Black Myth: Wukong

How to Get Body-Fleeting Powder

Body-Fleeting Powder is one of the Items that you can collect in Black Myth: Wukong. Learn how to get Body-Fleeting Powder, its details and how to use it.

How to Get Body-Fleeting Powder

Buy from Xu Dog

Black Myth Wukong -  Xu Dog

You can buy Body-Fleeting Powder from Xu Dog's store for 540 Will after defeating Tiger Vanguard and opening the hatch in Crouching Tiger Temple, Temple Entrance. Proceed forward until you reach the Cellar shrine where you can encounter Xu Dog hiding in a pot.

How to Farm Will

How to Unlock Recipe

Gold Case Near New Thunderclap Temple: Temple Entrance

Go through the Temple Entrance and you will see two stair at the back. Take the left stairs and then go to the right. Keep going forward then go down the stairs to the left.

Go inside the building then up the stairs to the right to go outside.Go straight to the left until you see an altar with the gold case.

How to Use Body-Fleeting Powder

Used to Craft Armor

There are no armor that requires this item.

Used to Craft Weapons

There are no weapons that require this item.

Used to Upgrade Spirits

There are no spirits that require this item.

Body-Fleeting Powder Details

Body-Fleeting Powder Basic Information

Black Myth Wukong - Body-Fleeting PowderBody-Fleeting Powder Type Subtype Rarity
Items Fortifying Medicine Epic
Upon use, all actions cost no Stamina for a short duration.
Black Myth Wukong - Body-Fleeting PowderBody-Fleeting Powder Type Subtype Rarity
Ingredients Formula Epic
An ancient, tattered page records the formula for the Body-Fleeting Powder. Upon use, all actions cost no Stamina for a short duration.

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