FF7 Remake

How to Beat Yuffie & Sonon Vs. Midgarian Monsters

This is a guide to beating the Shinra Combat Simulator challenge Yuffie & Sonon Vs. Shinra's Midgarian Monsters in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). This article explains what enemies you will face, recommended equipment and materia, and tips and strategies for defeating them.

Yuffie & Sonon Vs. Shinra's Midgarian Monsters Basic Information


Battle Number Enemy
Battle #1 Bugaboo ×16
Battle #2 Levrikon ×1
Horned Cripshay ×1
Battle #3 Type-0 Behemoth ×1


Enfeeblement Ring
Grab Bag

Best Characters for This Battle

Available Characters

Yuffie IconYuffie Sonon IconSonon

Recommended Characters

Yuffie Icon New-BG.pngYuffie Weapon: 4-Point Shuriken
Armor: Chthonian Armlet
Accessory: Kindred Cord
Sonon Icon New-BG.pngSonon Weapon: Marshalist's Staff
Armor: Firebird Armlet
Accessory: Supernatural Wristguards

Best Equipment for This Battle



4-Point Shuriken Base Fully Upgraded
4-Point Shuriken Image Attack 46 72
Magic Attack 46 72
User Yuffie
Materia Slots
(Fully Upgraded)
Fully Upgraded Bonus Stats
Defense +8 Magic Defense +0
Max HP +500 Max MP +6
An oversized throwing star used by ninja from Wutai.


Indurate Staff Base Fully Upgraded
Indurate Staff Image Attack 71 105
Magic Attack 39 50
Materia Slots
(Fully Upgraded)
Fully Upgraded Bonus Stats
Defense +0 Magic Defense +0
Max HP +300 Max MP +5
A battle staff capped with iron ingots heavy enough to shatter bone.


Cog BangleCog Bangle 0 0 39 39 ○-○○



Weapon (4 Slots)
Armor (3 Slots)


Weapon (4 Slots)
Armor (3 Slots)

Yuffie & Sonon Vs. Shinra's Midgarian Monsters Battle Guide

Battle #1

Bugaboo ×16

Throw shuriken then Windstorm

At the start of the fight, throw your shuriken then use Windstorm. The area of effect of Windstorm should be large enough to take out all the Bugaboos in one hit, or at least deal a lot of damage.

Battle #2

Levrikon ×1
Horned Cripshay ×1

Focus on Horned Cripshay first

Both of these monsters are annoying if left alone, but Horned Cripshay can summon more enemies. Better to take it out as soon as possible and have a one-on-one with Levrikon.

Synergize against Both of them

To take out one of them quickly, synergize then focus them down by throwing all your synergy abilities. Ninja Cannonball is useful here to fill Sonon's ATB gauge whenever it successfully hits.

Battle #3

Type-0 Behemoth ×1

Don't use magic

Avoid using offensive spells in this fight while its horn is still intact. Using any offensive spells at it before crippling its horn can lead to a bad situation with its Counter Flare. This attack can deal a lot of damage, better to use physical attacks.

Criple its upper and lower torso

Type-0 Behemoth can be a tough enemy. Focusing on crippling its torso first will guarantee a stagger. Then focus on its horn while it's staggered and try to cripple it as soon as possible. It will regenerate its torso after leaving the stagger state, so you'll have to rinse and repeat until Type-0 Behemoth is down.

FF7 Remake Intergrade Related Links

Intergrade and INTERmission Guide

Intergrade Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Wutais Finest.jpgChapter 1: Wutai's Finest Chapter 2 Covert Ops.jpgChapter 2: Covert Ops

Intergrade Boss Fights

Chapter 1 Levrikon
Chapter 2 Scarlet & The Crimson Mare
Nero the Sable
Shinra Combat Simulator vs. Shinra's Dark Secrets
vs. Midgarian Monsters
Weiss the Immaculate
Pride and Joy Mk 0.5 (Top Secrets)

Intergrade Side Content

Happy Turtle Flyer Locations.jpgHappy Turtle Flyers Shinra Box Buster Start.jpgShinra Box Buster

Fort Condor Minigame

Fort Condor (1).pngFort Condor Guide Condor Coin Farming
Fort Condor Units
Fort Condor Boards

Intergrade Guides


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