this battle as she can deal damage quickly with her combos. Use Whirling Uppercut then while Tifa is still in midair, follow it immediately with Divekick.

Best Characters for This Boss (Chapter 12)

Available Characters

Cloud IconCloud Tifa IconTifa Aerith IconAerith

Enigmatic Spectre Attack Phases

Phase Point Summary
1 The Mysterious Spectres will use Entwine or Impale while Enigmatic Spectre uses either Flood, Swarm, or Exhale on the party.

Tips & Strategies for Beating Enigmatic Spectre

Strategy Checklist
(Click to jump)

Target the Mysterious Spectres First!

Mysterious Spectre.jpg
In order to consistently deal damage and increase the Enigmatic Spectre's stagger gauge, you must first defeat a Mysterious Spectre. On Hard Mode you will need to Stagger the Mysterious Spectre before defeating it. Once that's done you can target the Enigmatic Spectre until it resumes. Rinse and repeat.

Stagger It While It's Interrupted

Enigmatic Spectre Vulnerable.jpg
While the Enigmatic Spectre is interrupted, it will become pressured and stagger much quicker. Go all out with your strongest attacks and this...creature will go down before you know it. You may not even have to deplete it's HP bar!

Enigmatic Spectre: Hard Mode Guide

Best Characters and Equipment

Cloud Icon.jpegCloud Weapon: Mythril Saber
Armor: Force Bracelet
Accessory: Supernatural Wristguards
Tifa Icon.jpegTifa Weapon: Metal Knuckles
Armor: Force Bracelet
Accessory: Champion Belt
Aerith Icon.jpegAerith Weapon: Mythril Rod
Armor: Chain Bangle
Accessory: Circlet

You will need to use magic to easily stagger the Mysterious Spirits, so having a weapon that has MP Regen weapon upgrade, MP Cost Rection or will just give extra MP like Mythril Saber and Mythril Rod is recommended. Tifa will need the Metal Knuckles for the damage to follow up after staggering.

Best Materia to Use

The number of slots in your Weapon may vary depending on your Weapon Level.


Weapon (6 Slots)
Armor (3 Slots)


Weapon (6 Slots)
Armor (4 Slots)


Weapon (6 Slots)
Armor (4 Slots)

Hard Mode Basic Strategy

Stagger the Mysterious Spectres First

Pressure Mysterious Spectre
Unlike on the lower difficulties, you will need to stagger the Mysterious Spectres first and then defeat them if you want to pressure the Enigmatic Spectre. It is recommended to cast low cost offensive spells to pressure the Mysterious Spectre then stagger with moves like Focus Thrust and Focus Strike. Defeat the Mysterious Spectre then focus on the Enigmatic Spectre.

Boss Fight Related Articles

List of Boss Battles

Major Story Bosses

All Major Story Bosses
Chapter 1 Scorpion Sentinel
Chapter 4 Roche
Chapter 5 Crab Warden
Chapter 7 Airbuster
Chapter 8 Reno
Chapter 9 Hell House
Chapter 10 Abzu
Chapter 11 Ghoul
Chapter 13 Failed Experiment
Chapter 14 Abzu (2nd Fight)
Chapter 15 The Valkyrie
Chapter 16 Specimen H0512
Chapter 17 Jenova Dreamweaver
The Arsenal
Chapter 18 Motor Ball
Whisper Harbinger

VR Mission Bosses

All VR Mission Bosses
Chapter 8 Shiva
Chapter 9 Fat Chocobo
Chapter 13 Leviathan
Secret Boss Bahamut
Superboss Pride and Joy Prototype

Story Sub-Bosses

All Story Sub-Bosses
Chapter 2 The Huntsman
Chapter 3 The Hoodlums
Chapter 4 Enigmatic Spectre
Chapter 12 Enigmatic Spectre
Chapter 17 M.O.T.H. Unit
Brain Pod

Monster Variants & Optional Sub-Bosses

All Monster Variants & Optional Sub-Bosses
Chapter 3 Doomrat
Cerulean Drake
Wrath Hound
Chapter 8 Hedgehog Pie King
Mark II Monodrive
Chapter 14 Rust Drake
Type-0 Behemoth
Chapter 17 Malboro

Intergrade and INTERmission Bosses

Intergrade and INTERmission Bosses
Chapter 1 Levrikon
Chapter 2 Scarlet & The Crimson Mare
Nero the Sable
Optional Ramuh
Weiss the Immaculate
Pride and Joy Mk. 0.5 (Top Secrets)


7 Anonymous@Game8almost 5 years

By both i mean, on difficulties lower than Hard you will not need to stagger. But on Hard Mode you will need to stagger first.

6 Anonymous@Game8almost 5 years

It's actually both. You need to kill a staggered Spirit to pressure the Spectre. And it's fairly easy. Just throw any offensive spell and it will pressure the spirit and you just need to focus thrust or focus strike until staggered. You can easily finish this fight in only 2 minutes .


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