FF7 Remake

Polk: Character and Voice Actor

Polk Character and Voice Actor
This is a profile of the character Polk from the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake)'s DLC Intergrade for the PS5. Read on to learn about this character's voice actor and characteristics.

INTERmission DLC - All Characters
Yuffie Icon.pngYuffie Sonon Icon.pngSonon Zhijie Icon.pngZhijie Nayo Icon.pngNayo
Billy Bob Icon.pngBilly Bob Polk Icon.pngPolk Nero Icon.pngNero Weiss Icon.pngWeiss
Melfi Icon.pngMelfi Scarlet.pngScarlet

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Polk Backstory and Profile

Pol Full Body.png

Polk, voiced by Daniel Amerman, is the youngest and newest member of Avalanche HQ. He's often treated as the younger brother of the team. While he's dedicated to Avalanche's cause, his current passion is Fort Condor—a board game that’s taken the undercity by storm.
Name Polk
Voice Actor English: Daniel Amerman
Japanese: Nobuyori Sagara
Organization Avalanche HQ

English Voice Actor: Daniel Amerman

Polk is voiced by Daniel Amerman in the English version of the game. Daniel has done a lot of live-action roles, some animated voices, and a few video games. One of his biggest roles that most people would recognize is being the voice of Ezreal, a champion from League of Legends. His acting performances have been small one-time roles in big shows like The Office and Arrested Development. With his work as Ezreal as an example, you can be sure he can bring the young Polk to life!

Polk Characteristics

Youngest Member of the Avalanche HQ

Polk Avalanche.jpg
Polk is the youngest member of the Avalanch HQ branch and is usually treated as the younger brother by the other members. The Avalanch branch he belongs to is a separate branch from Barret's branch. He is committed to the cause but also has been obsessed with Fort Condor.

Teaches Yuffie Fort Condor

Fort Condor (1).png
Besides being an Avalanche member, Polk is also an avid Fort Condor player. Fort Condor is a board game that is popular among the undercity. Polk introduces and teaches Yuffie how to play the game, which becomes a mini-game that you can play in the INTERmission DLC.
Fort Condor Guide

Character Links

Main Characters
cloudCloud AerithAerith BarretBarret TifaTifa
Best Build for Each Character
Character Ranking by Stat
Jessie.pngJessie Wedge.pngWedge Biggs.pngBiggs -
Shinra Company
Sephiroth.pngSephiroth Professor Hojo.pngHojo Reno.pngReno President Shinra.pngPresident
Rude.pngRude Heidegger.pngHeidegger Roche.pngRoche Tseng.pngTseng
Scarlet.pngScarlet Palmer.pngPalmer Reeve.pngReeve Rufus.pngRufus
Other Characters
Red XIII.pngRed XIII Don Corneo.pngDon Corneo Leslie.pngLeslie Andrea.pngAndrea
Madam M.pngMadam M Chocobo Sam.pngSam Kyrie.pngKyrie Zack Portrait.pngZack
Vincent Valentine Icon.pngVincent JenovaJenova - -
INTERmission DLC
Yuffie Icon.pngYuffie Sonon Icon.pngSonon Zhijie Icon.pngZhijie Nayo Icon.pngNayo
Billy Bob Icon.pngBilly Bob Polk Icon.pngPolk Nero Icon.pngNero Weiss Icon.pngWeiss
Melfi Icon.pngMelfi - - -

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