Black Myth: Wukong

How to Beat Black Bear Guai

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Black Bear Guai is a Yaoguai King boss enemy found in the Black Wind Cave in Black Myth: Wukong. Read on to know more about Black Bear Guai, its location, rewards, as well as a detailed strategy on how to beat it.

Black Bear Guai Details and Location

Boss Overview

Enemy Information
Black Myth: Wukong - Black Bear GuaiBlack Bear Guai
Type Yaoguai King
Chapter Chapter 1
Location Black Wind Cave, Bodhi Peak
Journal Entry
In Guanyin's Grove, his greed won't cease, Southern tides bring no release. Schemes cloud his sight, On Bodhi Peak, he learnt life's worth is peace.

Final Boss of Chapter 1

Black Bear Guai is the last boss you will be facing in Chapter 1 before heading onto the next chapter.

Before moving on to the next chapter, consider completing any unfinished tasks or exploring the area further before taking on this boss.

Chapter 1: Black Cloud Red Fire Walkthrough Guide

Black Bear Guai is the Second Form of Black Wind King

Although they have different journal entries, Black Bear Guai is actually the second form of the previous boss, Black Wind King.

While their movesets and attacks differ, Black Bear Guai is significantly stronger.

Found Near Bodhi Peak Shrine

From the shrine, go upstairs and head inside the temple. Once you step in, the battle with Black Bear Guai will begin.

How to Beat Black Bear Guai

Black Bear Guai Strategy

Equip the Agate Jar

Curio Effect How to Get
Black Myth Wukong - Agate JarAgate Jar Moderately increases Defense.
(Defense +14)
Inside a crate north of the area near the Black Wind King fight at the Cave Interior in Black Wind Cave
Description: On the marbled rocks, the guardian stands majestic. Before the agate shore, there stands the mighty Moksa.

The Agate Jar is located just north of where you defeated the previous boss, Black Wind King. This Curio provides +14 Defense and will be especially useful in the upcoming boss fight.

List of All Curios

Avoid Using Heavy Attacks

In the first phase of the battle, Black Bear Guai primarily uses quick paw swipes. After three consecutive strikes, he'll be vulnerable to attacks.

However, your heavy attacks are slow, and Black Bear Guai can recover quickly, countering if you fail to stagger him. It's best not to do heavy attacks in this battle.

Second Phase at 50% HP

Once Black Bear Guai’s health drops to 50%, the second phase begins. The boss will be able to transform into a fiery orb, making it temporarily untouchable.

Be prepared though as when it reverts back into bear form, it will launch an aggressive attack. Keep the boss locked on to track its movements, and be ready to dodge.

New Moves in Second Phase

In its second phase, the boss gains new abilities. Its attacks can now cause burn damage, and it can ignite the ground.

To remove the Scorch Bane status inflicted by the boss, you’ll need to dodge roll at least five times until it wears off.

Use Fireproof Mantle During Second Phase

Vessel Details
Black Myth Wukong - Fireproof MantleFireproof Mantle Active Effect: For a short duration after activation, grants Burn Immunity and gradually increasing Focus. Highly effective in specific environments and against specific enemies.
Passive Effect: Significantly increases Burn Resistance, and grants immunity to Scorch Damage from lava-covered terrain.
How to Get: Defeat Elder Jinchi in Chapter 1's secret area

The Fireproof Mantle is a Vessel that grants Burn Immunity when used. You can obtain it by defeating the secret boss Elder Jinchi.

Save this for the second phase to maximize its effect, as it only lasts for a short duration.

List of All Vessels

Black Bear Guai Rewards

Rewards After Defeating Black Bear Guai

Rewards Description
Craving Eyes Craving Eyes
A glimpse reveals the foes' might. A talent tilts to an unfair fight. Identifies the yaoguais that bear Spirits.
Black Myth Wukong - Flame Ebongold.png Flame Ebongold
Special Crafting Material
"When fortune forsakes you, your gold dulls to iron; yet when embraced by luck, even your iron sharpens to gold." This material can be used for crafting weapons.
Black Myth Wukong - Silk.png Silk
General Armor Material
The thread produced by an old silkworm. This can be used to craft armor.
Black Myth Wukong - Yarn Icon.png Yarn
General Armor Material
By day, they patrol the hills; by night, they spin yarns. Such is the life os lesser guais. Their hard-earned yarn can be used to craft armor
Mind Core.png Mind Core
Rare Material
The mighty emply their corporeal forms as furnaces, and their essence, vigor, and spirit as ingredients, to forge a potent core, which may be harnessed to craft Celestial Medicines.
Spirit Stone.pngStone Spirit
General Weapon Material
This fortitude of the mountains and spirit of the rocks. This material can be used in crafting weapons.
Yaoguai Core.pngYaoguai Core
General Weapon Material
With their heart stained by cruelty and impudence, the lesser yaoguais can only forge immature cores within them. These can be used in crafting weapons.

Black Bear Guai Character Lore

Black Wind King's True Form

Black Bear Guai is the true form of the Black Wind King and a character in Journey to the West. Also known as Heifeng Guai, he lives in a cave in Black Wind Mountain and is friends with both Lingxuzi and the Whiteclad Noble.

In the novel, Black Bear Guai steals Tang Sanzang's Kasaya Robe after he puts out a fire in Guanyin Temple that Elder Jinchi started. Sun Wukong appeals to Guanyin for help, after which the goddess transforms into Lingxuzi and tricks him into swallowing the Monkey King disguised as a pill. Black Bear Guai then surrenders and converts to Buddhism.

All Wukong Character Lore

Black Myth: Wukong Related Guides

Black Myth Wukong Bosses

All Bosses

Bosses by Chapter

All Bosses by Chapter
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Chapter 6

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All Yaoguai Chiefs

List of All Yaoguai Chiefs
Bullguard Guangzhi Guangmou
Second Prince of Flowing Sands First Prince of Flowing Sands Tiger's Acolyte
Mad Tiger Mother of Stones Non-White
Captain Lotus-Vision Non-Able Ginseng Guai
Non-Pure Venom Daoist Non-Void
Apramana Bat Captain Kalpa-Wave Elder Armourworm
Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai Feng-Tail General Earth Wolf
Supreme Inspector Emerald-Armed Mantis Jiao-Loong of Waves
Macaque Chief Gold Armored Rhino Son of Stones
Poison Chief Lang-Baw-Baw Water-Wood Beast
Cloudtreading Deer Father of Stones Baw-Lang-Lang
Monk from the Sea Lang-Li-Guhh-Lang Centipede Guai
Commander Beetle Baw-Li-Guhh-Baw Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw
Gore-Eye Daoist Fungiwoman Buddha's Right Hand
The Second Sister Brown-Iron Cart Gray-Bronze Cart
Quick as Fire, Fast as Wind Cloudy Mist, Misty Cloud Rusty-Gold Cart
Crimson-Silver Cart Flint Chief Flint Vanguard
Mother of Flamlings Top Takes Bottom, Bottom Takes Top -

All Yaoguai Kings

List of All Yaoguai Kings
Lingxuzi Captain Wise-Voice Yellow Wind Sage
Black Wind King Black Bear Guai The Red Loong
Elder Jinchi Stone Vanguard Tiger Vanguard (Crouching Tiger Temple)
Black Loong Kang-Jin Loong Kang-Jin Star
Yellowbrow Hundred-Eye Daoist Master Violet Spider
The Duskveil Fuban Yaksha King
Shigandang The Scorpionlord Giant Shigandang
Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast

All Characters

List of All Characters
Whiteclad Noble Yellow-Robed Squire Man-in-Stone
Yin Tiger Zhu Bajie Keeper of Flaming Mountains
Pale-Axe Stalwart - -

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